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Introduction. Lyme borreliosis (LB) is endemic spirochetosis with a transmission mechanism, which is often marked by a durable, recurrent course with multiple organ damages. LB is characterized by the appearance of migrating erythema at the site of tick bite. Durable persistence of the agent promotes disease progressing and occurrence of serious complications related to the nervous system, the heart and the locomotive apparatus. Among infrequent and especially dangerous complications of LB is damage to the hearing apparatus with the development of sensorineural deafness – hearing loss, which develops within 24 hours due to function impairment of the internal ear or auditory nerve. That infectious diseases account for 12.8-13% of numerous causes of sensorineural deafness development. Most frequently, the disease caused by B. burgdorferi is mentioned. Aim. To analyze the clinical case of Lyme borreliosis complicated by the sensorineural hearing loss. Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical-laboratory and instrumental data of the patient with Lyme borreliosis, whose course of the disease was complicated by sensorineural hearing loss. The patient received care at Lviv Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital (LRIDCH). Results. The article presents a clinical case of Lyme borreliosis, complicated by sensorineural hearing loss, which appeared on the 15th day from the onset of erythema annulare in the patient. Hearing recovery in the patient could not be achieved via administration of etiotropic treatment (2.0 g/per day of ceftriaxone for 28 days), which was likely associated with late visit of the patient for medical aid. Conclusions. Sensorineural hearing loss is one of the rare, but severe lesions of auditory analyzer in LB. Hearing improvement after antibiotic therapy is possible in certain cases in early treatment.
The Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP) has been carried out in Poland for 14 years. The main aim of this Program is to organize hearing screening tests and to gather the Informations about risk factors of hearing loss in almost all newborns in Poland. It consists of 496 centers at 3 referral levels. A total of 5 458 114 children had been registered in the Central Database (CDB) of PUNHSP by the 22nd of August 2017. Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss was the most frequently appearing hearing impairment in children. It was diagnosed in 260 cases in 2016. This report presents the most important results and conclusions concerning the running of the PUNHSP in 2016.
Wstęp: Nowotwory mające swoją etiologię w gruczołach ślinowych występują rzadko i stanowią ok. 3–10% wszystkich guzów w obrębie głowy i szyi. Materiał i metody: W latach 2006–2016 w Klinicznym Oddziale Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie z powodu nowotworów ślinianek przyusznych hospitalizowano i leczono 149 pacjentów. Podstawą do analizy były historie chorób pacjentów, wyniki badań histopatologicznych oraz protokoły zabiegów operacyjnych. Wyniki: W 126 przypadkach guzy były łagodne, natomiast w 26 guzy złośliwe. Analizując wyniki można stwierdzić, że nowotwory - zarówno łagodne, jak i złośliwe – częściej występowały u mężczyzn. Średni wiek całej grupy badanych wynosił 58,3 lat, dla zmian złośliwych – 65,5 lat, a dla zmian łagodnych był nieznacznie niższy i wynosił 56,9 lat. Wśród pacjentów objętych analizą szczyt zachorowalności przypadał na przedział wiekowy 60–69 lat. Ponadto zwraca uwagę, iż przedział ten był taki sam dla ogólnej liczby guzów, jak i nowotworów łagodnych, natomiast dla nowotworów złośliwych był nieznacznie wyższy i wynosił 70–79 lat. Z analizy zebranego materiału wynika, że guzy łagodne występowały znamiennie częściej, stanowiąc 84,56% wszystkich guzów. Najczęstszymi rozpoznaniami wśród nowotworów łagodnych były gruczolak wielopostaciowy (adenoma pleomorphicum) oraz gruczolak limfatyczny (adenolymphoma), które stanowiły łącznie 93,66%. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że wśród nowotworów złośliwych dominowały: gruczolakorak polimorficzny o niskiej złośliwości (polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma) występujący w 26,07% przypadków, gruczolakorak inaczej nieokreślony (adenocarcinoma NOS) oraz rak zrazikowokomórkowy (acinic cell carcinoma). Każdy z nich stanowił po 13,04% rozpoznań. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonej analizy najczęstszą metodą leczenia było leczenie chirurgiczne jako metoda stosowana samodzielnie. Wnioski: Uzyskane z retrospektywnej analizy dane korelują z piśmiennictwem krajowym i światowym.
