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The aim of conducted in years 2008-2012 studies was to assess the efficiency of application of increasing manganese levels on the nutritive value of tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cvs. ‘Alboney F1’ and ‘Emotion F1’), expressed in the contents of macro- and micronutrients. Plants were grown in rockwool with application of nutrient solution characterized the following chemical composition (in [mg dm–3]): N-NH4 2.2, N-NO3 - 230, P - 50, K - 430, Ca - 145, Mg - 65, Cl - 35, S-SO4 - 120, Fe - 2.48, Zn - 0.50, Cu - 0.07, pH -5.50, EC - 3.00 mS cm–1. The following manganese plant nutrition levels were examined (in mg Mn · dm–3): 0.06 (control), 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 (Experiment I), 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 and 19.2 (Experiment II); (denoted as Mn-0, Mn-0.3, Mn-0.6, Mn-1.2, Mn-2.4, Mn-4.8, Mn-9.6; Mn-19.2). The source of manganese was manganese sulfate (MnSO4 · H2O, 32.3% Mn). The nutritive value of tomato fruits changed significantly under the influence of the application of wide range of manganese concentrations. It was found a significant reduction of the content of phosphorus (Exp. I, II), potassium (Exp. II), calcium (Exp. I, II) and magnesium (Exp. I, II). Manganese influence on the decreasing content of other metallic micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu) in fruits. Cultivar had a significantly influence on the content of: nitrogen (except Mn-2.4, Mn-4.8, Mn-9.6), potassium (in Exp. II, except Mn-4.8), calcium (except for Mn-0.6, Mn-2.4), magnesium (except Mn-0.3 and Mn-2.4), iron (except Mn-1.2), manganese and zinc (except control combination) and copper (except Mn-0.6 and Mn-1.2). The highest contents of N, Ca and Mg in fruits were recorded for the application of Mn-0, while for P and K - at 0.3 mg Mn dm–3, whereas it was lowest for all these nutrients (except N) in the case of Mn-19.2 (Exp. II). The reduction of nutrient contents amounted to (% changes: from the lowest content to the highest content): N (11.3), P (48.1), K (24.8), Ca (75.4), Mg (57.5), Fe (59.2), Zn (65.4) and Cu (43.7).
Asymmetrical diadenosine 5',5''-P1P4 tetraphosphate (Ap4A) hydrolases are key enzymes controlling the in vivo concentration of Ap4A - an important signaling molecule involved in regulation of DNA replication and repair, signaling in stress response and apoptosis. Sequence homologies indicate that the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains at least three open reading frames encoding presumptive Ap4A hydrolases: At1g30110, At3g10620, and At5g06340. In this work we present efficient overexpression and detailed biochemical characteristics of the AtNUDX25 protein encoded by the At1g30110 gene. Aided by the determination of the binding constants of Mn(Ap4A) and Mg(Ap4A) complexes using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) we show that AtNUDX25 preferentially hydrolyzes Ap4A in the form of a Mn2+ complex.
An attempt was made to study the oxidation of manganese by air in synthetic waters. A series of batch experments were performed at differnet values of concentration, temperature and pH. Unoxidized manganese in the solution was determined by formaldoxime spectrometric method. Results of these studies indicated that the air oxidation of manganese soluble in water can be effectively performed in basic media and that oxidation yield increasedwith an increase in pH and concentration. The yield was very high in the presence of manganese dioxide, sepiolite or clinoptilolite in solution and, the oxidation was almost completed especially at high values of pH and concentration. The reaction was found to be first order with respect to Mn2+ with a very low activation energy. A yield of 62% was obtained for the air oxidation of wastewater taken from the treatment plant of Corum Municipality.
Considering the nutritional values, breadstuff plays a big part in covering human nourishment needs and constitutes a base of all day diet. Moreover, bread is an excellent source of numerous vitamins and minerals the abundance of which depends on the degree of grinding. Thus, it seems to be very important to know the composition and level of bio-elements. That is why the main target of this study was to evaluate the concentration of selected trace elements: chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) in wheat grain, wheat bran, different wheat and rye flour types and variety of breadstuff also with addition of grains and seeds from different bakeries and mills. Another task was to analyze if the technological process has an influence on secondary despoil of bread goods with heavy metal elements. The analyzed trace elements were measured with a precise and accurate atomic absorption spectrophotometric method (AAS) and the results were expressed in mg/kg of selected sample. Obtained results show that bread and grain products are a good source of trace elements like chromium, nickel, iron and manganese. However, the higher levels of chromium and nickel in bread goods could rather be an effect of impurity caused by a technological process in mill and bakeries.
