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We investigated the extraction of chitin with various solvents and changes in the amount of chitin and its molecular mass at different stages of maturity in the fruiting bodies of the fungi Laetiporus sulphureus, Tyromyces chioneus, Oudemansiella mucida, Lycoperdon perlatum, and Fomitopsis betulina. We extracted chitin from crushed mushroom fruiting bodies with 25% hydrochloric acid at 0°C. We characterised the molecular weight of reprecipitated purified chitin with a viscosimeter and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The mass of extracted chitin in all studied mushrooms initially increased from youth to maturity, and then decreased after ripening. At the same time, the molecular weight of chitin tended to increase.
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Mushroom flavour

Grzyby w naszym otoczeniu stanowią nie tylko ciekawy świat kształtów, ale także są nośnikami ciekawych zapachów. Mykolodzy procujący z grzybami mikroskopowymi doskonale wiedzą, że niektóre z nich wydają charakterystyczną woń, jak np. woń czosnku typową dla rodzaju Mortierella lub kokosową w przypadku Trichoderma spp. W świecie grzybów spotkać można także takie zapachy, którym towarzyszy specyficzny smak. Któż nie zna typowego określenia „smak/aromat grzybowy”? Każdy, nawet osoba niezwiązana zawodowo z grzybami wie, co kryje się pod tym określeniem. Ale co stanowi, że możemy zdefiniować to określenie od strony chemicznej? Kluczową grupą substancji odpowiedzialnych za typowy smak i aromat grzybowy są lotne pochodne związków z grupy C8, a wśród nich najbardziej istotne okazują się być oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on, oct-1-en-3-on. Grzyby dostarczają rozmaitych wrażeń zapachowych, począwszy od miłych anyżkowych,  owocowych, poprzez ogórkowe, czosnkowe, serowo-czosnkowe, następnie przypominające ziemniaki lub mąkę, aż do zapachów nieprzyjemnych, jak zapach karbidu lub fekaliów. Smak niektórych z nich jest skorelowany z zapachem, w wielu przypadkach smaków nie znamy. Za każdym z tych aromatów ukrywają się związki chemiczne pozwalające czasem na uzyskanie wstępnej informacji taksonomicznej. Bogactwo aromatów w świecie grzybów pozwala na biotechnologiczne wykorzystanie ich do otrzymywania bądź to czystych związków, jak np. w przypadku ketonu malinowego pozyskiwanego z Nidula niveotomentosa, bądź np. aromatycznej grzybni mogącej zastąpić rzadkie i pożądane gatunki grzybów leśnych, np. borowików.
Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and microscopic, but they are also an interesting source of flavours, fragrances and odours, e.g. garlic, coconut, flour-like, cucumber or fruit-like, as well as the most characteristic for this kingdom of living organisms mushroom-like flavour and aroma. Fungi can possess many different and interesting flavours and fragrances – starting from nice anise-like, fruit-like, cucumber, garlic, to cheese-garlic, and ending with potato or flour-like smells. Some mushrooms emit carbide or distinctly faecal-like odour. The taste of mushrooms is frequently correlated with their aroma. What components does the core of a mushroom flavour consist of? Chemical analysis of specimens reveals compounds responsible for characteristic flavour and odour. It was found that the most characteristic flavour compound is defined mainly by C8 volatiles. Between all C8 compounds the most important for mushroom flavour are oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on and oct-1-en-3-on. Fungi and mushrooms can enable biotechnological production of some flavour components, for instance the Nidula niveotomentosa produces a characteristic raspberries compound – raspberry ketone in submerged cultures; the biotechnological production can also provide rare and tasty forest mushroom biomass e.g. edible boletus.
In a two-factor pot experiment impact of two doses of six types of composts prepared from the municipal sewage sludge with an addition of canteen waste, wheat straw and cocoa husk on the total number of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi in the soil were exmined. The light soil used in the experiment was taken from the Ap level of an arable field. On all the objects with composts there was mineral NPK fertilization applied, the control object was fertilized with the NPK only. The test plant was grass Festulolium which was harvested three times and after the third cut the samples of the soil were taken for microbiological analyses.The conducted research shows that the number of microorganisms in soil was dependent on the dose and the type of the compost. The second dose of the compost, in comparison with the control object, in most composts considerably increased the number of bacteria and the first dose increased the number of actinomycetes. However, the number of fungi, in most cases, with both doses of composts, was lower than in the soil from the control object. The highest number of bacteria was noticed on the object with the co-most prepared from 35% sewage sludge + 35% canteen waste + 30% straw and actinomycetes on the object with the compost prepared from 35% sewage sludge + 35% canteen waste + 30% cocoa husk. The development of the soil fungi was restrained in the highest degree by the first dose of the compost prepared from 35% sewage sludge + 35% canteen waste + 15% straw + 15% cocoa husk and by the second dose of the compost prepared from 70% sewage sludge + 30% straw.
