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Introduction. The current problem of physical inactivity in population is analysed by professionals in various age categories. One of the groups, not that often observed, are university s tudents, who should be able to present their attitude to regular physical activity as well as its contribution to healthy lifestyle. The aim of the research was to find out the structure of physical activities in university students in various study progra mmes (teacher programmes, sport programmes) and also to determine their attitude to physical activity and the reasons for (not) including physical activity in daily regimen. Methods . The research group involved students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Comenius University (n=53, 26 men and 27 women), Faculty of Education, University of Trnava (n=53, only women) a University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice (n=45, 30 men, 15 women). The data were collected by questionnaire with open, semi - open and c losed questions. The data were analysed by MS Excel and non - parametric Chi - square test. Results. The students with sports profile presented more positive attitude to physical activity than the other students of other study profile. On the other, hand stude nts of the teacher study profile were least satisfied with the offer of physical activities at their faculty and they would like to perform more activities in their leisure time if they had better conditions. The reasons for not performing physical activit y were also various. Students with teacher profile chose not enough time (52%), however, students with sports profile chose their health condition as the priority (37%). The reasons for including physical activity in daily regimen were in the group of teac her students supporting health and body forming, the other groups of students preferred fun and challenge. The time spent with sedentary activities was not different regarding the study profile but regarding sex. The results showed a clear difference betwe en men and women, where the most men chose 1 - 2 hours of sedentary activities every day, whereas women suggested 3 - 4 hours of sedentary activities. Conclusion. Our research data confirm the importance of analysing the reasons for performing or not performin g physical activities by university students, which could help to create an optimal model of a physical programme for various study profiles. The results suggest that the students of teacher programmes will prefer health - oriented activities with emphasizin g body forming, whereas students of sports programmes will prefer activities focused on performance, challenge and experience.
Recently, changes to our pace of living and to our quality of life (including demands of our leisure possibilities) have been rapid. We now expect higher standards of living filled with goods, services, and recreation activities unimaginable some decades ago. In the last two decades, there have been massive changes in work, communication, and travel resulting in what could be described as “leisure revolution.” The opportunities have increased in terms of both the time available and the variety of ways in which we can spend this time. Several aspects of physical exercise benefits are well recognized: we know that active recreation is especially stimulating and rewarding and that it helps to achieve sharper mental awareness and heightened consciousness. To be able to enjoy everyday outdoor active recreation and sports (netball, badminton, etc.), there has to be a network of recreation grounds and a supply of facilities that respond to the needs and expectations of society. The study of contemporary trends of leisure provision could be an essential spatial planning tool when contemporary housing estates functional programs are considered. Our research study (conducted on the basis of grants ds-114 and ds-144 AWF JP Warsaw; 2008-2012, supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) aimed to provide information on present trends in the area of active recreation that could impinge on leisure facilities expected at urban housing estates (outdoor recreation grounds).
Tracking motion activities through pedometer applications is one of the methods often mentioned for getting information about motion programs and for promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents. Similar problems are also addressed in the region of Northwestern Bohemia which is affected by certain structural characteristics. Aim of Study: This study strives to establish indicators of participation in physical activities among students in the second level of primary school (junior high school) and to evaluate them based on recommended criteria as well as from the point of view of the conclusions reached by other studies. Material and Methods: Physical activity was monitored concurrently and objectively by the Yamax SW-700 pedometer for seven consecutive days. Pedometers have proven themselves in a number of studies and are particularly suitable for assessing locomotive movement activities. Identification and recording sheets were used for the registration of the 358 boys and 330 girls from the second level of primary school (junior high school) in the Ústí nad Labem region who went through our survey. Pedometers were used during a period of favorable weather conditions and in the course of normal school attendance. Results: Groups of boys report different values throughout the second level of primary school (junior high school), where the average values of steps during weekdays is higher than 10,000 steps (Mmin=10,111; Mmax=10,961), which is the recommended number of steps, while the weekends record a decrease of values of steps to a number which is less than average (Mmin=8,547; Mmax=9,761). In regard to the results of the girls, the number of daily steps is lower than in the boys' groups (Mmin=9,247; Mmax=10,598). Girls results show the lowest values of steps during the weekend. Conclusion: Boys achieve higher daily values than girls in all tracked pointers. The values of steps that are typical for weekdays are significantly higher than those typical for weekend days. The lowest levels are the median values characterizing the steps taken during the weekend days for boys and girls.
