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The soil contaminated with petroleum products must be excluded from the crops and treated to reclamation processes. Natural processes of decomposition of hydrocarbon compounds go very slow, so it is necessary to use bioaugumentation or stimulation in order to accelerate the return of the soil to high culture. In this study the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the process of cleaning soil strongly contaminated with pertochemicals was investigated. For this purpose, a pot experiment lasting 60 days was carried. The dynamics of changes in the population of filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria were examined and also content of aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes), monoaromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Experimental use of hydrogen peroxide in the process of biodegradation of petroleum compounds assisted in the analyzed soil led to an increase of the number of grampositive bacteria during the test. Stimulation of oil products biodegradation by hydrogen peroxide also increased by 35% decomposition efficiency of aliphatic hydrocarbons (C8-C40) and about 50% PAH’s in comparison to control samples without hydrogen peroxide. There was no influence of hydrogen peroxide on the content of monoaromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) with respect to controls, although in the end of experiment, the total concentration decreased by about 50% compared to the initial content.
This study was carried out to monitor the presence of organochlorine in drainage water in Kafr-El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiencies of different remediation techniques (advanced oxidation processes [AOPs] and bioremediation) for removing the most frequently detected compound (lindane) in drainage water. The results showed the presence of several organochlorine pesticides in all sampling sites. Lindane was detected with high frequency relative to other detected organochlorine in drainage water. Nano photo-Fenton like reagent was the most effective treatment for lindane removal in drainage water. Bioremediation of lindane by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed 100% of the lindane initial concentration. There is no remaining toxicity in lindane contaminated-water after remediation on treated rats relative to control with respect to histopathological changes in liver and kidney. Advanced oxidation processes especially with nanomaterials and bioremediation using effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies of lindane in water.
Studies on the currently used organophosphorus insecticides with respect to their environmental levels and effective remediation technologies for their residues in water have been considered as a source of major concern. This study was carried out to monitor the presence of organophosphorus in drinking water plants (Kafr-El-Shiekh, Ebshan, Elhamoul, Mehalt Aboali, Fowa, Balteem and Metobess) in Kafr-El-Shiekh Governorate, Egypt. Furthermore, it was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of different remediation technologies (advanced oxidation processes and bioremediation) for removing chlorpyrifos in drinking water. The results showed the presence of several organophosphorus pesticides in water sampling sites. Chlorpyrifos was detected with high frequency relative to other compounds in drinking water. Nano photo-Fenton like reagent (Fe2O3(nano)/H2O2/UV) was the most effective treatment for chlorpyrifos removal in drinking water followed by ZnO(nano)/H2O2/UV, Fe3+/H2O2/UV and ZnO/H2O2/ UV, respectively. Bioremediation of chlorpyrifos by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed 100% of the chlorpyrifos initial concentration after 23 days of treatment. There is no remaining toxicity in chlorpyrifos contaminated-water after remediation on treated rats with respect to cholinesterase activity and histological changes in kidney and liver relative to control. Advanced oxidation processes especially with nanomaterials and bioremediation with effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies for chlorpyrifos in drinking water.
The effects of the impact of four organic compounds (ascorbic acid, biotin, glucose and sucrose) on ash, protein, fiber, fat and amino acid contents in the freshwater Aegagropila linnaei biomass were examined in 7 and 14 days of cultivations in high concentrations of tested compounds (100 mg L-1). The presence of examined organic compounds had a negligible effect on the development of algae and their biomass composition. There were no significant differences in the amino acids composition in the biomass in the presence of organic compounds compared to the test system. However, the increase in ash content was observed irrespective of the cultivation time in the case of all used organic compounds. Only slight differences in crude fat concentration were observed in the case of 7 days cultivation with ascorbic acid, biotin and sucrose, while the highest increase of ash content was observed after 14 days of supplementation with glucose. None of the compounds affected changes in amino acid content in the Aegagropila linnaei biomass. The results suggest that an environment enriched with the test organic compounds had only minimal, or at most short-term, effects on the algal biomass composition.
W świetle postępującej degradacji środowiska naukowcy i inżynierowie szukają coraz bardziej zaawansowanych metod pozwalających na ochronę, remediację i rekultywację ekosystemów. Obecnie preferowane są rozwiązania holistycznie, biorące pod uwagę nie tylko aspekty środowiskowe, ale również ekonomiczne i społeczne. Fitotechnologie to metody remediacji i zatrzymywania zanieczyszczeń oparte o wykorzystanie roślin, procesów zachodzących w ich tkankach oraz w ryzosferze. Zwiększanie pokrywy roślinnej powiększa pojemność środowiska poprzez filtrację wody, kontrolę cykli biogeochemicznych, a także tworzenie siedlisk i zwiększanie bioróżnorodności. Rośliny mają też pewną wartość estetyczną, dlatego ich wykorzystanie w celu rozwiązywania problemów środowiskowych jest mile widziane przez społeczeństwo. Wśród zalet fitotechnologii należy również wymienić ich koszt, który szacunkowo jest około 10-20% niższy niż analogicznej skuteczności rozwiązanie tradycyjne (Vaněk i inni 2010). Dobór odpowiedniego rozwiązania podyktowany jest celem przedsięwzięcia. Najczęściej wykorzystywane rozwiązania zatrzymujące zanieczyszczenia to stabilizujące pokrywy roślinne i drzewne bariery hydrauliczne. Rozwiązania mające na celu zniszczenie zanieczyszczenia to pokrywy i drzewostany fitoremediacyjne. Część rozwiązań ma potencjał remediacyjny, ale także zatrzymuje zanieczyszczenia, to m.in.: strefy buforowe, adaptowane zbiorniki małej retencji oraz oczyszczalnie hydrofitowe. Wykorzystanie fitotechnologii ograniczone jest stężeniami zanieczyszczeń, których rośliny mogą nie przetrwać oraz warunkami klimatycznymi i sezonowymi, a także koniecznością poświęcenia dużego obszaru pod uprawę. Ponadto zabiegi wykorzystujące rośliny są stosunkowo nowymi rozwiązaniami i jeszcze nie wszystko wiadomo o ich możliwościach i konsekwencjach użycia.
