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Communication in the Adolescent – Daughter and Mother and Communication with the peers of the same sex. Without a doubt relationship between Mother and Daughter is the most intense of all relationships. On the other hand, peers play a very important role in interpersonal relations during the period of adolescence. The purpose of the research was to determine the relation between the quality of communication between an adolescent daughter and the quality of communication with peers of the same sex. The data were collected from a sample of 138 female students aged 15 and 16. The researcher employed: Scale of Communication of Parents with Adolescents (PACS) and a sociometric questionnaire – Plebiscite of Kindness and Reluctance of Korczak. The initial results of the research indicate that the quality of communication between adolescent daughter and her mother is highly influenced by sociodemographic factors and communication with peers of the same sex depends on quality of relationships with mother.
Introduction. The article introduces the reader into the problem area, based on interpersonal relationships between physiotherapists and patients. Aim. The aim of the study is to learn the factors determining the quality of physiotherapeutic services. The research was carried out in relation to verbal and non-verbal aspects of contact between physiotherapists and patients. Material and method. The method used in the study was a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire. Results. Ninety-six percent of respondents state that they have no problems with making interpersonal contact with patients. Fifty-three percent of them show interest in patients during the dialogue and the remaining group only initiates the contact and limits it to personal creativity. The research shows that the gender of the respondents does not significantly affect the ways of showing interest in patients. However, the length of service differentiates their approach to patients as well as the age of the patients themselves. Discussion. Communication in a profession of physiotherapist refers to the personal preferences and interpersonal skills of the respondents, which can be determined by a specific style of their work. In addition, significantly it is determined by the level of education of future physical therapists, which was mentioned not only by the people in this study, but also in the studies cited in the literature included in the discussion. Conclusions.The quality of physiotherapy services is determined not only by instrumental preparation of a physiotherapist but also by expression that results from the interpersonal contact. Physiotherapists are aware of building relationships during the first contact. Therefore, they try to make a positive impression. In such way, the quality of treatment can be increased.
Detention in a prison is the isolation of an individual from society, placing him in an isolated space, where the punishment is not only the lack of contact with family or loved ones, but also being with other - often not easy in coexistence - prisoners. The reduced level of external stimuli makes internal life (experiences, emotions) a priority. Undertaking any creative activity reduces a prisoner’s concentration on the matter of isolation and any health problems and issues: real or imaginary. This process counteracts chaos and contributes to a gradual stabilization of the emotional system. Creative activity, by strengthening emotional stability, helps the regaining of balance and influences the prisoner’s adaptation to the life situation in which he finds himself. The initiation of creative activity by prisoners promotes the reintegration of the individual and social (here including cultural) self. The first part of this article will explain why introducing the arts is not only desirable, but natural given the setting, and inmates’ propensity for creative expression. The next part will present the examples of unstructured and structured programs developed for the creative revalidation of prisoners. Studies have revealed that undertaking creative activity on the part of prisoners plays an important role in the proces of revalidation. At the same time, analysis of works of art produced by prisoners gives an insight into the neuropsychological mechanisms of creation and provides important information for planning therapeutic programs.
In beach volleyball the setter has the opportunity to give her or his hitter a “call”. The call intends that the setter suggests to her or his partner where to place the attack in the opponent’s court. The effectiveness of a call is still unknown. We investigated the women’s and men’s Swiss National Beach Volleyball Championships in 2011 and analyzed 2185 attacks. We found large differences between female and male players. While men called in only 38.4% of attacks, women used calls in 85.5% of attacks. If the male players followed a given call, 63% of the attacks were successful. The success rate of attacks without any call was 55.8% and 47.6% when the call was ignored. These differences were not significant (χ2(2) = 4.55, p = 0.103). In women’s beach volleyball, the rate of successful attacks was 61.5% when a call was followed, 35% for attacks without a call, and 42.6% when a call was ignored. The differences were highly significant (χ2(2) = 23.42, p < 0.0005). Taking into account the findings of the present study, we suggested that the call was effective in women’s beach volleyball, while its effect in men’s game was unclear. Considering the quality of calls we indicate that there is a significant potential to increase the effectiveness of a call.
