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Introduction of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the conception of wound healing. Currently, there are an increased number of studies confirmed the high efficiency of this therapy in many clinical scenarios. Moreover, some innovations have been introduced in recent years to improve the management of complex and chronic wound. NPWT with instillation (NPWTi) combines traditional NPWT with application of topical irrigation solutions within bed of the wound. Bioburden reduction, decrease time to wound closure, promotion in granulation tissue formation, fewer operative visits have been revealed using NPWTi compared to standard NPWT. However, there are still some questioned aspect of the NPWTi and thus its superiority over standard NPWT has not been fully indicated. Moreover, based on current studies no firm conclusions have been taken concerning the type of instilled solution preferably used, range of dwell- time phase, range of negative pressure and others. The main goal of the publication is to overview and summarize the current state of art concerning NPWTi. Moreover, mechanisms of action, review of the most common used instilled solution are discussed and clinical evidence of NPWTi are described.
A common treatment of bad healing wounds is vacuum assisted therapy (negative pressure wound therapy). The main clinical goal are: reduced time of wound healing, decreasing frequency of septic complications, and better functional and cosmetic effect. One of the main contraidications include a malignant process in the patient, however, it is reported that in some cases it has achieved possitive results. 68 years-old man was admitted to the hospital due to resection of giant anal cancer. Because of severe problems with passing stool, size of the lesions, sphincter infiltration and full dysfunction, according to the patient’s acceptation abdominoperineal rectal resection with end colostomy was performed. An open, non-healed wound was a contraindication for radiotherapy – the most advisable type of treatment in advanced anal cancer. Despite of potential malignancy in the wound, because the non-healed wound delaying the radiotherapy the negative pressure wound therapy was introduced to improve healing, close the wound and enable radiotherapy. Potential benefits and risks of npwt treatment should always be considered. In some selected cases of oncologic patients after the surgery npwt can be considered, especially when our treatment is used in palliative management or even when the proliferation of neoplastic tissues does not affect the duration of life (paliative treatment, morbidity, old age etc.)    
The Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is an approved method of healing lower extremity ulcers of various origin, accelerating the wound closure process, thus decreasing the hospital-stay time and lowering the cost of the treatment. Although it is scarcely needed in developing countries such as Kenya, there is a lack of official supplier of the NPWT equipment. We present an improvised method of constructing a reliable and effective NPWT dressing form widely available tools in a case of treating a post-traumatic phlegmon in a HIV-positive patient.
Anal fistula (AF) is a pathological connection between anus and skin in its surroundings. The main reason for the formation of anal fistula is a bacterial infection of the glands within the anal crypts. One of the modern techniques for the treatment of fistulas that do not interfere with the sphincters consists in implantation of a plug made from collagen material. We are presenting the first Polish experience with a new model of biomaterial plug for the treatment of anal fistula. We also point out key elements of the procedure (both preoperative and intraoperative) associated with this method. In the authors’ opinion, the method is simple, safe and reproducible. Innovative shape of the plug minimizes the risk of its migration and rotation. It also perfectly blends with and adapts to the course and shape of the fistula canal, allowing it to become incorporated and overgrown with tissue in the fistula canal. The relatively short operation time, minor postoperative pain and faster convalescence are with no doubt additional advantages of the method. Long-term observation involving more patients is essential for evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment of fistulas with the new type of plug.
Background: Deep neck infection (DNI) is a life-threatening complication associated with significant mortality and morbidity rates. The most common causes of DNI are the tonsilitis, dentitis, salivary glands inflammation, malignancies, and foreign bodies. As a result of neck infection, patients are at high risk of potential secondary complications which include: descending mediastinitis, pleural empyema, septicemia, jugular vein thrombosis, pericarditis. We presented a case of successful management of DNI with the utility of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (iNPWT). Method: A 37-year-old male with deep neck infection due to dentitis was qualified for iNPWT. Due to previous incisions and drainage of the neck abscesses, some undermined wounds drained towards each other’s were revealed with an excessive amount of purulent content. Standard NPWT dressing was placed and polyurethane foam was covered with contact layer dressing. Additionally, an inflow drain was placed within one of the wounds in regard to instill an antimicrobial solution. The wound was instilled four times daily. Results: The patient underwent a total of eight iNWPT sessions. Locally, a reduction in purulent content was achieved with a decrease of wounds’ dimensions and improvement of wound bed granulation. Moreover, improvement of the patient’s general condition and decrease of inflammatory markers was achieved. Conclusions: iNPWT may play an important role in the management of combined, complicated wounds due to DNI. The instilled antimicrobial solution facilitates dissolving and removing of the purulent content that impairs the wound healing.