A number of factors are known to be involved in Candida albicans virulence, although biofilm development on the surfaces of indwelling medical devices is considered to promote superficial or systemic disease. Based on previously reported up-regulation of saccharopine and acetyllysine in biofilm cells and activation of the lysine biosynthesis/degradation pathway, we investigated the consequences of Candida albicans lysine auxotrophy on adhesion to host tissues and biofilm formation. Our data indicate that mutant strains lysΔ21/lysΔ22, defective in homocitrate synthase, and lysΔ4, defective in homoaconitase activity (the first two α-aminoadipate pathway enzymes), are able to adhere to mouse embryonic fibroblast cells (cell line NIH/3T3) to the same extent as a control strain SC5314. On the other hand, the auxotrophic mutant strains' development on mouse fibroblast monolayers was significantly reduced up to 5 h post infection. Although invasion into human-derived oral epithelial cells was unaltered, both mutant strains formed a significantly different biofilm architecture and demonstrated diminished viability during long term biofilm propagation.
The paper presents a new locality of the protected fungus Hericium coralloides located in a manorial park in Turew. Nine basiodiocarps grew on a fragment of trunk of Ulmus sp. lying at the alley. The described locality is the fourth known in Wielkopolska region.
The paper presents the Grifola frondosa distribution in the central part of the General Dezydery Chłapowski Landscape Park. 14 fruit bodies of the species were found developing on 8 specimens of Quercus robur, located in rural parks, tree belts along roads and tree alleys.
Introduction. Kraków is one of the most beautiful but also one of the most crowded Polish cities with large numbers of cars, pedestrians and cyclists travelling each day. There has been an increasing concern about the human exposure to bioaerosols, which can occur, among others, at the sites characterized by increased dustiness, such crowded streets. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of air in the selected sites situated by the main roads in Kraków. Material and methods. Air samples were collected in 10 sites located by the main roads, using a MAS-100 impactor four times per year. Four microbial groups were enumerated: mesophilic bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and staphylococci. The results were expressed as colony forming units per m3 of air and compared with Polish Standards concerning microbiological air quality. Results. The greatest bacterial and fungal aerosol concentration was observed in autumn, when atmospheric conditions could have promoted abundance of those microorganisms. In general, fungi were the most numerous group of airborne microorganisms, while staphylococci were the least numerous. The number of actinomycetes was alarmingly high in all sites. It was found that seasonal differences in the bioaerosol concentration were statistically significant and the recorded differences could have been affected by atmospheric conditions. Conclusions. The conducted studies showed that in terms of airborne bacteria and fungi, the air in the examined locations was microbiologically unpolluted. However, high numbers of airborne actinomycetes were observed in all sites, which can cause adverse health effects in pedestrians or cyclists who are frequently exposed to bioaerosols by the main routes in Kraków. Statistically significant variability was found in the prevalence of the examined microorganisms in different seasons of the year.
Wstęp. Kraków jest jednym z najpiękniejszych i zarazem jednym z najbardziej zatłoczonych polskich miast, w którym każdego dnia po ulicach przemieszczają się tysiące samochodów, a także przechodniów i rowerzystów. Coraz większe zaniepokojenie budzi problem narażenia ludzi na aerozol biologiczny, którego podwyższone stężenie może wystąpić między innymi w zapylonych miejscach, takich jak zatłoczone ulice. Z tego powodu, celem badań była ocena jakości mikrobiologicznej powietrza w wybranych punktach przy głównych szlakach komunikacyjnych Krakowa. Materiał i metody. Próbki powietrza pobierano w 10 punktach umiejscowionych wzdłuż głównych dróg, czterokrotnie w ciągu roku, przy użyciu impaktora MAS- 100. Oznaczono liczebność czterech grup mikroorganizmów – bakterii mezofilnych, grzybów, promieniowców i gronkowców. Wyniki wyrażono jako jednostki tworzące kolonie w m3 powietrza i porównano z Polskimi Normami dotyczącymi jakości mikrobiologicznej powietrza atmosferycznego. Wyniki. Najwyższe stężenie bioaerozolu bakteryjnego i grzybowego stwierdzono jesienią, gdy warunki atmosferyczne były korzystne dla zwiększonej liczebności drobnoustrojów w powietrzu. Ogółem, grzyby były najliczniejszą grupą drobnoustrojów, a najmniej liczną były gronkowce. We wszystkich badanych lokalizacjach liczebność promieniowców była niepokojąco wysoka. Stwierdzono istnienie istotnej statystycznie zmienności sezonowej w stężeniu bioaerozolu, przy czym różnice te mogły być wynikiem zmiennych warunków atmosferycznych. Wnioski. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że pod względem stężenia bakterii i grzybów powietrze w badanych lokalizacjach było mikrobiologicznie czyste. Jednakże we wszystkich lokalizacjach stwierdzano wysokie stężenie promieniowców, co może prowadzić do niekorzystnych skutków zdrowotnych np. u pieszych i rowerzystów, którzy często narażeni są na kontakt z bioaerozolem, podróżując wzdłuż głównych dróg w Krakowie. Stwierdzono istotną statystycznie zmienność liczebności badanych drobnoustrojów w różnych porach roku.