Background: Patients with vestibular schwannoma (VS) most commonly present with hearing threshold reduction for high frequencies and a falling type of audiometric curve. However, it is doubtful whether all Pure Tone Averages described in the literature characterize patients with VS correctly, as the type of PTA which comprises higher frequencies may be more appropriate for hearing status assessment in those patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze 3 common methods of calculating Pure Tone Averages (PTA1 – 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 Hz; PTA2 – 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz; PTA3 – 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz) and to determine which of them is the most reliable for the assessment of VS patients. Material and Methods: The study group included 86 patients operated on due to vestibular schwannoma accessed via the middle cranial fossa. Results: Regarding the method of calculating Pure Tone Averages (PTA1, PTA2 and PTA3) identical or similar correlations were found between the preoperative values of Pure Tone Averages (PTA1, PTA2 and PTA3) and surgery-related hearing loss, as well as individual parameters of audiologic tests. Conclusions: Pure Tone Averages calculated according to 3 different methods (PTA1, PTA2, PTA3) may be used interchangeably in the assessment of hearing in VS patients.
Objective: In this study, our aim was to investigate whether Monocyte/HDL ratio is a marker of the prognosis of the idiopathic sudden hearing loss (ISHL). Study design: Retrospective, case-control clinical trial. Materials and Methods: 45 patients, who were diagnosed with idiopathic sudden hearing loss and were treated with the same therapy regime and 47 healthy volunteers, who applied to the hospital for routine controls and had audiological and laboratory examination between March 2014 and December 2015, were included in the study. Monocyte/HDL ratios of the patients in the study and control groups were calculated from the results of the blood counts and biochemical analysis. Additionally, the study group was divided into two sub-groups regarding their responses (responders and non-responders) to the treatment determined by the audiological examination, which was carried out after 3 months according to the Siegel criteria. The Monocyte/HDL ratios between the groups were statistically evaluated. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the MHRs of the study and control groups (p=0.574). However, the MHR was significantly higher in the non-responders’ group compared with the responders’ group, although they were treated with the same therapy regimen (p=0.005). Conclusion: There was no difference in MHRs between study and control groups. However, as MHR was higher in the patients with good prognosis compared with the patients with bad prognosis, we believe that regarding the ISHL, MHR is not a predictive value but might have prognostic marker.
Introduction: Nowadays, there are many options to treat hearing-impaired patients: tympanoplastic surgery, hearing aids and a wide range of implantable devices. Aim: The aim of this study is to present the mid-term audiological and quality of life benefits after the implantation of Osia®, an active piezoelectric bone conduction hearing implant. Material and methods: The state of the tissues in the implanted area, as well as audiological and quality of life results were analyzed at six, nine and twelve months after implantation in a group of four adult patients with bilateral mixed hearing loss (1 after bilateral canal-wall-down mastoidectomy, 2 with chronic simple otitis media and after myringoplasty in the opposite ear, 1 with bilateral otosclerosis and after stapedotomy in the opposite ear). Results: No postoperative complications were found in any of the cases. One year after surgery the mean audiological gain in FF PTA4 (pure tone average for 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz) was 52.2 ± 3.5 dB in comparison to the unaided situation, the mean speech understanding with Osia® in quiet was 90 ± 8.2% for 50 dB SPL, 98.8 ± 2.5% for 65 dB SPL and 100 ± 0% for 80 dB SPL, and the mean speech understanding with Osia® in noise was 37.5% ± 23.6 for 50 dB SPL, 93.8 ± 4.8% for 65 dB SPL and 98.8 ± 2.5% for 80 dB SPL. There was also an evident improvement in the quality of hearing as well as in the quality of life, measured by APHAB (Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit) and SSQ (Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale). Conclusions: The Osia® is an effective treatment option for patients with bilateral mixed hearing loss. The mid-term audiological and quality of life results are excellent, but further observations including bigger groups of patients and a longer follow-up are required.