Pilonidal disease is a particularly difficult disorderto treat. Guidelines and recommendations for the treatment ofpilonidal disease neglect the use of negative pressure woundtherapy (NPWT), but studies strongly support the role of NPWTin preventing surgical site infection in high-risk patients.During a webinar on the pilonidal disease, we asked 51participants to complete a questionnaire about the treatmentof pilonidal disease. They answered questions about treatmentpractices for patients with a pilonidal disease, and the use ofNPWT.The study showed that a relatively large number of surgeonsuse NPWT to treat patients with the pilonidal disease. Themajority of them are satisfied with maintaining the tightnessand effectiveness of a vacuum dressing and would use thesingle-use NPWT systems if they were more easily available andaffordable. It seems that the NPWT in the pilonidal disease isincreasingly used and this method is gaining popularity amongpractitioners.
Acne inversa (AI) is a chronic inflammatory skindisease significantly impacting the patient’s quality of life.Management guidelines for acne inversa during pregnancy donot exist. We decided to use a single-use negative pressurewound therapy (PICO, Smith & Nephew) while managing apregnant patient with AI. Negative pressure wound therapy(NPWT) seemed to improve the patient’s condition, managingthe exudation, reducing edema, and improving local regeneration,as well as epithelialization. The method was also absolutelysafe for the fetus and feasible to conduct in the outpatientdepartment - what was of utmost importance for the patient.The telemedical monitoring of wound healing using mobiletechnologies seems to be gaining importance for patients andmedical practitioners. In the described case, we used the iWound(Polmedi, Poland) application in an outpatient setting.
Treatment of acne inversa (also known as hidradenitis suppurativa) is complicated and chronic. This debilitating, inflammatory disease of the follicular sacks affects mostly young adults and has a strong negative impact on their quality of life. We present a case of a 28 year old woman with a history of acneinversa of Hurley grade 2 for 6 years. Patient underwent surgical excision of the skin of the left inguinum followed by negative pressure therapy dressings for 2 and a half weeks (5 dressing changes). This allowed a full closure of the wound after 12 weeks and formation of a well accepted scar. Patient’s paindecreased from 4.5 to 1.5 according to visual assessment scale. We also noted a 28 point decrease in disease severity score according to Sartorius scale and a 19 point decrease in Dermatology Life Quality Index. Two years prior admission patient had undergone surgical treatment of her right inguinum with split thickness skin grafting, which healed for 26 weeks and yielded less satisfactory results. Comparison photographs of both treatment results are presented.
Przetoka odbytu (anal fistula, AF) jest patologicznym połączeniem odbytu i skóry okolicy odbytu. Główną przyczyną tworzenia się przetok odbytu jest infekcja bakteryjna gruczołów w obrębie krypt odbytowych. Jedną z nowoczesnych technik leczenia przetok nieingerujących w aparat zwieraczowy jest implantacja materiału kolagenowego w formie zatyczek. Poniżej przedstawiamy pierwsze polskie doświadczenia z nowym modelem zatyczki biomateriałowej stosowanym w leczeniu przetok odbytu oraz wskazujemy na kluczowe elementy postępowania przed- i śródoperacyjnego związanego z zastosowaniem tej metody. W opinii autorów metoda jest prosta, bezpieczna i powtarzalna. Nowatorska organizacja przestrzenna materiału minimalizuje ryzyko migracji i rotacji zatyczki oraz idealnie wkomponowuje się i dopasowuje do przebiegu i kształtu kanału przetoki, umożliwiając jej inkorporowanie i przerastanie przez tkanki kanału przetoki. Relatywnie krótki czas operacji, niewielkie pooperacyjne dolegliwości bólowe i szybsza rekonwalescencja są niewątpliwie dodatkowymi zaletami metody. W celu oszacowania skuteczności leczenia przetok z zastosowaniem nowego typu zatyczki kluczowa jest długoterminowa obserwacja obejmująca większą ilość pacjentów.
