The Aim of research is to improve the results of surgical treatment of incisional ventral hernia by applying a case-specific approach and a new method of plastic repair of anterior abdominal wall. The prospective controlled dynamic study is based on incisional ventral hernia treatment results with the use of meshed endoprostheses among 219 patients. On-lay alloplasty was used in patients younger than 60 years of age, without severe concomitant pathology, with small and medium hernias and anterior abdominal wall defect of up to 10 cm (W1 - W2). The article shows a selection algorithm for anterior abdominal wall plastic repair method. It goes through advantages of the author’s proprietary technique. The article displays frequency and patterns of complications, life quality of the patients after various prosthetic plastic repairs. In the main group, positive treatment results were observed in 65.0%, long-term results of the operation were observed in 88.4%, complications occurred in 13.6%, relapse in 4.5%. «On lay» treatment tactics showed positive results in 59.4%, long-term results of the operation were observed in 74.7%, complications occurred in 40%, relapse in 3.1%. After «sub lay» intervention, excellent results were observed in 40.0% of patients, long-term results of the operation were observed in 81.9%, complications occurred in 12%, and relapse in 1.4%.
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