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The collection of information concerning the diet of elderly people living in diff erent conditions may give a complex view of the nutritional habits in Silesia. The aim of the research was to evaluate the nutritional regime of persons older than 65 years living in Welfare Centers in the Silesian Voivodeship. The study was carried out in four randomly selected Welfare Centers of the Silesian Voivodeship and included 232 people: 105 women and 127 men. The research used the method of 24-hour medical history that was repeated three times. The analysis of the diet content of people over 65 years old living in Welfare Centers, both women and men, indicated many abnormalities, connected mainly with a high intake of calories (women: median 2841.1 kcal and quartile spread 248.6 kcal; men: median 2829.2 kcal and quartile spread 325.1 kcal). The average percentage of protein norm realization in the diet was high and amounted to 141% for women and 137.1% for men. The study indicated a high intake of calories, exceeded the norms of fat calories intake and a defi ciency of carbohydrate energy, as well as a low intake of fi ber in the diet. On account of the fact that similar tendencies are observed in the case of the nutritional regime of Welfare Center residents in many regions of Poland, the organization of nutrition rationalization trainings for Welfare Center staff and residents themselves is necessary.
Zebranie informacji o składzie diety osób starszych żyjących w różnych warunkach daje pełny obraz sposobu żywienia ludzi w regionie śląskim. Celem badań była ocena sposobu żywienia osób po 65 roku życia, zamieszkałych w domach pomocy społecznej na terenie województwa śląskiego. Badaniami, przeprowadzonymi w czterech losowo wybranych domach pomocy społecznej, objęto 232 osoby (105 kobiet i 127 mężczyzn). Zastosowano metodę 3-krotnie powtórzonego 24-godzinnego wywiadu na temat spożycia produktów, potraw i napojów. Analiza składu diety osób po 65 roku życia zamieszkałych w domach pomocy społecznej, zarówno kobiet, jak i mężczyzn, wykazała wiele nieprawidłowości związanych głównie z wysokim spożyciem energii (kobiety: mediana 2841,1 kcal i rozstęp kwartylowy 248,6 kcal; mężczyźni: mediana 2829,2 kcal i rozstęp kwartylowy 325,1 kcal). Średni procent realizacji normy na białko w diecie badanej grupy był wysoki i wynosił 141% u kobiet i 137,1% u mężczyzn. Badanie wykazało wysokie spożycie energii, przekroczenie normy energii pochodzącej z tłuszczów i niedobór energii pochodzącej z węglowodanów. Jednocześnie wykazano niskie spożycie błonnika. Ze względu na fakt, że podobne tendencje obserwowane są w sposobie żywienia pensjonariuszy domów pomocy społecznej z wielu regionów kraju, celowe jest organizowanie szkoleń dla personelu tego typu placówek oraz samych pensjonariuszy w zakresie racjonalizacji żywienia.
Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) with Water Dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) were established in winter to investigate their potential role in the purification of eutrophicated water, and to identify the effects of different stubble heights of the Water Dropwort on the performance of the FTWs. The results of the experiments demonstrated: The Water Dropwort FTWs were effective in buffering the pH of the experimental water. The Water Dropwort FTWs were efficient in purifying eutrophicated water, with removal rate for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonium nitrogen (NH4+ - N), and nitrate nitrogen (NO3- - N) at 91.3, 58.0, 94.6, and 95.5% in the 15-day experiment, respectively. No significant difference in the purification effect was found among different stubble heights of Water Dropwort FTWs. Significant differences between the zero control and the FTWs were found for the removal of TP in the first 11 days; and for the removal of NH4+ - N in the first 4 days. No significant difference was found between the zero control and the FTWs for NO3- - N in the first 4 days, but significant difference was detected after day 4. The optimum treatment duration time for the FTWs with Water Dropwort will depend on the nutrients to be removed. These results will provide basis for further application of the FTWs at large scale, as well as for future studies on the mechanism of nutrient removal process.
