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The present study aimed at investigating the differences in selected anthropometric, strength-power parameters and functional characteristics of fencing performance between elite and sub-elite fencers. Thirty-three fencers (18 females and 15 males) from the Greek National Team, (age 19 ± 3.5 yr, body height 175.6 ± 7.6 cm, body mass 66.1 ± 9.1 kg, systematic training 8.4 ± 2.9 yr) were classified as elite and sub-elite, according to their international experience. Subjects underwent a detailed anthropometric assessment and performed selected leg power and fencing-specific tests. Significant differences were observed between the two groups in sitting height, triceps, subscapular, and quadriceps dominant skinfold thickness, absolute and body mass-dependent expressions of leg functional power characteristics of fencing performance: "time of lunge" and time of the "shuttle test". Anthropometric traits, such as height, body mass, percent fat and limb length were not different among elite and sub-elite fencers. Although technical and tactical factors are good indicators of fencing success, the observed differences in functional fencing performance tests among different levels of fencers are useful for the design of effective talent development and training-conditioning programs for competitive fencers.
The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize longitudinal studies on swimming physiology and get implications for daily practice. A computerized search of databases according to the PRISMA statement was employed. Studies were screened for eligibility on inclusion criteria: (i) present two testing points; (ii) on swimming physiology; (iii) using adult elite swimmers; (iv) no case-studies or with small sample sizes. Two independent reviewers used a checklist to assess the methodological quality of the studies. Thirty-four studies selected for analysis were gathered into five main categories: blood composition (n=7), endocrine secretion (n=11), muscle biochemistry (n=7), cardiovascular response (n=8) and the energetic profile (n=14). The mean quality index was 10.58 ± 2.19 points demonstrating an almost perfect agreement between reviewers (K = 0.93). It can be concluded that the mixed findings in the literature are due to the diversity of the experimental designs. Micro variables obtained at the cellular or molecular level are sensitive measures and demonstrate overtraining signs and health symptoms. The improvement of macro variables (i.e. main physiological systems) is limited and may depend on the athletes’ training background and experience.
Purpose. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships of peak oxygen uptake ( V̇O2peak), power at V̇O2peak and power at the anaerobic threshold (AT) with national ranking in a sample of British high performance junior surfers. Methods. Eighteen male surfers (aged 15.4 ± 1.4 years) from the British Junior Surfing team were tested for V̇O2peak and AT using an adapted kayak ergometer; national ranking was used to indicate performance level. The AT was identified as the point at which V̇E/V̇O2 started to rise without a concomitant increase in V̇E/V̇CO2. Spearman’s rank (rs) and partial correlations (rp) controlling for age were used to identify the relationships between the physiological variables and national ranking. Results. Mean V̇O2peak was 3.1 ± 0.5 l · min-1 (47.7 ± 7.2 ml · kg-1 · min-1) and mean AT occurred at 48.1 ± 12.2 W. There were significant correlations between national ranking and power at V̇O2peak (rs = -0.549, p = 0.028), power at AT (rs = -0.646, p = 0.009), and age (rs = -0.579, p = 0.012). Significant partial correlations were established controlling for age between national ranking and power at V̇O2peak (rp = -0.839, p = 0.000) and power at AT (rp = -0.541, p < 0.046). Conclusions. The power outputs associated with V̇O2peak and AT were significantly related to surfer ranking in this sample. However, due to the low coefficient of determination associated with the AT/ranking relationship, AT does not discriminate well between the ranking of surfers. These findings support the inclusion of power at V̇O2peak in assessment batteries for junior competitive surfers.
The mechanisms underlying larval diapause in the wax moth (Galleria mellonella) is one of the most throughly studied aspects. At the low temperature of 18°C, the last instar larvae did not pupate but transferred to 30°C they initiated development and pupation in a circadian manner. Different types of surgical manipulations including head-ligation, nerve cord-severance, implantation of the brain, prothoracic glands, accompanied with ecdysteroid titre measurements indicated that diapausing arrest of larval development at 18°C might be due to the nervous inhibition of their prothoracic glands.
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A Half Century of Scientific Research in Field Hockey

Human Movement
vol. 12
issue 2
Purpose. Using databases available on the Internet, the number of scientific papers on the subject of field hockey were examined. Basic procedures. As a result, 208 scientific studies covering the fields of biochemistry, physiology, sport injuries, psychology and tactics were found, which were published within the last 50 years (from 1960 to 2010). Despite the popularity of field hockey and its status as an Olympic sport, the number of scientific studies which focused on field hockey was much smaller when compared to the amount of publications on other team sports, such as soccer, basketball, or baseball. Main findings. It was found that the greatest number of publications (61.06%) originated from five English-speaking countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), with the majority focusing on sport psychology, injuries and biochemistry. What was discovered was that the vast majority of scientific studies used field hockey merely as a reference point in comparison to other team sports. Conclusions. The varying topic diversity of the scientific studies found among the databases significantly hinders an effective comparison of findings, especially considering that most of the studies focused on only a few selected aspects of the problem matter and were chiefly small sample studies, nor were they repeated.
Estrogens, without doubt, play a pivotal role in the regulation of both physiological and pathological processes. A plethora of intercellular signaling pathways are regulated by estrogens on both genomic, and non–genomic pathways via canonical ERα and ERβ receptors. Studies published in recent years showed that not all biological effects of estrogens can be attributed to the classical model of estrogen signaling. Aside canonical ERα and ERβ receptors a G–protein coupled estrogen receptor plays its role in estrogen mediated regulation of various tissues and organs. Ubiquitous presence of G–protein coupled estrogen receptor in different tissues, as well as observed de–regulation of its expression in multiple pathologies suggest an important role of this receptor in functioning of cells, tissues and organisms. Activation/deactivation of GPER estrogen receptor takes place during the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and immunological response, it is involved in a number of events from reproductive, cardiovascular, neurological and skeletal systems.