Phytotechnologies are plant based technologies of remediation and containment of pollutions. Many advantages of phytotechnologies such as control of water and biogeochemical cycles, positive impact on soil characteristics and lowering the risk of erosion, contaminant immobilization and destruction, habitat restoration, low costs of implementation, and high public acceptance, decide that in more and more cases it is a preferred and recommended method of rehabilitation. Vegetation selected to the particular site conditions and having required characteristics will shape other biotic communities. It is thus immensely important to gather detailed knowledge about all the elements and processes occurring at the place of interest, before employing adequate phytotechnology application.
Stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) is a sudden-onset neurological deficit resulting from focal vascular lesions. This is due to a clot-induced obstruction of a vessel (ischemic stroke) or a rupture of a vessel causing haemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke). The management of neuro-injured patients (AVC) is a major public health problem. The principal aim of this study is to evaluate the short and long term neuropsychological sequences following a neurological accident of neuro-injured patients hospitalized at the Kenitra Provincial Center (Morocco) in comparison with the control group. We tested 34 stroke patients, with an average age sample of 59.12 years, for a standard deviation of 14.35 with extremes between 32 and 82 years. Of these patients, 20 were female (58.82%) and 14 male (41.18%). The sex ratio is 0.7 in favour of the female sex. Both the neuro-lesioned patients and the control group benefited from neuropsychological tests. In the neurocognitive evaluation we used three neuropsychological tests: (a) The bell test or non-verbal bell dam test allows for a selective, visuospatial and strategic attentional evaluation; (b) Raven's test focuses on the nonverbal neuropsychological intelligence where the subject is led to analyze and solve each test problem based on inductive reasoning; (c) The digit memory test is a test to evaluate the short-term verbal memory and working memory capabilities of stroke patients. Our results showed through the various neurocognitive tests that our stroke patients obtained lowers score, compared to the control group (p <0.05). Raven Standard Progress Matrix Test Scores (SPMR):(Mean-Patients = 32.49, SD = 7.43 < Mean-Controls = 42.01, SD = 3.98). Digit Memory Test scores: Forward digit span (Mean-Patients = 2.21, SD = 0.5
Natural Attenuation (NA) in the case of groundwater contaminated with organic compounds relies mainly on intrinsic biodegradation processes. The aim of reliance on natural processes is to achieve site-specific cleanup objectives within reasonable time frames and costs. Such approach may be considered as a risk reduction/remedial option for groundwater contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE). This case study presents implementation of the US EPA’s guideline „Technical protocol for evaluating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater” to asses intrinsic biodegradation potentials in TCE and PCE contaminated groundwater in the vicinity of Nowa Deba waterworks (south-east Poland). Literature and field data collected from wells and piezometers were used to develop a conceptual model of contaminants’ fate and transport from a source to a receptor. The intrinsic biodegradation was investigated basing on available analytical parameters (eg concentrations of oxygen, nitrates, chlorides, and pH, TOC and temperature) that are considered as indicators of TCE and PCE transformation. Preliminary screening was done by giving certain points for these parameters, and interpreted in order to asses intrinsic biodegradation potentials. The results indicate inadequate evidence for intrinsic biodegradation (reductive dehalogention) of TCE and PCE, thus a limited potential for NA as a remedial/risk reduction option in the studied case, unless some measures for enhancement of TCE and PCE intrinsic biodegradation are applied.
Samooczyszczenie (ang. natural attenuation - NA) w przypadku wód podziemnych zanieczyszczonych substancjami organicznymi, polega głównie na samoistnej biodegradacji zanieczyszczeń. Oparcie remediacji na naturalnych procesach zakłada osiągnięcie wymaganych efektów oczyszczania specyficznych dla danego terenu przy zachowaniu rozsądnych ram czasowych i kosztów. Takie podejście może być zastosowane jako jedna z opcji likwidacji zagrożenia/remediacji wody podziemnej zanieczyszczonej trichloroetenem (TCE) i tetrachloroetenem (PCE) w rejonie ujęcia Nowa Dęba (południowo-wschodnia Polska). Do oceny możliwości samoistnej biodegradacji TCE i PCE w rejonie Nowej Dęby wykorzystano procedurę opisaną w dokumencie US EPA „Technical protocol for evaluating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in ground water”. Dane archiwalne oraz wyniki badań terenowych zostały wykorzystane do opracowania modelu koncepcyjnego transportu zanieczyszczeń od ogniska do receptora. Samoistną biodegradację oceniono na podstawie dostępnych parametrów analitycznych (np. stężenia tlenu, azotanów, chlorków oraz pH, TOC i temperatury wody), które uważane są jako wskaźniki rozkładu TCE i PCE. Ocena polegała na przypisaniu odpowiedniej liczby punktów i wag dla poszczególnych parametrów oraz interpretacji uzyskanych wyników w celu sprawdzenia potencjalnych możliwości samoistnej biodegradacji badanych zanieczyszczeń. Stwierdzono brak jednoznacznych dowodów na samoistną biodegradację (dehalogenację redukcyjną) TCE i PCE w wodach podziemnych w rejonie ujęcia Nowa Dęba. Wynika z tego, że w opisywanym przypadku oparcie remediacji wód podziemnych (i likwidacji zagrożenia dla ujęcia wody) na NA jest możliwe jedynie pod warunkiem zastosowania metod wspomagających biodegradację TCE i PCE.
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