The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of static and dynamic stretching within a pre-exercise warm-up on vastus medialis muscle activity during instep kicking and ball velocity in soccer players. The kicking motions of dominant legs were captured from using six synchronized high-speed infra-red cameras at 200 Hz and Electromyography at 100 Hz. There was significant difference in vastus medialis activity after dynamic stretching relative to no stretching condition (0.12 ± 0.06 mV) versus static stretching relative to no stretching condition (-0.21 ± 0.10 mV) with p < 0.001). In addition, there was also a significant difference in ball velocity after dynamic stretching relative to no stretching condition (4.53 ± 2.10 m/s) versus static stretching relative to no stretching condition (-1.48 ± 2.43 m/s) with p < 0.003. We concluded that dynamic stretching during the warm-up, as compared to static stretching, is probably more effective as preparation for optimal muscle activity and finally have high ball velocity which is required in soccer.
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