Estrogeny, bez wątpienia, odgrywają istotną rolę w regulacji procesów fizjologicznych i patofizjologicznych. Za pośrednictwem kanonicznych recepto– rów estrogenów ERα i ERβ hormony te modulują wiele ścieżek sygnałowych w komórce zarówno na drodze genomowej, jak i niegenomowej. Wyniki badań ostatnich lat ujawniają, że nie wszystkie biologiczne efekty estrogenów wynikają z ich klasycznego modelu działania. Obok kanonicznych receptorów ERα i ERβ w estrogenozależnej regulacji funkcjonowania wielu tkanek i narządów pośred– niczy receptor estrogenów oddziałujący z białkami G. Powszechne występowa– nie receptora estrogenów oddziałującego z białkami G w różnych tkankach, jak i obserwowana deregulacja jego ekspresji w określonych patologiach pozwala domniemywać o istotnej roli tego receptora w funkcjonowaniu komórek, tkanek i organizmów. Aktywacja/dezaktywacja receptora estrogenów GPER ma miejsce podczas metabolizmu węglowodanów i lipidów czy odpowiedzi immunologicznej, zaangażowana jest w wiele zdarzeń ze strony układu rozrodczego, sercowo– naczyniowego, nerwowego oraz kostnego.
Introduction: The recognition of the influence of olfactory stimuli on the olfactory organ aims at identifying damages within this area, diagnosing many diseases and smell impairments such as parosmia, hyposmia, anosmia and cacosmia. This work is focused on presenting current knowledge on fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the olfactory tract and possibilities of its topodiagnostic damages by means of olfactory evoked potentials. Definition of smell: In the surrounding world the sense of smell operates through a series of sensations, which are described as smell. The smell of a compound depends both on the structure of a carbon chain and a ring, and on the presence and type of functional groups and their arrangement in a molecule. Defining a smell on the basis of its structure can be particularly difficult. In future the answer should be found in the electron theory of organic compounds structure. Anatomy and physiology of the sense of smell: The receptors, which are responsible for receiving olfactory sensations, are located in the nasal cavity, the upper part of the nasal septum, the root and anterior portion of the superior nasal concha. In adults the olfactory epithelium covers 1-3 cm2 of the mucosa in each nasal passage. The olfactory tract comprises three neurons, whereas the cortical centre is situated in the hippocampal gyrus and amygdalic nucleus of the temporal lobe. Olfactory sensations are perceived via the olfactory epithelium, which is often accompanied by additional stimulation of endings of the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve. Diagnostics of the sense of smell: Registering olfactory evoked potentials is an objective method of testing the sense of smell by detecting changes in bioelectrical functions of the brain. In Poland this method is quite modern and, in fact, is seldom used because of the lack of an appropriate batcher. Conclusion: Uniform standards and methodology of the study should lead to further implementation of this objective testing method in topodiagnostics of smell disorders.
Wprowadzenie: Poznanie wpływu bodźców węchowych na zmysł powonienia ma na celu rozpoznawanie uszkodzeń w tym obszarze, wykrywanie wielu chorób oraz badanie uszkodzeń węchu, takich jak: parosmia, hiposmia, anosmia oraz kakosmia. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie aktualnej wiedzy dotyczącej podstaw anatomii i fizjologii drogi węchowej oraz możliwości topodiagnostyki jej uszkodzeń z użyciem węchowych potencjałów wywołanych. Definicja zapachu: W otaczającym nas świecie za pomocą zmysłu powonienia odczuwany jest szereg wrażeń, które określa się jako zapach. Wyróżnia się związki zapachowe. Ich zapach zależy zarówno od budowy łańcucha węglowego oraz pierścienia, jak i od obecności oraz rodzaju grup funkcyjnych i sposobu rozmieszczenia ich w cząsteczce. Ustalenie zapachu na podstawie jego budowy jest rzeczą trudną. Należy oczekiwać, że w przyszłości odpowiedź przyniesie nam elektronowa teoria budowy związków organicznych. Anatomia i fizjologia zmysłu powonienia: Receptory węchowe odpowiedzialne za odbiór wrażeń zapachowych zlokalizowane są w jamie nosowej, w górnym odcinku przegrody nosa, na stropie i na przednim końcu małżowiny nosowej górnej. Nabłonek węchowy zajmuje u dorosłego człowieka od 1 do 3 cm2 błony śluzowej w każdym przewodzie nosowym. Droga węchowa składa się z trzech neuronów, a ośrodek korowy znajduje się w zakręcie hipokampa i jądrze migdałowym płata skroniowego. Doznania węchowe odbierane są za pomocą nabłonka węchowego, ale towarzyszy temu często dodatkowe podrażnienie z zakończeń nerwu trójdzielnego, twarzowego, językowo-gardłowego oraz błędnego. Diagnostyka zmysłu powonienia: Obiektywną metodą badania powonienia rejestrującą zmiany czynności bioelektrycznej mózgu po pobudzeniu receptorów i nabłonka węchowego jest rejestracja węchowych potencjałów wywołanych, która w Polsce jest metodą nową i praktycznie rzadko stosowaną ze względu na brak odpowiedniego dozownika. Podsumowanie: Opracowanie jednolitych standardów i metodyki badania powinno doprowadzić do szerszego zastosowania tej obiektywnej metody badania w topodiagnostyce zaburzeń zmysłu powonienia.
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