In this paper the authors will discuss the nature of jargonaphasia. Any dictionary definition of the word “jargon” will indicate that once again the medical science of aphasia usurped what was originally a lay term. Some researchers have gone as far as modifying a neologism in adults with that sort of jargon by called recognizable ones “target related” and “non-target related. Even studies of the so-called “semantic pa ra pha sias,” go way beyond what is need to describe any of the three jargons – much less to describe “semantic jargon.” Finally, as we shall see, it is often the case that jargon samples have been elicited from naming tasks, mostly object naming. Nevertheless, it is typical to engage the jargon subjects in tasks that require spontaneous stretches of speech discourse. The complex nature of Jargonaphasia which involve a heterogeneity that will ultimately drive many subcategories of it is discussed. The authors described the 3 jargons of jargonaphasia.
The aim of the paper was to described substantial symptoms making possible a clinical differential diagnosis of autism and Asperger syndrome. Those differences do not merely reflect the intensification of negative features but that Autism and Asperger syndrome are separate syndromes, which, however, share a common spectrum of symptoms. Making a differential diagnosis is essential due to different therapeutic and educational needs of children suffering from those syndromes. The most evident differences are language and communication, manipulative behaviours, social relations as well as manual skills. The first important difference is language, which has been neglected so far since the research concentrated on communication and its disorders. While language is of a high diagnostic value that allows early identification of symptoms specific for Asperger syndrome. The second difference is a very high level of manipulative behaviours in Asperger syndrome which leads to disorders in social functioning of such individuals. Therefore, dealing with manipulation is a significant therapeutic task. At the same time, manipulative behaviours occurring in Asperger syndrome should be distinguished from resistence manifested by autistic children. Moreover, children with Asperger show a need of social relations despite considerable lowering of social competencies, and failures to communicate provoke the intensification of deviant behaviours. Finally, children with autism and Asperger syndrome vary in the level of manual skills. Though initial picture may be very similar, the potential of people with Asperger syndrome for gaining proper graphomotor skills is considerably higher due to the lack of deep disorders in motor planning.
Sleep deprivation affects numerous cognitive processes. Children populations have not been studied thoroughly, with regard to the effect of sleep deprivation on communication abilities. In this study, we investigate the pragmatic competence following acute sleep deprivation. Two eleven-year-old boys were evaluated on their pragmatic ability before and following sleep deprivation. The conversations were video-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the CHAT conventions. The Pragmatic Evaluation Protocol Revised (PREP-R) was administered for the investigation of pragmatic ability. Both children demonstrated a significantly lower performance following acute sleep deprivation. Their specific pragmatic ability and grammatically-based pragmatic ability were impaired. The subjects were unable to use lexical, morphological and syntactic cohesion, and encountered difficulties in the interaction and the managing of pauses. Acute sleep deprivation affects pragmatic competence, mainly due to difficulties in alertness, attention, working memory, and executive dysfunction in general. Variability in the pragmatic ability of the two subjects implies that more studies, focused on the cognitive deficits after sleep deprivation can cast more light on the evaluation of pragmatic ability.
The purpose of this paper was to assess the evolution of sports coverage regarding gender in online newspapers in two western societies Spain and the United States, in a period of ten years (2004 vs. 2014). A total of 2,951 articles with athletic content from the online newspapers usatoday.com and elmundo.es were analyzed. The variables registered were gender, placement in the newspaper, word count, inclusion of photographs, and the sports disciplines. The results show a significant reduction in sports articles in the two online newspapers for both genders. This reduction resulted in a decrease in the variability of sports articles. Further, there was a significant imbalance in sports news between the two genders. There was a significant reduction in the proportion of sports articles in both online newspapers for women, significantly reducing the accessibility of articles about women’s sports. The gender imbalance was higher in the Spanish newspaper than in the U.S. newspaper. The gender imbalance was higher in the Spanish newspaper than in the U.S. newspaper. Both online newspapers showed an image of sport that is male-orientated, focused on elite-level sport and with an overall low number of sport disciplines.
Introduction: Communication is one of the basic human needs. It allows to join a community and maintain interpersonal relations. It is a way of transmitting thoughts, feelings and information using a variety of methods, including non-verbal ones. The aim of the study is the functional assessment of the communication process of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy using the Communication Function Classification System (CFCS). The assessment was carried out by differentiating communication skills in accordance with the approach proposed by the ICF, that is from the perspective of activity and participation. Material and methods: The study group icluded 210 patients with diagnosed cerebral palsy, up to the age of 18 years. A functional assessment was performed using CFCS, GMFCS and MACS classification systems. Results: Over half of the subjects communicated verbally. Every fourth respondent did not communicate with the environment. Almost half of the studied children are effective senders and receivers with unfamiliar and familiar partners (level I and II CFCS). The type of cerebral palsy and the degree of the disability significantly affected the communication competence. Conclusions: Communication abilities level depends on the severity of cerebral palsy expressed by the level of GMFCS and MACS.
