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Sport has an important place among the basic factors of "modern life" in the 21st century. The governments and sources of power, which shape and direct the society, produce and promote all kinds of goods and politics by using sports as a medium in a mechanism that embraces the whole life. This both creates a large area of movement for these power sources and also makes it possible to give the target audiences an unlimited area of freedom. Sport, as a social institution, has close and intense interactions with other social institutions like family, education, economy and media. Media has become an irreplaceable part of our social lives, especially with the effect of technological developments. Many social scientists have, in their researches, questioned the effects of mass communication vehicles on personal and social life, and tried to explain the individual and social behavior models by using sociological and socio-psychological approaches. Media and sport are indeed structures, which influence and nurture each other. However, in Turkey, one cannot claim that the broadcasting policy of the sport media has developed by consciously following the sports agenda. Objective: In this study it was aimed to show the degree of interest in, and consumption of, the sports media in Turkey. Material and Method: 400 students who study at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Marmara University (MU) have participated in our study. The study comprised of students who are active and inactive in sports. The survey included 46 questions on all sports branches (e.g. volleyball, basketball, winter sports, summer sports). The results have been reached by evaluating the survey on students' interest in sports, and their consumption of sports media.
This paper discusses the significance of expression through movement in modern education. People's attitudes towards their body image are described both in the context of physical culture and as they are perceived by society. Also discussed are the necessary changes to be made in physical education programs.The aim of the study is to analyze students' attitudes towards movement expression as a manifestation of body consciousness and the importance of using it in different aspects of social life. The study was carried out with 224 students from the University of Physical Education and the University of Technology in Warsaw. The paper is based both on opinion polls and empirical study. Different research methods, such as a questionnaire and an analysis of documentation, were applied.The resulting analysis indicates the need for movement expression in youth, both for personal and career development, nowadays an essential factor of success. Expression through movement is an important field of physical education that should be developed in modern times. Therefore it seems justifiable to include it in physical education programs at schools and universities. Above all, expression can become a useful tool for functioning in a dynamically changing social environment.
An integral part of a reasonable, creative, valuable, and positive way of life is also personal responsibility for individual physical and psychical shape and good health: a sound state of body and soul, freedom from disease, bodily conditions, and a wish for health and happiness. In this context we are increasingly aware of the great importance of sport not only as a part of mass culture, but broadly understood, for individual and social health and well-being. Physical activity of people plays an increasingly more important role in scientific interest regarding the way of life of contemporary society, and it is a very important factor in the process of officiating the level of a healthy and active lifestyle, quality of life, and health in general. The indispensable role of physical activity in the course of human life is permanently and scientifically confirmed in the context of the prevention of obesity.The development of a sedentary life style is the result of a socialization process towards physical inactivity developed in youth and continued into adulthood. At the present we face in our cultural settings an apparent tendency: people are more and more individualized, losing the beneficial impacts of community activities, involved in passive way of life, and lacking proper level of physical activities and active sport. The phenomenon of physical activity has also been considered from the perspective of the EURO-PRE-VOB project: accenting built environmental as an aspect of way of life. The Czech Republic is, on the level of mass sport, strongly influenced by the existence of new development of the city structure, including fitness centres, bicycling paths, roller-skating stadiums, beach volleyball playing fields, and golf courses. The national support of sport is, nowadays, divided into the support of top sports, performance sports, and new waves in sports (e.g. sports for everyone - for all), sports for school, which are then on the regional level (and by the various sport organizations) subsidized from other sources and, moreover, not coordinately.
Wstęp: Społeczne postrzeganie niepełnosprawności jest często poważniejszym problemem niż sama niepełnosprawność. Akceptacja osób z niepełnosprawnością przez otoczenie społeczne ma kluczowe znaczenie, gdyż sprzyja ich wszechstronnemu rozwojowi lepiej niż działania podejmowanie w ramach rehabilitacji indywidualnej. Celem pracy była analiza postrzegania osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną przez społeczeństwo. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego przy użyciu autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety w marcu 2023 roku. Do badań włączono 314 poprawnie wypełnionych ankiet, wypełnianych przez osoby w wieku pomiędzy 18 a 67 lat (śr. 25,97 ± 7,97 lat).  Przyjęto poziom istotności p<0,05. Wyniki: Aż 32,48% (n = 102) ankietowanych przyznaje, że ma w swojej rodzinie lub otoczeniu osobę niepełnosprawną intelektualnie. Wśród badanych 54,14% zna lokalne organizacje zrzeszające osoby niepełnosprawne intelektualnie i ich rodziny, gdzie 17,20% osób przyznało, że pełniło wolontariat w takiej organizacji. Chęć zastania wolontariuszem takiej organizacji wyraziło 44,90% osób. Ankietowani zdecydowaną większością zgodzili się, że osoby niepełnosprawne intelektualnie powinny brać udział w życiu lokalnej wspólnoty (91,40%). Większość badanych (79,62%) uważa, że osoby niepełnosprawne intelektualnie posiadają takie same potrzeby seksualne jak reszta społeczeństwa, następnie 15,61% twierdzi, że nie posiadają one potrzeb seksualnych, a 2,87% powiązuje potrzeby seksualne osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie z ich stopniem i rodzajem niepełnosprawności. Wnioski: Społeczeństwo wykazuje przejawy tolerancji bezwysiłkowej – nie chce mieć bliższych relacji z osobami z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, ale jednocześnie nie ma nic przeciwko, aby takie osoby brały udział w życiu społecznym. Badani wykazują się niedostateczną wiedzą z zakresu seksualności osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie.
Introduction: Social perception of disability is often a more serious problem than the disability itself. Acceptance of people with disabilities by the social environment is crucial, as it promotes their all-round development better than measures taken in individual rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to analyze the perception of people with intellectual disabilities by residents of the Tarnów region. Material and methods: The study was conducted by a diagnostic survey method using the author's survey questionnaire in March-May 2023. 314 correctly completed questionnaires were included in the study, completed by people between 18 and 67 years of age (mean 25.97 ± 7.97 years). A significance level of p < 0.05 was adopted. Results: As many as 32.48% (n = 102) of the respondents admit that they have a person with intellectual disabilities in their family or neighborhood. Among the respondents, 54.14% are familiar with local organizations for people with intellectual disabilities and their families, where 17.20% of people admitted that they have done volunteer work for such an organization. A willingness to become a volunteer for such an organization was expressed by 44.90% of people. Respondents overwhelmingly agreed that people with intellectual disabilities should participate in the life of the local community (91.40%). The majority of respondents (79.62%) believe that intellectually disabled people have the same sexual needs as the rest of society, followed by 15.61% who say they have no sexual needs, and 2.87% associate the sexual needs of intellectually disabled people with their degree and type of disability. Conclusions: Society shows signs of effortless tolerance – it does not want to have closer relations with people with intellectual disabilities, but at the same time does not mind that such people participate in society. Respondents show insufficient knowledge of the sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities.
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