The fruiting bodies of fungi sprout from mycelium are capable of accumulating significant amounts of trace elements, both metals and metalloids. Content of these elements in fruiting bodies may exceed their concentration in the substrate where fungi develop. Among the elements the radioactive nuclides are also present. In this work health risk caused by increased radioactivity dose absorbed with Xerocomus badius bay bolete consumption was estimated. In analysis concentrations of radioactive isotopes 137Cs and 40K were taken into consideration. It was found that moderate ingestion of bay bolete does not create health risk due to increased radioactive substances intake. The amount of consumed mushrooms that could deliver the dose exceeding the safe one, is rather improbable in real life. Possible relationships between radioactive isotopes concentrations and concentrations of common alkali metals were investigated using methods designed for compositional data analysis. No clear relationships between 137Cs, Ca, K and Mg concentrations in samples of bay bolete were found and significant influence of outlying data points on statistical inference was noticed.
Owocniki grzybów wyrastające z grzybni są zdolne do gromadzenia znacznych ilości pierwiastków śladowych zarówno metali, jak i niemetali. Zawartość tych pierwiastków w owocnikach może wielokrotnie przekroczyć ich stężenia w podłożu. Wśród pochłoniętych pierwiastków są również nuklidy promieniotwórcze. Dokonano oceny potencjalnych dawek skutecznych promieniowania gamma w wyniku wchłonięcia 137Cs i 40K wraz ze spożywanym grzybem. Na podstawie wyników pomiarów stwierdzono, że umiarkowane spożycie podgrzybka brunatnego nie stwarza zagrożenia dla zdrowia ze względu na zwiększone spożycie substancji radioaktywnych. Badano również relacje między aktywnością izotopów promieniotwórczych a stężeniem metali alkalicznych, wykorzystując metody przeznaczone do analizy składu danych.
The consumption of highbush blueberries has been growing rapidly in recent years due to their taste and health-promoting qualities. Various solutions have been sought to obtain the highest quality fruit after harvest. In the era of eco-friendly products, it is important that the methods used are natural and ecological. For this purpose, chitosan (CH) was sprayed five times on highbush blueberry bushes before harvesting. Different molecular weights of CH (5, 12, 21, 50, 125, and 500 kDa) were used in this study. The physical and biochemical characteristics of the fruit were investigated. The antioxidant activity, microbial contaminants, and mycotoxins in fruit were also analysed. Application of CH affected the quality of highbush blueberries after harvest. The molecular weight of CH had a significant effect on the studied traits. The application of high-molecular-weight CH improved physical characteristics such as the average weight of 100 blueberries, firmness, and puncture. Furthermore, the blueberries had a more intense blue colour; were characterised by a higher content of l-ascorbic acid and polyphenols, especially anthocyanins; and did not contain mycotoxins. Spraying with CH can be recommended in the organic cultivation of highbush blueberries to obtain robust fruit with health-promoting qualities.
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Microbial transformation of citral by Penicillium sp.

Thymol is present in the essential oils from herbs and spices, such as thyme. It is produced by these plant species as a chemical defense against phytopathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, this compound has attracted great attention in food industry, i.e., it has been used as a natural preservative in foods such as cheese to prevent fungal growth. Previous studies concerning the biotransformation of nerol by Penicillium sp. and microbial transformation of citral by sporulated surface cultures method (SSCM) of Penicillium digitatum have been reported. The objective of this research was to study the pathway involved during biotransformation of citral by Penicillium sp. using two methods. The culture preparation was done using different microbial methods and incubation periods to obtain Penicillium for citral biotransformation. The biotransformation products were identified by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). A comparison of the two methods showed that SSCM was more effective, its major products were thymol (21.5%), geranial (18.6%) and nerol (13.7%). LM produced only one compound - thymol - with a low efficiency.
Melanins form a diverse group of pigments synthesized in living organisms in the course of hydroxylation and polymerization of organic compounds. Melanin production is observed in all large taxa from both Pro- and Eukaryota. The basic functions of melanins are still a matter of controversy and speculation, even though their adaptative importance has been proved. Melanogenesis has probably evolved paralelly in various groups of free living organisms to provide protection from environmental stress conditions, but in pathogenic microorganisms it correlates with an increased virulence. The genes responsible for melanization are collected in some cases within operons which find a versatile application in genetic engineering. This review sumarizes current views on melanogenesis in Pro- and Eukaryotic microorganisms in terms of their biotechnological and biomedical importance.
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