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MicroRNAs are 19- to 24-nt-long single-stranded RNAs that are crucial regulators of gene expression which control plant development and response to environmental cues. We have analyzed microtranscriptomes of five barley developmental stages. Generally, during the barley development, miR168-3p and miR1432-5p levels increase while the 5'U-miR156-5p level decreases (with exception for the 2-week-old barley). We have identified two miR156-5p izomiRs (called 5'U-miR156-5p [20 nt] and 5'UU-miR156-5p [21 nt]), which were expressed differently during barley development. The 5' U-miR156-5p level decreased in 3-week-, 6-week-, and 68-day-old barley, when compared to the 1-week-old plants. Meanwhile, the 5' UU-miR156-5p level increased significantly in the 68-day-old barley plants. Moreover, only the 5' U-miR156 isomiR recognizes and guides unique transcription factor mRNAs from the Squamosa Promoter Binding Protein-Like (SPL) family. We identified many non-canonical microRNAs with changed expression levels during the barley development. Here, we present the profiles of microRNA expression characteristics for particular barley developmental stages. These analyses are accompanied by the experimental degradome analysis of miRNA targets.
Introduction Infancy is the key period in human development. Disorders in the motor development during the first year of life may affect the body posture, motor patterns and functioning in the period of childhood. The study objective was to assess the correlation between motor development in the first year of life and angle of trunk rotation, lumbopelvic- hip complex mobility and occurrence of joint hypermobility in children aged 3-9. Material and methods 120 healthy children aged 3 to 9 participated in the study. The study comprised a questionnaire and a clinical trial. The children in whom the questionnaire revealed abnormal motor development in the first year of life were included in the study group, and the other children were a control group. Then, a physiotherapist assessed the value of the trunk rotation angle with the use of a scoliometer, the lumbopelvic- hip complex mobility with the use of TPHA test, and the occurrence of joint hypermobility with the use of Beigthon test. Results Children with abnormal motor development in the first year of life were characterized by a statistically significantly higher value of the trunk rotation angle in the thoracic section and they had a higher asymmetry of rotational movement of the lumbopelvic- hip complex, as well as higher values in the Beighton test. Conclusions Abnormal motor development in the first year of life is a factor predisposing to increased values of the trunk rotation angle in the thoracic section, asymmetry of rotational movement of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, and joint hypermobility. Studies of other factors potentially leading to development of such disorders should be continued. Children with impaired development should be included in programmes of prophylaxis.
Forestry has a significant role to play in green economy transformation process of African Continent. It is important to provide strong rationale that will link the forest to economic development. This paper therefore provides useful information on the potential of forest resources for socio-economic improvement with emphasize on the status of African forest. The paper reviewed the role of forest in climate change mitigation and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals as well as the role of forest in attaining industrialization. It was revealed that Central Africa has highest forest area with North Africa having lowest forest area. However, in terms of planted forest North Africa has highest area while Central Africa has lowest area. More so through sustainable management of forest some SDGs can be achieved. Forest is found to be useful approach in climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration. The strategies that can be adopted to improve the status of African forest include sustainable management of forest resources, afforestation and improved agroforestry practices. The paper recommends policy strategy that will re-position forestry subsector in order to achieve its primary roles in the climate change mitigation, economy and promote agroforestry to increase forest cover.
vol. 17
issue 3
Praca ma na celu ukazanie rodowodu historycznego terapii balneoklimatycznej, stosowanej w leczeniu chorób płuc i gruźlicy, będącej najstarszą gałęzią medycyny. O jej rozwoju decydował początkowo przypadek i instynkt człowieka, a także zwierzęta, które wcześniej niż człowiek - szukając ulgi w cierpieniu - wykorzystywały naturę. Z biegiem czasu świat lekarski nadał jej charakter empiryczny, akceptując tym samym metody lecznicze wykorzystujące surowce znajdujące się w środowisku naturalnym. Najczęściej były to kąpiele w wodzie lub powietrzu morskim, spacery na świeżym powietrzu, dieta, w czym prym wiodła starożytna Grecja, gdzie powstał słynny zakon eskulapów zakładający tzw. "świątynie zdrowia", mieszczące się blisko źródeł wód mineralnych lub w otoczeniu lasów i pięknej przyrody. Do naukowego rozwoju balneo- i klimatoterapii przyczynił się Hipokrates, który opracował teorię wpływu klimatu na organizm człowieka. W Średniowieczu zapomniano o klimacie, choć wykorzystywano go do leczenia gruźlicy, pod którą podciągano też inne choroby układu oddechowego. W XVIII w. Richard Russel po raz pierwszy opisał pozytywne efekty w leczeniu dzieci chorych na gruźlicę węzłów chłonnych podczas pobytu nad morzem. Przełomowy moment w leczeniu gruźlicy metodą naturalną nastąpił w 1859 r., gdy Herman Brehmer założył w Görbersdorf (po 1945 r. Sokołowsko) koło Wałbrzycha zakład sanatoryjny, w którym leczenie klimatyczne zalecał u osób bez trwałych zmian gruźliczych, wykazujących wrodzoną lub nabytą skłonność do nieżytów błon śluzowych narządu oddechowego lub będących w początkowej fazie rozwoju choroby. Na ziemiach polskich do rozwoju terapii balneoklimatycznej przyczynił się m. in. Apolinary Tarnawski, Tytus Chałubiński, Stanisław Ponikły, Alfred Sokołowski. Największym ośrodkiem wysokogórskim, leczącym gruźlicę płuc stało się w XIX w. Zakopane, gdzie leczono gruźlicę płuc, w początkowym stadium choroby, występującą u osób w dobrym stanie fizycznym i psychicznym.
The aim of the was to present the history of balneoclimatic therapy applied in therapy of lungs diseases and tuberculosis (TB). It was started by accident and due to observation of animals, which used the nature to relieve their ailments. Later on the medics gave it some empirical attitudes, accepting in due course therapeutic methods that relied on natural stock. Most often they were baths in water or in sea breeze, walks in fresh air and diet. Ancient Greece was the main place of those practices with its special order of Asclepios building "health temples" in the vicinity mineral water sources or surrounded by woods and beautiful nature. The scientific development of balneo and climate therapy was stipulated by Hippocrates who elaborated a theory on the impact of climate on man. In Middle Ages the climate therapy was slightly forgotten, although used in therapy of TB and other diseases of the lungs. In XVIII century Richard Russel was the first to describe beneficial effects of staying at the seaside I children with TB of the lymph nodes. A breakthrough in therapy of TB with natural methods occurred in 1859 opened a sanatorium in Goebersdorf and recommended climatic therapy for patients with no permanent TB lesions, who showed congenital or acquired tendency to respiratory catarrhs or were in the initial stadium of the disease. In Poland the balneoclimatic therapy wad developed by Apolinary Tarnawski, Tytus Chałubiński, Stanisław Ponikły, Alfred Sokołowski. The greatest centre for TB therapy in XIX century was the mountain village of Zakopane, where the patients in initial stadium of the disease and in good physical and mental state were treated.
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