Wstęp: Nowotwory mające swoją etiologię w gruczołach ślinowych występują rzadko i stanowią ok. 3–10% wszystkich guzów w obrębie głowy i szyi. Materiał i metody: W latach 2006–2016 w Klinicznym Oddziale Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie z powodu nowotworów ślinianek przyusznych hospitalizowano i leczono 149 pacjentów. Podstawą do analizy były historie chorób pacjentów, wyniki badań histopatologicznych oraz protokoły zabiegów operacyjnych. Wyniki: W 126 przypadkach guzy były łagodne, natomiast w 26 guzy złośliwe. Analizując wyniki można stwierdzić, że nowotwory - zarówno łagodne, jak i złośliwe – częściej występowały u mężczyzn. Średni wiek całej grupy badanych wynosił 58,3 lat, dla zmian złośliwych – 65,5 lat, a dla zmian łagodnych był nieznacznie niższy i wynosił 56,9 lat. Wśród pacjentów objętych analizą szczyt zachorowalności przypadał na przedział wiekowy 60–69 lat. Ponadto zwraca uwagę, iż przedział ten był taki sam dla ogólnej liczby guzów, jak i nowotworów łagodnych, natomiast dla nowotworów złośliwych był nieznacznie wyższy i wynosił 70–79 lat. Z analizy zebranego materiału wynika, że guzy łagodne występowały znamiennie częściej, stanowiąc 84,56% wszystkich guzów. Najczęstszymi rozpoznaniami wśród nowotworów łagodnych były gruczolak wielopostaciowy (adenoma pleomorphicum) oraz gruczolak limfatyczny (adenolymphoma), które stanowiły łącznie 93,66%. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że wśród nowotworów złośliwych dominowały: gruczolakorak polimorficzny o niskiej złośliwości (polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma) występujący w 26,07% przypadków, gruczolakorak inaczej nieokreślony (adenocarcinoma NOS) oraz rak zrazikowokomórkowy (acinic cell carcinoma). Każdy z nich stanowił po 13,04% rozpoznań. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonej analizy najczęstszą metodą leczenia było leczenie chirurgiczne jako metoda stosowana samodzielnie. Wnioski: Uzyskane z retrospektywnej analizy dane korelują z piśmiennictwem krajowym i światowym.
Introduction: The Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP) is one example of a nationwide pro-health program in Poland. This program is aimed at early diagnosis and intervention in children with hearing impairment, and is an example of a well-managed program. Presenting the results of the PUNHSP, particularly organisational aspects and experience, can assist institutions managing other programs to achieve high efficiency. The aim of this work was to perform a detailed analysis of the PUNHSP by identifying the changes implemented over the 15 years it has been active, as well as the consequences of their introduction in terms of improved quality and efficiency. Materials and methods: Data from the PUNHSP, registered in the central database, were evaluated, as well as organisational information related to management, IT support and infrastructure. The analysis was based on quality assessment parameters (identification of changes and the purpose of their introduction) and effectiveness (consequences of introducing the changes). The analysis includes the 15-year period in which the PUNHSP has been active, from 2002 to 2017. Results: Thirteen main modifications of the program were identified according to the definition of “change”, in addition to 11 smaller modifications resulting from the necessity to adapt to current requirements. The changes were grouped into five categories: legal, administrative, management, audit and control, and IT. Discussion: The changes implemented in the PUNHSP can be assumed to have positively influenced various aspects of the program, but do not exhaust the possibilities for further optimisation of functioning. Conclusions: The program requires constant development in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its operation, and the changes and solutions implemented in this program could be applied to improve existing pro-health programs, as well as those yet to be created.