Badano proces oczyszczania wód z wykorzystaniem ruchomych mokradeł (FTW) obsadzonych Oenanthe javanica. Celem prowadzonych w zimie badań była ocena ich potencjalnej roli w oczyszczaniu wód zeutrofizowanych oraz określenie wpływu różnych wysokości ściernisk roślinnych na wydajność procesu. Wyniki eksperymentów wykazały, że systemy FTW skutecznie buforowały pH badanej wody. Za pomocą FTW ze zeutrofizowanej wody usunięto azot ogólny (TN), fosfor ogólny (TP), azot amonowy (NH4+ - N) i azot azotanowy (NH3- - N) odpowiednio w ilościach: 91,3, 58,0, 94,6 i 95,5%, w czasie trwania 15-dniowego eksperymentu. Nie wykazano istotnych różnic w efekcie oczyszczania przy stosowaniu różnych wysokości ściernisk roślinnych. Stwierdzono wpływ czasu prowadzenia eksperymentu na usuwanie TP, którego usunięto najwięcej w pierwszych 11 dniach, a NH4+ - N w ciągu pierwszych 4 dni trwania procesu. Nie stwierdzono istotnej różnicy między kontrolą i FTW dla NH3- - N w ciągu pierwszych kilku dni, ale znacząca różnica pojawiła się po 4 dniu. Optymalny czas trwania procesu z wykorzystaniem FTW zależy od składników odżywczych, które mają być usunięte. Opisane wyniki stanowią podstawę zarówno do rozwinięcia zastosowania FTW na dużą skalę, jak i dla przyszłych badań nad mechanizmem procesu usuwania składników odżywczych.
The main threats to human health from heavy metals are associated with exposure to lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. These metals have been extensively studied and their effects on human health regularly reviewed by international bodies such as the WHO. Heavy metals have been used by humans for thousands of years. Although several adverse health effects of heavy metals have been known for a long time, exposure to heavy metals continues, and is even increasing in some parts of the world, in particular, in less developed countries. However, over the last 100 years, emissions have declined in most developed countries. Cadmium compounds, the exception, are currently mainly used in re-chargeable nickel-cadmium batteries. Cadmium emissions have increased dramatically during the 20th century, one reason being that cadmium-containing products are rarely re-cycled, but often dumped together with household waste. Cigarette smoking is a major source of cadmium exposure. In non-smokers, food is the most important source of cadmium exposure. Recent data indicate that adverse health effects of cadmium exposure may occur at lower exposure levels than previously anticipated, primarily in the form of kidney damage, but possibly also in bone effects and fractures. Many individuals in Europe already exceed the recommended exposure levels and the margin is very narrow for large groups. Therefore, measures should be taken to reduce cadmium exposure in the general population in order to minimize the risk of adverse health effects. The general population is primarily exposed to mercury via food, fish being a major source of methyl mercury exposure, as is dental amalgam. The general population, however, does not face a significant health risk from methyl mercury, although certain groups with high fish consumption may attain blood levels associated with a low risk of neurological damage to adults. Since there is a risk to the fetus in particular, pregnant women should avoid a high intake of certain fish, such as shark, swordfish and tuna; fish (such as pike, walleye and bass) taken from polluted fresh waters should especially be avoided. There has been a debate on the safety of dental amalgams and claims have been made that mercury from amalgam may cause a variety of diseases. However, there are no studies so far that have been able to show any associations between amalgam fillings and ill health. The general population is exposed to lead from air and food in roughly equal proportions. During the last century, lead emissions to ambient air caused considerable pollution, mainly due to lead emissions from petrol. Children are particularly susceptible to lead exposure due to high gastrointestinal uptake and the permeable blood-brain barrier. Blood levels in children should be reduced below the levels so far considered acceptable as recent data indicates that lead may hold neurotoxic effects at lower levels of exposure than previously anticipated. Although lead in petrol has dramatically decreased over the last decades, thereby reducing environmental exposure, phasing out any remaining uses of lead additives in motor fuels should be encouraged. The use of lead-based paints should also be abandoned, and lead should not be used in food containers. In particular, the public should be aware of glazed food containers, which may leach lead into food. Exposure to arsenic is mainly via intake of food and drinking water, food being the most important source in most populations. Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water is mainly related to increased risks of skin cancer, but also enhanced risk of some other cancers, as well as other skin lesions such as hyperkeratosis and pigmentation changes. Occupational exposure to arsenic, primarily by inhalation, is causally associated with lung cancer. Clear exposure-response relationships and high risks have been observed.
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