Cel: Nieszczelność zespolenia zbiornikowo-odbytniczego (IPAA, ang. ileal pouch anal anastomosis) to jedno z najcięższych powikłań po odtwórczej proktokolektomii (RPC, ang. restorative proctocolectomy). W pracy przedstawiono rzadki przypadek skutecznego leczenia nieszczelności zespolenia IPAA po zabiegu RPC bez wyłonienia stomii, przy zastosowaniu endoskopowej terapii podciśnieniowej. Metody: Do zabiegu endoskopowej terapii podciśnieniowej (EVT, ang. endoscopic vacuum therapy) zakwalifikowano 57-letniego pacjenta z nieszczelnością zespolenia zbiornikowo-odbytniczego po odtwórczej proktokolektomii, wykonanej z powodu wrzodziejącego zapalenia jelita grubego oraz z ropniem w okolicy przedkrzyżowej. Wykonano drenaż ropnia lewego pośladka, pozostawiając dren ssący Redona. Z powodu braku stomii, system odpowiedzialny za magazynowanie i przemieszczanie mas kałowych umieszczono w pętli doprowadzającej zbiornika jelitowego typu „J”, zaś EVT umieszczono bezpośrednio w miejscu rozejścia się zespolenia zbiornikowo-odbytniczego. EVT zmieniano co trzeci dzień. Wyniki: U pacjenta przeprowadzono łącznie pięć sesji EVT. Uzyskano poprawę stanu ogólnego pacjenta: ból miednicy mniejszej i gorączka ustąpiły, obniżyły się markery stanu zapalnego. Miejscowo doszło do wyleczenia rozejścia się zespolenia, znacznie zmniejszyła się wielkość ubytku, obserwowano jego spłycenie i rewaskularyzację. W badaniach obrazowych nie stwierdzono przewlekłej przetoki przedkrzyżowej ani żadnej innej nieprawidłowości w okolicy okołoodbytniczej w czasie 5-miesięcznego okresu obserwacyjnego. Wnioski: Endoskopowa terapia podciśnieniowa to obiecująca metoda leczenia nieszczelności zespolenia zbiornikowo-odbytniczego. Mimo że nieszczelność IPAA jest niezwykle trudne do zaopatrzenia, EVT może stanowić metodę z wyboru we wczesnych, septycznych powikłaniach związanych ze zbiornikiem jelitowym po proktokolektomii odtwórczej bez wyłonienia stomii.
Wstęp: Choroba uchyłkowa jest najczęstszym schorzeniem przewodu pokarmowego. Prawie połowa osób z uchyłkami doświadcza objawowej niepowikłanej choroby uchyłkowej (ONChU; ang. symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease – SUDD). Cele: Celem głównym badania była ocena skuteczności terapii skojarzonej rifaksyminą-α i arabinogalaktanem w połączeniu z laktoferyną w redukcji objawów i normalizacji częstości wypróżnień. Ponadto oceniono skuteczność w zapobieganiu nawrotom ONChU i stosowanie się pacjentów do terapii skojarzonej (ang. compliance). Materiał i metody: W 2019 roku przeprowadzono retrospektywne badanie obserwacyjne wśród lekarzy doświadczonych w leczeniu choroby uchyłkowej (ChU) w Polsce. Włączono do niego pacjentów z wcześniejszymi epizodami nawrotów ONChU, którzy byli leczeni terapią skojarzoną (rifaksymina-α w dawce co najmniej 400 mg dwa razy dziennie/7 dni/ każdego miesiąca cyklicznie oraz ciągłą suplementacją arabinogalaktanem w połączeniu z laktoferyną, 1 saszetka dziennie). Pacjentów oceniano po 3 i 6 miesiącach od momentu włączenia terapii skojarzonej, pod względem redukcji objawów ONChU w trzypunktowej skali. Analizie poddano: metody diagnostyczne, leczenie ONChU i jego wyniki, a także przestrzeganie zaleceń przez pacjentów. Wyniki: 281 pacjentów spełniło kryteria włączenia i zostało poddanych dalszej ocenie (67,6% kobiet, mediana wieku 65 lat). Po 6 miesiącach leczenia skojarzonego doszło do istotnej statystycznie redukcji ciężkości objawów ocenianych łącznie; (suma z 8,5 [maks. 15 punktów] do 1,28; p < 0,0001); oraz w zakresie każdego z objawów oddzielnie (mediana z 1,7 [maks. 3 punkty] do 0,26; p < 0,0001). Częstotliwość wypróżniania uległa normalizacji w każdej grupie. Ogółem u 31,7% doszło do całkowitego ustąpienia objawów. Przestrzeganie zaleceń terapeutycznych przez pacjentów (compliance) było bardzo dobre i dobre w 92,9% przypadków. Wnioski i omówienie: Terapia skojarzona rifaksyminą-α stosowaną cyklicznie z preparatem arabinogalaktanu w połączeniu z laktoferyną stosowanym na stałe jest skuteczna w leczeniu ONChU, redukcji jej objawów, normalizacji częstości wypróżnień, zapobieganiu nawrotom, przy bardzo dobrym przestrzeganiu zaleceń terapeutycznych przez pacjentów.