Wstęp: Komunikacja jest jedną z podstawowych potrzeb człowieka. Pozwala na wejście we wspólnotę i utrzymywanie stosunków międzyludzkich. Stanowi sposób przekazywania myśli, uczuć i informacji z zastosowaniem różnorodnych środków, w tym pozawerbalnych. Celem pracy jest ocena funkcjonalna procesu komunikacyjnego dzieci i młodzieży z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym z zastosowaniem systemu klasyfikacyjnego Communication Function Classification System (CFCS). Ocenę przeprowadzono różnicując umiejętności komunikacyjne zgodnie z ujęciem zaproponowanym w ICF, to jest z perspektywy aktywności oraz partycypacji. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto grupę 210 pacjentów z rozpoznanym mpdz, w wieku do 18 r.ż. Przeprowadzono ocenę funkcjonalną z zastosowaniem systemów klasyfikacyjnych CFCS, GMFCS oraz MACS. Wyniki: Ponad połowa badanych komunikowała się w sposób werbalny. Co czwarty badany nie komunikował się z otoczeniem. Prawie połowa badanych to skuteczni lub wolniejsi, lecz skuteczni nadawcy i odbiorcy dla znanych i nieznanych partnerów (poziom I i II CFCS). Postać zespołu oraz stopień zaburzeń wpływały w sposób istotny na kompetencje komunikacyjne badanych. Wnioski: Poziom kompetencji komunikacyjnych jest zależny od stopnia ciężkości zespołu wyrażonego poprzez poziom GMFCS i MACS.
Alzheimer’s disease involves a progressive disintegration of the brain in the clinical picture of dementia. In addition to explicit memory loss, problems with thinking, language functions, emotional life, logical reasoning. As the disease progresses the patient is completely lost in the environment and can not use speech. As a result, there are problems in communicating with the environment. The aim of this study was to create a profile of language impairment in subsequent stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The research tool was a questionnaire anABC designed by the author. The survey anABC was designed and named to evaluate the efficiency of language and communication. To assess the level of cognitive impairment scale was used Mini‑Mental State Examination (MMSE). The study group comprised 32 patients with Alzheimer’s disease and 32 caregivers. Patients in the first stage of the disease have the greatest difficulties in terms of pragmatics, content and semantics – the meaning of individual words. The greatest difficulty for patients in the second stage of the disease was the understanding and interpretation of expression depending on the context, then the content and meaning of individual words. There was also minor difficulties with the syntax. In the third stage of the disease, the greatest difficulty equally represented: pragmatics, and semantics of the contents,effia somewhat smaller barrier was the syntax, but there were also phonetic difficulties. The largest group of patients with Alzheimer’s disease were patients with significant impairment in interpersonal communication. There is an urgent need to educate caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease in the field of communications.
Choroba Alzheimera polega na postępującym rozpadzie funkcji mózgu w obrazie klinicznym zespołu dementywnego. Obok wyraźnej utraty pamięci występują zaburzenia myślenia, funkcji językowych, życia emocjonalnego, logicznego rozumowania. Wraz z postępem choroby chory staje się zupełnie zagubiony w otoczeniu, nie potrafi posługiwać się mową. W efekcie pojawiają się problemy w komunikowaniu się z otoczeniem. Celem pracy było stworzenie profilu zaburzeń językowych w kolejnych etapach choroby Alzheimera. Narzędzie badawcze stanowił autorski kwestionariusz ankiety anABC. Ankieta nazwana anABC zaprojektowana została tak, by oceniać sprawność językowo‑komunikacyjną. Do oceny poziomu zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych posłużono się skalą Mini‑Mental State Examination (MMSE). Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 32 pacjentów z chorobą Alzheimera i 32 ich opiekunów. Pacjenci w pierwszym stadium choroby mieli największe trudności w zakresie pragmatyki, treści i semantyki – znaczenia poszczególnych wyrazów. Największą trudność dla pacjentów w drugim stadium choroby stanowiły rozumienie i interpretowanie wypowiedzi w zależności od kontekstu, następnie treść i znaczenie poszczególnych wyrazów. Zaobserwowano też drobne trudności w zakresie składni. W trzecim stadium choroby jednakową i największą trudność stanowiły: pragmatyka, treść i semantyka, nieco mniejszą barierą była syntaktyka, natomiast dodatkowo pojawiały się trudności fonetyczne. Największą grupę pacjentów z chorobą Alzheimera stanowili pacjenci ze znacznymi zaburzeniami w komunikacji interpersonalnej. Istnieje pilna potrzeba edukacji opiekunów osób z chorobą Alzheimera w zakresie sposobów komunikacji.
