According to the expert opinion of the Working Group on Noninvasive Electrocardiology and Telemedicine of the Polish Cardiac Society, the interpretation (and report) of an electrocardiogram (ECG) consists of 10 steps. For the sake of simplicity, it is possible to simplify these rules to 7 steps. The aim of this article is to help refresh the clinical aspects of ECG interpretation and to hopefully clarify the confusion surrounding it.
According to the expert opinion of the Working Group on Noninvasive Electrocardiology and Telemedicine of the Polish Cardiac Society, the interpretation (and report) of an electrocardiogram (ECG) consists of 10 steps. For the sake of simplicity, it is possible to simplify these rules to 7 steps. The aim of this article is to help refresh the clinical aspects of ECG interpretation and to hopefully clarify the confusion surrounding it.
The article is focused upon the challenges of the political discourse translation methodology. The overview of the key works in the field of theory and practice of translation has allowed to distinguish the correlation between the stylistic peculiarities and translation strategy, tactics and operations. It has been outlined that challenges for adequate political discourse translation are evoked by genre discrepancy, the issue of the rendering such peculiar vocabulary items as realia, nationally colored phraseological unities and fusions, as well as proverbs and sayings. The objective of the research is seen as the search of efficient methods and techniques aimed at optimizing the quality of political discourse translation in the paradigm of the communicative and functional approach. The urgency of the study is proved by the growing demand for the qualified political discourse translation both on the external international and internal domestic policy levels. The criterion of the trustworthiness and political tolerance is especially upto-date in the view of the recent political situation in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular. The role of the qualified political discourse translation for the political future of Ukraine can’t be overestimated. The mission of translators and their duty is to perform adequate, faithful and qualified translation of all sort of political speeches, disputes, negotiations and agendas from Ukrainian into English and other foreign languages to give the world the idea of the essence of both social and political life in the country. The power of speech and language means is sometimes stronger than the power of weapon. The findings of the research may be of great value for future translators training and self-education. The perspective is seen in working out the methodology of publicist and scientific discourses translation in the aspect of the globalization of Ukrainian culture and science international distribution.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню рецепції моделі А. Міцкевича «Поет і Народ» у критичних дослідженнях українських письменників ХХ ст., які простежили створений А. Міцкевичем канон стосунків між митцем і суспільством, який справив глибокий вплив на літературу польського романтизму. Розглядаючи рецепцію парадигми «поет і народ», автори статті зазначають, що українські поети радянського періоду були змушені розглядати окремі мистецькі явища крізь призму тогочасної комуністичної ідеології. Одним із найбільш послідовних і продуктивних інтерпретаторів А. Міцкевича серед українських письменників був М. Рильський, який залишив значну кількість літературно-критичних і публіцистичних статей про польського поета. М. Рильський як критик дав найглибші наукові стандарти аналізу поетики творчості А. Міцкевича. Він не відкидав загальноприйняту схему творчої еволюції польського поета, але застеріг дослідників від її монолінійного вимірювання. М. Рильський був першим в українському міцкевичознавстві, хто помітив, що змішування стилів притаманне творчості А. Міцкевича впродовж усього його творчого життя. М. Рильський допустив ототожнення поета Конрада Валленрода з однойменного твору з самим А. Міцкевичем, застерігши, що все-таки особа героя не відображає і не може відображати особистість автора. М. Рильський характеризував Конрада Валленрода як загадкового і суперечливого, яким був і А. Міцкевич. У статті також порівнюються інтерпретації М. Рильського та польських дослідників і письменників, зокрема Марії Цесла-Коритовської та Яна Каспровича. Автори простежують, що український поет Д. Павличко першим в українському літературознавстві звернув увагу на ідею Європи в художньо-ідейній системі А. Міцкевича як ідею Батьківщини.
The article is devoted to the research of reception of A. Mickiewicz’s model “the Poet and the People” in twentieth- century Ukrainian writers’ criticism. The writers traced the canon of relations between the artist and society created by A. Mickiewicz, which had a profound influence on the literature of Polish Romanticism. Considering the reception of the ‘poet and people’ paradigm, the authors of the article note that Ukrainian poets of the Soviet period were forced to dissect certain artistic phenomena through the prism of the communist ideology of the time. One of the most consistent and productive interpreters of A. Mickіewіcz among Ukrainian writers was M. Rylskyi. He left a considerable inheritance of literature and publicist articles about the Polish poet. M. Rylskyi as a critic gave the deepest scientific standards to the analysis of the poetics of A. Mickіewіcz’s works. He did not cast aside the generally accepted scheme of the creative evolution of the Polish poet but cautioned researchers from the monolinear measuring of it. M. Rylskyi was the first one in Ukrainian Mickіewіcz Studies who noticed that mixing of styles was inherent in А. Mickіewіcz’s works during all of his creative life. M. Rylskyi allowed the identification of the poet Konrad Wallenrod with A. Mickiewicz himself, warning that after all the person of the hero does not reflect and cannot reflect the personality of the author. M. Rylskyi described Konrad Wallenrod as mysterious and contradictory, as was A. Mickiewicz. The article also compares the interpretations of M. Rylskyi and Polish researchers and writers, in particular, Maria Cieśla-Korytowska and Jan Kasprowicz. The authors trace that the Ukrainian poet D. Pavlychko was the first in Ukrainian literary criticism to draw attention to the idea of Europe in the artistic and ideological system of A. Mickiewicz as the idea of the Fatherland.
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