WPROWADZENIE: Transplantacja płuc jest jedyną skuteczną metodą leczenia pacjentów z chorobami tego narządu w końcowym stadium. W trakcie leczenia pacjent może być narażony na działanie licznych stresorów, mających niekorzystny wpływ na jego stan psychiczny, a czynniki te mogą ulegać wzmocnieniu w sytuacji pandemii COVID-19. Celem pracy jest ocena prężności i stanu psychicznego pacjentów po przeszczepieniu płuc w kontekście pandemii COVID-19. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniu z zastosowaniem Kwestionariusza ogólnego stanu zdrowia (GHQ-28), Szpitalnej skali lęku i depresji (HADS), Ateńskiej skali bezsenności (AIS) oraz Krótkiej skali prężności zaradczej (BRCS) poddano, w trakcie drugiej fali pandemii COVID-19, 40 pacjentów w okresie odległym po transplantacji płuc, u których przed rozpoczęciem pandemii wykonano badanie kwestionariuszem GHQ-28. Badani w trakcie drugiej fali COVID-19 mieli zapewniony stały, zdalny kontakt z ośrodkiem transplantacyjnym. WYNIKI: Średni wiek pacjentów w grupie badanej wyniósł 51 ± 12 lat. Większość stanowili mężczyźni (57.5%). Stan psychiczny pacjentów w skali GHQ-28 nie uległ pogorszeniu w trakcie pandemii koronawirusa. 70% uczestników charakteryzowało się wysokim poziomem prężności zaradczej, a 12,5% (5 pacjentów) niskim. Zmienne psychologiczne nie były zależne od wieku. Zmienne te nie różniły się istotnie pod względem rodzaju wykonanej transplantacji, płci czy pozostawania w związku. WNIOSKI: Druga fala COVID-19 nie wpłynęła negatywnie na stan psychiczny biorców płuc. Uwagi i pogłębienia badań wymaga wysoki odsetek zaburzeń snu u biorców płuc.
INTRODUCTION: Lung transplantation is the only effective treatment method for patients with lung diseases in final stages. During treatment, the patient may experience numerous stressors that have an adverse effect on their mental state, which the COVID-19 pandemic may aggravate. The study aims to assess patients’ resilience and mental state after lung transplantation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A study using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), and the Brief Resilience Coping Scale (BRCS) was conducted during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on 40 patients in the distant period after lung transplantation, who had been tested with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) before the start of the pandemic. During the second wave of COVID-19, the patients were provided with constant, remote contact with the transplant center. RESULTS: The average age of patients in the studied group was 51 ± 12 years. The majority were men (57.5%). The mental state of patients on the GHQ-28 scale did not deteriorate during the coronavirus pandemic. 70% of participants were characterized by a high level of coping resilience and 12.5% (5 patients) a low level. Psychological variables were not dependent on age. Their results did not differ significantly in terms of the type of transplant performed, gender, or being in a relationship. CONCLUSIONS: The second wave of COVID-19 did not negatively affect the mental state of lung recipients. The high percentage of sleep disorders in lung recipients requires attention and more profound research.
Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic has shed a whole new light on telehealth, which has become an alternative for diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and support without physical contact between patient and healthcare professional. The aim of this study was to examine patient satisfaction with medical services provided with tele-advice during the Covid-19 pandemic.Material and methods: The study was conducted using our own questionnaire via Google Form that was correctly completed by 133 individuals between the ages of 18 and 76 years (mean 33.1 ± 13.1 years) who received medical services via tele-advice.Results: Patients with chronic conditions were statistically more likely to seek specialist services via tele-advice (p = 0.003). Slightly less than one-third of respondents (n = 39; 29.3%) were asked during the tele-advice to attend the clinic / office in person to complete the visit with a physical examination. The vast majority of subjects (n = 95; 71.4%) responded that their health status had not changed since the pandemic and the introduction of tele-advice. Nearly half (n = 64; 48.1%) believed that their health problem had been solved via tele-advice. Only 4.5% of the respondents (n = 6) strongly agreed with the statement that “tele-advice enables proper diagnosis and matching of effective treatment”, 18.0% (n = 24) tended to agree. The vast majority of respondents believed that everyone should be able to choose between tele-advice and a traditional medical visit (n = 121; 91.0%).Conclusions: The majority of people surveyed did not perceive a difference in their health since the pandemic and the introduction of tele-advice. Nearly half of respondents believed that their health problem had been resolved with a telemedicine consultation, with even fewer people convinced that “tele-advice allows for proper diagnosis and matching of effective treatment.” Patients would mostly like to have a choice between tele-visit and in-person visits, with no clear indication of the superiority of one or the other. Continuous improvement of current solutions will certainly contribute to increased patient satisfaction with the medical services provided.