The World Health Organization estimates that only about 50% of chronically ill patients living in developing countries, apply to medical recommendations. Implementation of the medical recommendations may be significantly overstated compared to reality and in addition adherence to treatment rate decreases with time. Compliance describes the degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. It refers to: drug intake, adherence to diet and also medical device use, self-directed exercises or therapy sessions. Five factors affecting compliance were described: the health care system, socioeconomic elements, factors related to therapy, to disease and to patient. Understanding how these factors may impact the success of the treatment and knowledge how to affect them efficiently is essential to improve the effectiveness of treatment as well as mutual understanding between doctor and patient. In the article ways to improve compliance in urolithiasis were discussed, particularly highlighting the benefits of building a mutual relationship between doctor and patient as well as ways to effectively pass on medical recommendations. Special attention was paid to the increased fluid intake in patients with urolithiasis as the cheapest and simplest method of treatment. Authors emphasized the presence of three groups of factors that affect noncompliance of adequate fluids intake and assigned patients to them. It was mentioned that in paediatric patients: children and adolescents, compliance is estimated at 58% in developing countries. It has been proven that medical advice is followed more closely by small children than teenagers.
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia ocenia, że w krajach rozwijających się tylko około 50% pacjentów chorujących przewlekle stosuje się do zaleceń lekarskich. Szacowany stopień realizacji zaleceń może być znacznie zawyżony w stosunku do rzeczywistości, dodatkowo obniża się on wraz z upływem czasu. Stopień stosowania się do zaleceń lekarskich, w tym m.in. przyjmowania leków, przestrzegania diety, ale również użytkowania sprzętu medycznego, samodzielnego wykonywania ćwiczeń lub sesji terapeutycznych, określa się terminem compliance. Opisano pięć czynników wpływających na compliance. Należą do nich: czynniki związane z systemem opieki zdrowotnej, czynniki socjoekonomiczne, związane z terapią, z chorobą i z pacjentem. Zrozumienie, jak czynniki te wpływają na powodzenie terapii, i wiedza, jak skutecznie je modyfikować, są podstawą zwiększenia skuteczności leczenia, a także wzajemnego porozumienia lekarza z pacjentem. W pracy omówiono metody poprawienia compliance w kamicy układu moczowego, szczególnie podkreślając korzyści płynące z budowania wzajemnej więzi między lekarzem i pacjentem, a także sposoby efektywnego przekazywania zaleceń lekarskich. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na zwiększone przyjmowanie płynów przez pacjentów jako najtańszą i najprostszą metodę leczenia kamicy oraz na problemy z tym związane. Wyróżniono trzy grupy czynników mających wpływ na nieprzyjmowanie odpowiednej ilości płynów oraz przyporządkowano do nich pacjentów. Wspomniano, że w populacji pacjentów pediatrycznych – dzieci i nastolatków – w krajach rozwijających się compliance szacuje się na średnio 58%. Udowodniono, że zaleceń lekarskich dokładniej przestrzegają małe dzieci niż nastolatki.
Accurate assessment of patients with disorders of consciousness is still a great medical challenge. Despite a recent implementation of state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques (EEG, fMRI, PET and others), proper diagnosis is still seriously hindered. The lack of accurate diagnosis results in the fact that patients’ capacities and full potential are not used. This aspect is particularly important in terms of communicating with patients. The effort of interdisciplinary teams ought to be channelled into creating and developing a complex diagnostic tool. It would aim at providing complete information regarding patients’ state and facilitating possible communication with them. Therefore, according to a number of research teams, it is necessary to make use of behavioural scales such as SMART (Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique) that are based on observational criteria.