Aim An ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) leak is one of the most severe complication after restorative proctocoletomy (RPC). We present a rare case of a successful management of IPAA leak after RPC without defunctionig stoma with the utility of endoscopic vacuum therapy. Methods A 57-year-old male with a ileal pouch anal anastomosis leak after RPC due to ulcerative colitis with presacral abscess was qualified for endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT). The abscess of the left buttock was drained and secured with suction drain (redon drain). Due to the lack of defunctioning stoma, a system for contain and divert fecal matter was placed within afferent limb of the J-pouch and EVT was placed directly within IPAA dehiscence. EVT was changed every third day. Results The patient underwent a total of five EVT sessions. Improvement of patient’s general condition characterized with lack of pelvic pain, fever and reduction of inflammatory markers was achieved. Locally, anastomosis dehiscence was healed with prominent reduction in the defect’s dimension, contraction and revascularization. Based on imaging studies no chronic presacral sinus or any other perianal disturbances were revealed at the time of five months follow up. Conclusions EVT is a promising method for management of IPAA leak. Although, it remains extremely difficult, EVT may serve as a method of choice in early pouch-related septic complications after RPC performed without defunctioning stoma
Background: Diverticulosis is the most common finding in the GI tract. Nearly half of the people with diverticula experience symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD). Aims: The primary endpoints of our study were to assess the effectiveness of combined therapy with rifaximin-α and arabinogalactan-lactoferrin in symptom reduction and normalization of bowel movements. The secondary endpoints were an assessment of efficacy in SUDD recurrence prevention and patients’ compliance to the combined therapy. Material and methods: A retrospective observational survey study was performed in 2019 among physicians experienced in diverticular disease (DD) treatment in Poland. Patients with previous episodes of recurrences treated with combined therapy (cyclic rifaximin-α at least 400 mg b.i.d/7 days/every month and continuous arabinogalactan-lactoferrin supplementation 1 sachet daily) were assessed after 3 and 6 months regarding symptoms’ resolution in the three-point scale. The patients’ SUDD history, diagnostic methods, treatment, and results, as well as patients’ compliance were evaluated. Results: 281 patients met inclusion criteria, and were further evaluated (67.6% women, median age 65 years). After 6 months of combined treatment, there was statistically significant reduction in the total severity score (sum from 8.5 [max 15 points] to 1.28; p < 0.0001); and improvement in each symptom score (median from 1.7 [max 3 points] to 0.26; p < 0,001). Stool frequency statistically normalized in every group. As many as 31.7% had complete symptom resolution. Patients’ compliance with the therapy was very good and good in 92.9% of cases. Conclusions and discussion: Combined therapy with cyclic rifaximin-α and continuous arabinogalactan combination with lactoferrin is effective in SUDD treatment in terms of symptom resolution, bowel movement normalization, prevention of recurrences with very good patient’s compliance.
An increased number of patients developing difficult-to-heal wounds results in billions spending for chronic wound care management. Introduction of TIME conception has been a breakthrough idea for wound healing based on phase-adapted wound therapy that interacts and influence each other and included: T – tissue management, I - infection control, M - moisture balance, E - edge of the wound. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the management of wound healing. Moreover, recently NPWT with instillation (iNPWT) has gained the popularity of optimizing wound healing. In the context of acceleration of wound healing, iNPWT meets the criteria of the TIME conception. All individual components of TIME strategy are found in iNPWT providing “all in one” conception. Such management is easy to apply, monitor and it is well- tolerated by patients. Based on the current studies, iNPWT is found to be an important alternative for other methods of wound healing. It is believed that iNPWT will evolve and gain popularity as an innovative treatment for TIME conception.