У статті висвітлені результати емпіричного дослідження Я-концепції як чинника формування ставлення особистості до здоров’я. Розглянуто теоретичні засади поняття відповідального ставлення до здоров’я як позиції особистості, що визначає реакції та вольові дії людини щодо факторів здоров’я для оптимального поєднання її особистих можливостей і можливостей навколишнього середовища для досягнення стану загального благополуччя. Також у роботі висвітлено три рівня прояву ставлення людини до здоров’я, а саме: індивідуальний рівень, ставлення до здоров’я на рівні групи і на рівні суспільства. Так, представлене дослідження спрямоване на вивчення ставлення індивіда до здоров’я, що включає оцінку власного здоров’я суб’єктом, його дії, направлені на стан здоров’я тощо. Крім того, теоретична частина роботи містить огляд феномену Я-концепції особистості, що є сукупністю всіх уявлень людини про себе, її двох полюсів – позитивної (гармонійної) та негативної (негармонійної) Я-концепції. Підкреслюється, що така сума всіх уявлень людини про себе впливає на її функціонування у всіх сферах життя, які, як наслідок, обумовлюють якість її життя, закладають звички та патерни мислення, в тому числі щодо сфери здоров’я і способу життя людини. Представлені в даній статті результати емпіричного дослідження Я-концепції особистості як чинника формування ставлення особистості до здоров’я проводилося на базі декількох закладів вищої освіти м. Вінниці серед студентської молоді. Вибірка дослідження складала 226 здобувачів вищої освіти. Для реалізації поставленої мети були використані психодіагностичні методики: «Індивідуально-типологічний опитувальник Л. М. Собчик (ІТО)»; «Шкала ясності Я-концепції Дж. Кемпбел»; «Тест-опитувальник самоставлення» (В. В. Столін, С. Р. Пантелєєв); опитувальники «Індекс ставлення до здоров’я» (С. Д. Дерябо, В. А. Ясвіна) та «Ставлення до здоров’я» (автор Р. А. Березовська). Результати формуючого експерименту з основною групою здобувачів показали, що за допомогою спеціально розробленої програми на розвиток позитивної Я-концепції особистості можна сприяти формуванню відповідального ставлення до здоров’я. В той час, як результати констатуючого експерименту 1-го і 2-го порядку з контрольною групою здобувачів були без суттєвих змін. Зокрема, тренінгова програма сприяла гармонізації особистості здобувачів, підвищенню рівня їх самооцінки та зростанню рівня ясності Я-концепції, що як наслідок, вплинуло на їх ставлення до себе, свого здоров’я, підвищенню рівня відповідальності не тільки за своє психологічне благополуччя, а й за соматичне здоров’я, яке залежить від способу життя людини.
The article highlights the results of an empirical research of the Self-concept as a factor of forming the health attitude of the individual. The theoretical foundations of the concept of responsible health attitude as a position of the individual, which determines the reactions and volitional actions of a person to health factors to optimally combine his personal capabilities and the environment to achieve general well-being. The paper also mentions three levels of person`s health attitude, namely: individual level, health attitude at the group level and at the level of society. Thus, the highlighted research is aimed at exploration the individual`s health attitude, which includes the assessment of the subject`s own health, his/her actions aimed at health, and so on. In addition, the theoretical part of the article contains an overview of the phenomenon of Self-concept of personality, which is a set of all person ideas about themselves, its two poles – positive (harmonious) and negative (non-harmonious) Self-concept. It is emphasized that such a sum of all ideas of a person affects his functioning in all spheres of life, which, as a consequence, determine the quality of his/her life, establish habits and patterns of thinking, including about health and lifestyle. The results of the empirical research of the Self-concept of personality as a factor in shaping the health attitude of the individual are presented in this article. The research was conducted on the basis of several higher education institutions in Vinnytsia among student youth. The sample of the research was 226 of higher education applicants. For this purpose, psychodiagnostic techniques were used: «Individual typological questionnaire by L. Sobchik (ITQ)»; «Self-concept clarity» by J. Campbell (SCC); «Test-questionnaire of self-attitude» by V. Stolin, S. Panteleev»; questionnaires «Health Attitude Index» by S. Deriabo, V. Yasvin and «Attitude to health» (author R. Berezovskaya). The results of the formative experiment with the main group of applicants showed that with help of a specially designed program for the development of a positive Self-concept of personality, it is possible promote the formation of a responsible health attitude. While the results of the ascertaining experiment of the 1st and 2nd order with the control group of applicants were without significant changes. In particular, the training program helped to harmonize the personality of applicants, increase their self-esteem and increase the level of clarity of self-concept, which, in turn, affected their attitude to themselves, their health, increased responsibility not only for their psychological well-being, but also for somatic health, which depends on a person`s lifestyle.
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