Evaluation of acoustic vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (AC-VEMPs) is one of the tests performed to assess the function of the balance system. Evaluation of acoustic ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (AC-oVEMPs) consists in the measurement of potentials evoked within oculomotor muscles, particularly the inferior oblique muscles (the most superficial muscles) with impulses being transmitted along the superior branch of the vestibular nerve from the utricular macula. Despite the fact that the measurement of oVEMPs was introduced relatively recently, it has found widespread use as a diagnostic tool in otology and neurotology. Despite the growing number of literature reports, the methodology of the test and the methods for the interpretation of its results are still subject to debate. This article is dedicated to various aspects of AC-oVEMP tests, including the methodology of the test, interpretation of its results and potential use in the diagnostics of vertigo.
Objective: In this study, our aim was to investigate whether Monocyte/HDL ratio is a marker of the prognosis of the idiopathic sudden hearing loss (ISHL). Study design: Retrospective, case-control clinical trial. Materials and Methods: 45 patients, who were diagnosed with idiopathic sudden hearing loss and were treated with the same therapy regime and 47 healthy volunteers, who applied to the hospital for routine controls and had audiological and laboratory examination between March 2014 and December 2015, were included in the study. Monocyte/HDL ratios of the patients in the study and control groups were calculated from the results of the blood counts and biochemical analysis. Additionally, the study group was divided into two sub-groups regarding their responses (responders and non-responders) to the treatment determined by the audiological examination, which was carried out after 3 months according to the Siegel criteria. The Monocyte/HDL ratios between the groups were statistically evaluated. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the MHRs of the study and control groups (p=0.574). However, the MHR was significantly higher in the non-responders’ group compared with the responders’ group, although they were treated with the same therapy regimen (p=0.005). Conclusion: There was no difference in MHRs between study and control groups. However, as MHR was higher in the patients with good prognosis compared with the patients with bad prognosis, we believe that regarding the ISHL, MHR is not a predictive value but might have prognostic marker.
Objective: A pure tone audiomety analysis of patients with extracranial complications of chronic suppurative otitis media (ECCSOM). Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed audiometric data performed before treatment from 63 patients with ECCSOM (56 single, 7 multiple complications) including groups of frequencies. Results: The greatest levels of hearing loss were noted for 6 and 8 kHz (79.0 and 75.7 dBHL) and for the frequency groups high tone average (76.1 dBHL). As regards the severity of hearing impairment in pure tone average the prevalence of complications was as follows: labyrinthitis (77.8±33.6 dBHL), facial palsy (57.1±14.3 dBHL), perilymphatic fistula (53.9±19.9 dBHL) and mastoiditis (42.2±9.5 dBHL) (p=0.023). Conclusions: Hearing loss in ECCSOM is dominated by mixed, high-tone, moderate type of hearing loss, most profound in labyrinthitis. In 11% of patients the complication causes total deafness.
Background: Patients with vestibular schwannoma (VS) most commonly present with hearing threshold reduction for high frequencies and a falling type of audiometric curve. However, it is doubtful whether all Pure Tone Averages described in the literature characterize patients with VS correctly, as the type of PTA which comprises higher frequencies may be more appropriate for hearing status assessment in those patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze 3 common methods of calculating Pure Tone Averages (PTA1 – 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 Hz; PTA2 – 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz; PTA3 – 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz) and to determine which of them is the most reliable for the assessment of VS patients. Material and Methods: The study group included 86 patients operated on due to vestibular schwannoma accessed via the middle cranial fossa. Results: Regarding the method of calculating Pure Tone Averages (PTA1, PTA2 and PTA3) identical or similar correlations were found between the preoperative values of Pure Tone Averages (PTA1, PTA2 and PTA3) and surgery-related hearing loss, as well as individual parameters of audiologic tests. Conclusions: Pure Tone Averages calculated according to 3 different methods (PTA1, PTA2, PTA3) may be used interchangeably in the assessment of hearing in VS patients.
The Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP) has been carried out in Poland for 14 years. The main aim of this Program is to organize hearing screening tests and to gather the Informations about risk factors of hearing loss in almost all newborns in Poland. It consists of 496 centers at 3 referral levels. A total of 5 458 114 children had been registered in the Central Database (CDB) of PUNHSP by the 22nd of August 2017. Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss was the most frequently appearing hearing impairment in children. It was diagnosed in 260 cases in 2016. This report presents the most important results and conclusions concerning the running of the PUNHSP in 2016.