Introduction. Stress is one of the major occupational hazards in nursing profession. The COVID-19 pandemic has further challenged healthcare professionals, which can increase mental strain. The aim. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stress levels of nursing staff not working in close proximity to the infected patients. Materials and methods. The study involved a group of 65 people from nursing staff working in seven hospital wards. The respondents were aged between 20–65 years. For the purpose of the research, the author's own survey and one standard research tool were used, i.e. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Results. The outbreak of the pandemic resulted in a change in the perception of stress in 98.5% of respondents. 89.2% of people noticed more intense symptoms of stress. Stress was compounded, above all, by changes at the level of work organization as well as the fear of infection and the transmission of the virus from the work environment to family members. In 6.2% of respondents, thoughts about quitting or changing jobs were quite frequent. After one year of working in a pandemic, stress levels were moderate to low. Conclusions. The level of stress, measured one year after the outbreak of the pandemic, does not indicate excessive stress, but the adaptation phase in a crisis situation. The effects of working under chronic stress may not be visible until the future. Further stress monitoring and providing nursing staff with psychological support is highly advisable.
Wstęp. Obciążenie stresem należy do poważnych zagrożeń zawodowych w pielęgniarstwie. Pandemia COVID-19 dodatkowo postawiła wiele nowych wyzwań przed personelem medycznym, co może powodować większe obciążenia psychiczne. Cel. Celem badań była ocena wpływu pandemii COVID-19, na stres personelu pielęgniarskiego, niepracującego w bezpośrednim kontakcie z zakażonymi. Materiały i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 65 osób z personelu pielęgniarskiego, pracującego w siedmiu oddziałach szpitalnych. Wiek badanych mieścił się w zakresie 20–65 lat. W badaniach wykorzystano ankietę opracowaną na użytek badania oraz jedno standardowe narzędzia pomiaru, tj. Skalę Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS-10). Wyniki. Wybuch pandemii spowodował zmianę w odczuwaniu stresu u 98,5% badanych. 89,2% osób zauważyło u siebie nasilone objawy stresu. Stres potęgowały przede wszystkim zmiany na poziomie organizacji pracy oraz lęk przed zakażeniem i przeniesieniem wirusa z pracy na rodzinę. U 6,2% badanych często pojawiały się myśli o rezygnacji lub zmianie pracy. Po roku pracy w pandemii, stres utrzymywał się na poziomie średnim i niskim. Wnioski. Poziom odczuwania stresu, mierzonego rok po wybuchu pandemii, nie wskazuje na obciążenie nadmiernym stresem, a na fazę adaptacji w sytuacji kryzysowej. Skutki pracy w długotrwałym stresie mogą być widoczne dopiero w przyszłości. Wskazane jest dalsze monitorowanie stresu i objęcie personelu pielęgniarskiego wsparciem psychologicznym.
Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic has changed daily lives. These changes affect many aspects of lives including periodic health examinations. Specialists warn that in the era of the pandemic people abandon examinations. This is a very dangerous phenomenon, which can negatively affect health and general well-being. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of periodic health examinations during the pandemic period including the use of telephone advice services.Material and methods: The study was carried out in March 2021 among 147 people (120 women and 27 men), in the age range of 18-76 years. The study was carried out by the method of diagnostic survey, with the use of questionnaire technique (authors’ questionnaire). Questions included knowledge of prevention, frequency of periodic health examinations, and health services received by the respondents during the pandemic. Analysis of the survey results provided information on current health problems, time of diagnosis, and course of treatment to date. Results: During the pandemic, the majority of respondents had the opportunity to use a telephone advice, with women more likely to use the telephone advice than men (64.2% vs. 37.0%; p = 0.010). 36.9% of the respondents were satisfied with the service. The main reasons for dissatisfaction with the telephone advice included: inability to examine (33.3%), short telephone advice time (24.2%), misdiagnosis or ineffective treatment (21.2%), long waiting time, difficult contact with the facility (15.2%). Among telephone advice users, 39.1% had chronic diseases; among non- telephone advice users, the percentage was lower at 18.3%. Telephone advice users were significantly less likely to say they did not have periodic health examinations or did not remember when they had them done compared to non- telephone advice users (p = 0.019).Conclusions: During the pandemic, the majority of respondents had the opportunity to use telephone advice. Only 1/3 were satisfied with the telephone advice, and the main reasons for dissatisfaction were as follows: inability to examine, short telephone advice time, misdiagnosis or ineffective treatment. Telephone advice users were significantly less likely to say they did not have periodic examinations or could not remember when they had them done compared to non-telephone advice users.
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