Wprowadzenie: U pacjentów z objawową niepowikłaną chorobą uchyłkową bardzo istotna jest profilaktyka zapaleń uchyłków i związanych z nimi powikłań. Standardowo rekomendowana profilaktyka opiera się o cykliczne stosowanie rifaksyminy alfa. Cel: Celem niniejszego badania była ocena wpływu dodatkowej suplementacji preparatem prebiotycznym, zawierającym błonnik rozpuszczalny arabinogalaktan oraz laktoferynę, u pacjentów z chorobą uchyłkową jelita grubego, stosujących standardową terapię cykliczną przy użyciu rifaksyminy alfa (Xifaxan tabl. 200 mg w dawce 2x400 mg przez 7 dni raz w miesiącu / cyklicznie co miesiąc). Materiał i metoda: Pacjenci podzieleni zostali na dwie grupy. W grupie I (58 osób) otrzymywali oni standardową profilaktykę zaostrzeń choroby uchyłkowej, tj. rifaksyminę alfa (Xifaxan tabl. 200mg), 2x dziennie 400 mg przez 7 dni; cykle powtarzano co miesiąc. W grupie II (63 osób), oprócz powyższego schematu, stosowano dodatkowo preparat prebiotyczny błonnika rozpuszczalnego arabinogalaktan (5g) z laktoferyną (50 mg) 1x dziennie 1 saszetka przez okres 3 miesięcy. Badanie ukończyło 108 pacjentów. Ocenie poddano: częstość wypróżnień, konsystencję stolca, występowanie dolegliwości bólowych, jakość życia według polskiej wersji kwestionariusza GIQLI, inne dolegliwości/objawy, mogące mieć związek ze stosowanym preparatem (zdarzenia niepożądane), liczbę wizyt ambulatoryjnych, hospitalizacji i operacji z powodu choroby uchyłkowej jelita grubego i jej powikłań. Pacjenci poddani zostali 3-miesięcznej obserwacji. Wyniki: W obydwu badanych grupach stwierdzono znamienne zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych i poprawę jakości życia. W grupie II dodatkowo zaobserwowano znamienną poprawę w zakresie normalizacji częstości wypróżnień i konsystencji stolca. Wzrost jakości życia był w tej grupie znamiennie wyższy niż w grupie pacjentów poddanych standardowej profilaktyce tylko z rifaksyminą alfa (p = 0.00146). Wnioski: U pacjentów z objawową niepowikłaną chorobą uchyłkową model profilaktycznej terapii kompleksowej, obejmującej łączne stosowanie rifaksyminy alfa z prebiotykiem arabinogalaktanem i laktoferyną, pozwala na uzyskanie bardzo dobrych wyników. W przypadku terapii kompleksowej minimalizowane jest ryzyko zaostrzeń czy powikłań przy jednoczesnej znaczącej poprawie w zakresie wypróżnień, zmniejszenia dolegliwości bólowych i poprawie jakości życia.
Introduction: Prevention of diverticulitis and diverticulitis-related complications is very important in patients with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD). The standard recommended practice is based on cyclic administration of rifaximin alpha. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of additional supplementation with a prebiotic consisting of soluble fiber arabinogalactan and lactoferrin in patients with diverticular disease receiving standard cyclic treatment with rifaximin alpha (Xifaxan 200 mg tablets at a dose of 2x400 mg for 7 days once a month in a cyclic regimen). Material and method: Patients were divided into two groups: group I (58 patients) received standard prophylaxis of diverticular disease exacerbation episodes with rifaximin alpha (Xifaxan 200 mg tablets) at a dose of 400 mg bid for 7 days in a cyclic regimen. Subjects in group II (63 patients) received the above regimen with the addition of a prebiotic containing soluble fiber arabinogalactan (5 g) and lactoferrin (50 mg) at a dose of 1 sachet per day for 3 months. The study was completed by 108 patients. Frequency of bowel movements, stool consistency, and incidence of pain were evaluated. Quality of life was measured using the Polish version of the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI) questionnaire. Other parameters under observation included complaints/symptoms possibly associated with the use of the study product (adverse effects), numbers of outpatient visits, hospitalizations and surgeries due to diverticular disease and complications of the disease. Patients were followed up for 3 months. Results: Significant reduction of pain and improvement in the quality of life was observed in both study groups. In addition, significant improvement regarding normalization of bowel movement frequency and stool consistency was observed in group II. The increase in the quality of life was significantly higher in group II patients as compared to patients receiving standard prophylactic treatment with rifaximin alpha alone (P = 0.00146). Conclusions: In patients with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease, very good results can be obtained with the combined prophylactic therapy consisting of rifaximin alpha with prebiotic arabinogalactan and lactoferrin. Such a combination therapy minimizes the risk of exacerbation or complications and, at the same time, significantly improves bowel movements, reduces pain, and increases the quality of life.