Introduction. The aim of this work was to assess the value of impedance audiometry in the differential diagnostics of hearing disorders, especially in patients suffering from tinnitus. Material and methods. The analysis dealt with results of the audiological tests in 198 patients (116 female and 82 male), hospitalised in 2007 due to their hearing deterioration, tinnitus or sudden deafness. The conducted audiological tests covered threshold and suprathreshold pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, BERA and impedance audiometry. Results of the studies. Women (58.5%) and people over 50 years old (58.6%) constituted the majority of the patients. In 166 (83.8%) patients the conducted tests via impedance audiometry did not prove any deviations from the normal condition, the lesions referred to both ears in 32 (16.9%) patients and one ear in 17 (8.5%) patients. An incorrect tympanogram was found in 23 people, including type As in 11, type Ad in 2, type B in 4 and type C in 6 subjects. Low values of acoustic receptivity of the middle ear were noted in 20 ears, whereas high values in 11 ears. In 3 ears we found low values of the gradient (below 0.3), high values – in 11 ears. The middle ear pressure between –170 and –350 daPa was noticed in 20 ears, and positive values, above +50 daPa up to +75 daPa, in 3 ears. Disorders in the stapedial refl ex registration were observed in 38 (19.1%) patients. The assessment of the conducted subjective and objective audiological examinations allowed to recognise bilateral perceptive hearing injuries in 139 patients, including 49(25,9%) of cochlear origin with OWG, in further 70 patients the hearing loss referred to higher frequencies and was rather slight. Conclusions. The own experiences indicated that the impedance audiometry constitutes the integral part of contemporary audiological diagnostics and still remains an objective method facilitating quick, non-invasive evaluation of the functions of particular elements in the middle ear.
Introduction: Surgical treatment of deafness by cochlear implants is used for more than 40 years, and during this period permanently, gradual and significant expansion of indications for this surgery has been observed. Material and methods: In our Department in the years 1994-2018 1480 cochlear implantations were performed, both in adults (647) and in children (883). In this study current indications and the rules for eligibility of patients based on 25 years of experience are presented. Results: Indications for cochlear implantation in adults are: 1) bilateral postlingual deafness, 2) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss - in pure tone audiometry > 70 dB HL (average 500-4000 Hz) and in speech audiometry in hearing aids understanding < 50% of words for the intensity of the stimulus 65 dB, in the absence of the benefits of hearing aids, 3) bilateral profound hearing loss for high frequency with good hearing for low frequency, in the absence of the benefits of hearing aids, 4) some cases of asymmetric hearing loss with intensive tinnitus in the deaf ear. An indication in children is bilateral sensorineural hearing loss > 80dB HL confirmed by hearing tests, after about 6 months of rehabilitation with the use of hearing aids. Discussion: Although cochlear implantation is used for more than 40 years, the indications for this treatment underlies constant modifications. They concern the age of eligible patients, implantation in patients with partially preserved hearing, as well as treatment for patients with difficult anatomical conditions. In many countries, bilateral implantations are commonly performed, and more and more centers recommend this treatment in the case of unilateral deafness or asymmetric hearing loss, especially with the accompanying tinnitus in the deaf ear.
Objective: A pure tone audiomety analysis of patients with extracranial complications of chronic suppurative otitis media (ECCSOM). Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed audiometric data performed before treatment from 63 patients with ECCSOM (56 single, 7 multiple complications) including groups of frequencies. Results: The greatest levels of hearing loss were noted for 6 and 8 kHz (79.0 and 75.7 dBHL) and for the frequency groups high tone average (76.1 dBHL). As regards the severity of hearing impairment in pure tone average the prevalence of complications was as follows: labyrinthitis (77.8±33.6 dBHL), facial palsy (57.1±14.3 dBHL), perilymphatic fistula (53.9±19.9 dBHL) and mastoiditis (42.2±9.5 dBHL) (p=0.023). Conclusions: Hearing loss in ECCSOM is dominated by mixed, high-tone, moderate type of hearing loss, most profound in labyrinthitis. In 11% of patients the complication causes total deafness.