Trafna ocena pacjentów z zaburzeniami świadomości wciąż stanowi poważne wyzwanie medyczne. Pomimo zastosowania w ostatnim czasie nowoczesnych technik neuroobrazowania (EEG, fMRI, PET i innych) prawidłowa diagnoza wciąż jest znacząco utrudniona. Brak precyzyjnego rozpoznania skutkuje niewykorzystaniem możliwości i pełnego potencjału pacjenta. Ten aspekt jest szczególnie ważny w kontekście komunikowania się z pacjentem. Wysiłki zespołów interdyscyplinarnych powinny być skierowane na stworzenie oraz rozwinięcie kompleksowego narzędzia diagnostycznego. Miałoby to na celu zapewnienie kompletnej informacji dotyczącej stanu pacjenta oraz ewentualnej możliwości komunikowania się z nim. Według wielu zespołów badawczych zasadnym jest korzystnie w tym celu ze skal behawioralnych opartych na kryteriach obserwacyjnych w tym skali odpowiedzi sensomotorycznej SMART (Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique)
Wstęp: Większość opublikowanych dotychczas prac badawczych o terapii mowy u dzieci z autyzmem skupia się na fonetycznym aspekcie mowy. Cel pracy: Ocena szerokiego zakresu zaburzeń komunikacji z wykorzystaniem efektywnej diagnozy i terapii logopedycznej. Materiał i metoda: Grupa badawcza obejmowała 96 dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym (3-6 lat) z diagnozą ASD. Ocenialiśmy mowę, używając autorskiego kwestionariusza, który zawierał elementy standaryzowanego Testu Rozwoju Mowy dla dzieci w wieku 4-8 lat. Wyniki: Znaczące deficyty zaobserwowano w komunikacji niewerbalnej. Dyslalia wieloraka była najczęściej występującą wadą wymowy w badanej grupie (27%). Sprawność narządów artykulacyjnych była poniżej normy. Poziom umiejętności nazywania był znacznie niższy niż rozumienia nazw w odniesieniu do wszystkich badanych części mowy: rzeczowniki o 16,7%, czasowniki o 11,4%, przysłówki o 4,2%. Znacząco zaburzone były umiejętności posługiwania się składnią języka ojczystego, 20,8% dzieci potrafiła tworzyć poprawne gramatycznie zdania. Większość badanych prezentowała istotne zaburzenia pragmatycznych umiejętności językowych. Wnioski: Dokładna ocean umiejętności komunikacyjnych u dzieci z autyzmem ujawniła zaburzenia wszystkich aspektów mowy, w tym fonologicznego, semantycznego, składniowego, już w wieku przedszkolnym. Ze względu na szeroki zakres zaburzeń komunikacji, logopedzi powinni być istotnym członkiem interdyscyplinarnego zespołu terapeutycznego i mieć ważny wpływ na pracę innych specjalistów. Szczegółowa diagnoza logopedyczna jest niezbędna dla tworzenia efektywnych planów terapeutycznych i nie może ograniczać się do oceny fonetycznej strony języka dzieci z autyzmem.
Introduction: Most of the published studies about the speech therapy of children with autism are focused on the phonetic aspect of speech. Aim of the study: Assessment of a wide range of communication disorders using effective diagnosis and speech therapy. Material nad methods: The study group included 96 preschool (3-6 years) children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). We assessed speech using our own questionnaire with elements of the standardized Language Development Test for children aged 4-8 years. Results: Significant deficits were observed in nonverbal communication use. Multiple dyslalia was the most common speech defect observed in the remaining children (27% of the group). Tongue and lip functions were below normal. The level of naming was lower compared with understanding for almost all investigated speech parts: nouns by 16.7%, verbs and adjectives by 11.4%, prepositions by 4.2%. The children displayed significantly impaired abilities to use their native language syntax with 20.8% of children able to form grammatically correct sentences. Impaired pragmatic communication skills were observed in most cases. Conclusion: Thorough assessment of communication skills in children with autism revealed impairment of all speech aspects, i.e. phonological, semantic and syntactic already at preschool age. Due to the wide range of communication disorders, a speech therapist should be an important member of the interdisciplinary team and have a significant impact on the work of other therapists. A thorough diagnostic assessment of speech is crucial for the development of an effective therapeutic program and it should not be limited to the phonetic aspect of language.
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