Pot experiment was conducted in the hall of vegetation at University of Agriculture in Szczecin over the years 2001 - 2003 on the soil of IVa complex of agriculture usefulness (very good rye) numbered among loamy sand as regards to the granulometric composition. The composts used in the experiment were after 8 months of decomposition. There was more nitrogen and phosphorus in the composts in comparison with potassium. In the pattern of the research the doses of composts, corresponding with 100, 200 and 300 kg N·ha-1, i.e. 0.63; 0.99 and 0.126 g N pot were used. The experiment was conducted in four repetitions. In 2001 spring rape Licomos variety was the test plant, in 2002 it was the spring triticale Wanad variety and in 2003 oats Polar variety. In the second and third year of the research of the soil there was 0.475 g N, 0.137 g P and 0.315 g K applied into every pot. It corresponded with the doses of 150 kg N·ha-1, 43.6 P·ha-1 and 100 kg K·ha-1. Mineral fertilizers were used in the form of urea, double superphosphate, 60% potassium salt.The obtained results of the research indicate that the content of the total forms of copper, manganese and zinc in the composts, with the participation of sewage sludge fulfilled the norms concerning the organic fertilizers.Over the years, since the time of an application into the soil the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge, the content of the total forms of copper, manganese and zinc has decreased. It was caused by the uptake of these micronutrients by plants.
Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, which, along with a number of beneficial health ingredients, such as trace elements, also contains undesired substances - as impurities. Among the impurities occur heavy metals, and their presence in tea leaves can pose serious problems to human health because they are not biodegradable, remain in the environment and can become part of the food chain. The total metal content of the tea leaves and infusions depends on the type of tea (green, black) and on the influence of other factors, including the properties of the soil. Despite the limited extent of metal migration from the dried tea to infusions, tea pollution with metals such as lead, cadmium or mercury is not indifferent to human health.
Herbata jest jednym z najbardziej popularnych napojów na świecie, który obok wielu korzystnych dla zdrowia składników, jak mikroelementy, zawiera również te niepożądane - stanowiące zanieczyszczenie. Wśród nich znajdują się metale ciężkie, których obecność w liściach herbaty może stwarzać poważne problemy dla zdrowia ludzkiego, ponieważ nie ulegają one biodegradacji, a pozostając w środowisku mogą stać się częścią łańcucha pokarmowego. Całkowita zawartość metali w liściach herbat oraz w naparach zależy od rodzaju herbaty (zielona, czarna) oraz od wpływu wielu innych czynników, w tym właściwości gleby. Pomimo ograniczonej migracji metali z suszu do naparów zanieczyszczenie herbat metalami tj. ołów, kadm czy rtęć nie jest obojętne dla zdrowia człowieka. REFERENCES
The aim of conducted studies was estimation of increase manganese nutrition on content of nutrient and yielding of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic cultivation. Plants were grown in rockwool using closed system fertigation with recirculation of nutrient solution. In experiment were used nutrient solution with following nutrient contents [mg·dm-3]: N-NH4 < 10, N-NO3 150, P-PO4 50, K 150, Ca 150, Mg 50, Fe 3.00, Zn 0.44, Cu 0.03, B 0.011, pH 5.50, EC 1.8 mS·cm-1. It was studied the following manganese concentrations in nutrient solution (in [mg・dm-3]): 0.5, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 (described as Mn-I, Mn-II, Mn-III and Mn-IV). It was found a significant influence of increasing manganese concentration applied in fertigation on the content of: N, K (for Mn-IV); P, Fe, Cu (for Mn-III and Mn-IV); Mg, Zn (for Mn-II to Mn-IV) in aboveground parts of lettuce. It was no differences in case of calcium and sodium content. Increasing concentration of manganese used to fertigation significantly influenced the content of Mn in plants. Manganese also affected on the SPAD measurement (decreasing at Mn-IV) and yielding of the plants (decreasing for Mn-II to Mn-IV comparing with Mn-I).
Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena wpływu wzrastającego żywienia manganem na zawartość składników pokarmowych i plonowanie sałaty (Lactuca sativa L.) w uprawie hydroponicznej. Rośliny uprawiano w wełnie mineralnej z zastosowaniem układu zamkniętego z recyrkulacją pożywki. W doświadczeniach stosowano pożywkę o następującej zawartości składników pokarmowych [mg·dm-3]: N-NH4 < 10, N-NO3 150, P-PO4 50, K 150, Ca 150, Mg 50, Fe 3,00, Zn 0,44, Cu 0,03, B 0,011, pH 5,50, EC 1,8 mS·cm-1. Badano następujące poziomy żywienia manganem w pożywce [mg・dm-3]: 0,5, 4,8, 9,6, 19,2 (opisane jako Mn-I, Mn-II, Mn-III i Mn-IV). Wykazano istotny wpływ wzrastających stężeń manganu stosowanego w fertygacji na zawartość w częściach nadziemnych sałaty: N, K (dla Mn-IV); P, Fe, Cu (dla Mn-III i Mn-IV); Mg, Zn (dla Mn-II do Mn-IV). Nie stwierdzono różnic w przypadku zawartości wapnia i sodu. Wzrastające stężenia manganu stosowanego w formie fertygacji silnie wpływały na zawartość tego składnika w roślinach. Mangan oddziaływał także na odczyt SPAD (obniżenie dla Mn-IV) i plonowanie roślin (obniżenie dla Mn-II - Mn-IV w porównaniu z Mn-I).
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