Introduction: The Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP) is one example of a nationwide pro-health program in Poland. This program is aimed at early diagnosis and intervention in children with hearing impairment, and is an example of a well-managed program. Presenting the results of the PUNHSP, particularly organisational aspects and experience, can assist institutions managing other programs to achieve high efficiency. The aim of this work was to perform a detailed analysis of the PUNHSP by identifying the changes implemented over the 15 years it has been active, as well as the consequences of their introduction in terms of improved quality and efficiency. Materials and methods: Data from the PUNHSP, registered in the central database, were evaluated, as well as organisational information related to management, IT support and infrastructure. The analysis was based on quality assessment parameters (identification of changes and the purpose of their introduction) and effectiveness (consequences of introducing the changes). The analysis includes the 15-year period in which the PUNHSP has been active, from 2002 to 2017. Results: Thirteen main modifications of the program were identified according to the definition of “change”, in addition to 11 smaller modifications resulting from the necessity to adapt to current requirements. The changes were grouped into five categories: legal, administrative, management, audit and control, and IT. Discussion: The changes implemented in the PUNHSP can be assumed to have positively influenced various aspects of the program, but do not exhaust the possibilities for further optimisation of functioning. Conclusions: The program requires constant development in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its operation, and the changes and solutions implemented in this program could be applied to improve existing pro-health programs, as well as those yet to be created.
Introduction: Surgical treatment of deafness by cochlear implants is used for more than 40 years, and during this period permanently, gradual and significant expansion of indications for this surgery has been observed. Material and methods: In our Department in the years 1994-2018 1480 cochlear implantations were performed, both in adults (647) and in children (883). In this study current indications and the rules for eligibility of patients based on 25 years of experience are presented. Results: Indications for cochlear implantation in adults are: 1) bilateral postlingual deafness, 2) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss - in pure tone audiometry > 70 dB HL (average 500-4000 Hz) and in speech audiometry in hearing aids understanding < 50% of words for the intensity of the stimulus 65 dB, in the absence of the benefits of hearing aids, 3) bilateral profound hearing loss for high frequency with good hearing for low frequency, in the absence of the benefits of hearing aids, 4) some cases of asymmetric hearing loss with intensive tinnitus in the deaf ear. An indication in children is bilateral sensorineural hearing loss > 80dB HL confirmed by hearing tests, after about 6 months of rehabilitation with the use of hearing aids. Discussion: Although cochlear implantation is used for more than 40 years, the indications for this treatment underlies constant modifications. They concern the age of eligible patients, implantation in patients with partially preserved hearing, as well as treatment for patients with difficult anatomical conditions. In many countries, bilateral implantations are commonly performed, and more and more centers recommend this treatment in the case of unilateral deafness or asymmetric hearing loss, especially with the accompanying tinnitus in the deaf ear.
Background: Ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) is one of recently introduced tests used to assess the function of the equilibrium system. It is still under research and no consensus has been reached yet. Aim: To analyze AC-oVEMP response parameters in subjects with no history of neurological or vestibular deficits. Material and Methods: The AC-oVEMPs collected from 50 subjects (100 ears) were analyzed in this prospective study for the response presence in the time domain, the latencies and amplitudes of the waves. Results: No statistically significant differences were observed between the right and left ear considering both N1 latency, and amplitude. Significant differences were noted when comparing the groups <40 yo vs ≥40 yo (shorter latencies and higher amplitudes were observed in subjects <40). Conclusions and Significance: This thorough AC-oVEMP analysis in a group of healthy volunteers facilitated the proposal of reference ranges with a simultaneous indication of age-related differences. Shorter oVEMP latencies and higher amplitudes were observed in subjects <40 yo, while in the subjects ≥40 yo the latencies were longer and the amplitudes lower.
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