Anastomotic leak in the gastrointestinal tract is one of the most important complications of resection. They are the main cause of reoperation, their occurrence worsens the prognosis of the patient, increasing the proportion of direct mortality, as well as being a significant risk factor for recurrence of cancer. The risk of leaks within the gastrointestinal tract is greatly varied, depending on the location and extent of the resection, but also on patient, disease or a surgical procedure, including surgeon. To determine the potential risk of leakage can be significant for introduction some prophylactic actions. Some of them have the character of general recommendations, as proper nutrition of the patient in the perioperative period, while another part is directly connected to the surgical procedure. The second group includes protective stoma, the use of tissue glues, insertion transrectal drain for rectal anastomosis decompression, the use of stents or the use of collagen matrix coated with fibrinogen and thrombin. Important to reduce the proportion of leaks can be more precise and targeted prophylactic recommendations, based on the individualized determination of risk factors leaks. Further research for this purpose are necessary for this purpose, the big hope can be associated with data obtained through mobile applications.
Perirectal fistulas in the course of Crohn’s disease (CD) constitute an important problem in this group of patients. They are observed in a vast majority of patients with involvement through colorectal inflammation. Perirectal fistulas in CD present a great diagnostic and therapeutic challenge due to the intensified clinical symptoms and worse prognosis than in the case of crypt originating fistulas. The condition for implementation of effective treatment of perirectal fistulas in the course of CD is the correct diagnosis, defining the anatomy of fistulas, presence of potential stenoses and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of these fistulas is difficult and requires close cooperation between the colorectal surgeon and the gastroenterologist. The combination of surgical and pharmacological treatment has higher efficacy compared to surgical treatment or pharmacotherapy alone. In conservative treatment, aminosalicylates and steroids are of minor importance, while chemotherapeutics, antibiotics, and thiopurines find application in daily clinical practice. TNF-α neutralizing antibodies such as infliximab (IFX), adalimumab (ADA) or certolizumab (CER) prove to be the most effective. Surgical treatment may be provided as ad hoc; in this case, drainage procedures are recommended, usually with leaving a loose seton. Planned procedures consist in the excision of fistulas (simple fistulas) or performing more complex procedures, such as advancement flaps or ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract Surgical measures can be complemented by the use of video technology (video-assisted anal fistula treatment VAAFT) or vacuum therapy. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to create the stoma. Treatment of perirectal fistulas includes adhesives or so-called plugs. High hopes may be associated with the introduction of stem cells into clinical practice, which is the administration of non-hematopoietic multipotent cells to the fistulas to induce the phenomenon of immunomodulation and tissue healing.
Background: The use of Negative Pressure Wound Dressing has been found to promote the wound healing process, therefore, reducing the risk of surgical site complications. The use of this technique amongst breast cancer patients, who have often encountered a distressing journey, may prove beneficial in making the post-operative process less eventful. Many of these patients have a limited time window to start adjuvant treatment. The use of a negative pressure device is recommended in both prophylactic and therapeutic scenarios. NPWT may also be used in patients who have undergone cosmetic breast surgery. We have evaluated the use of NPWT in breast surgery with an updated and systematic review of the available literature. Methods: The authors systematically searched the PubMed, Science Direct, and Wiley Online databases using the phrases “Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Breast surgery” and “Vacuum-Assisted Closure in Breast Wound” and all publications, including relevant data were considered eligible for inclusion in the review. Results: We have found reports of 7 studies, 3 retrospective, 2 prospective, one randomized trial, and one case series. The complication rate in the NPWT group versus conventional dressing group has been reported in 5 papers. A statistically significant effect in favor of NPWT was documented in three trials. Conclusion: The current evidence supports the notion that NPWT systems are beneficial in enhancing the healing of complicated breast wounds. However, larger studies exploring the effectiveness of this technique would be of interest to breast surgeons.
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