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Background: The aim of the study was to present data on subjective and objective assessments of physical activity in employed women and differences in their activity levels depending on age, education level, place of residence, financial status, and BMI. Another aim was to evaluate correlations of physical activity assessed subjectively and objectively with the aforementioned variables. Methods: Ninety employed women aged 50 to 64 years were divided into 3 groups. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-S) was used for the subjective assessment, and the ActiGraph GT3X activity monitor was used for objective assessment. Results: The subjective assessment of total physical activity levels in the women was significantly higher than their objective assessment. The statistically significantly highest physical activity levels assessed by means of the questionnaire were found for women with the poorest financial status, or primary or secondary education levels and, for the assessments using accelerometers, the women with a BMI indicating overweight. A weak positive correlation (R = 0.25) was found between the total physical activity levels assessed subjectively and objectively. Conclusions: It seems that the use of only one tool for evaluation of physical activity level is not very conclusive. The use of both subjective and objective tools is needed to obtain reliable information about physical activity level.
Background: Limited previous research has contrasted physical activity (PA) patterns in preschool children across different hourly patterns or segments of day, or adopted similar methodologies to compare the PA behaviors of children from different countries. The purpose of this study was to examine how the PA levels and patterns differed between 3- year-olds within and between childcare and homecare days in Finland and Australia. Material/Methods: ActiGraph GT3X accelerometers were used to monitor 121 (80 Finnish, 41 Australian) children’s PA for five consecutive days. Results: No significant country differences were observed in children’s daily total PA (light-tovigorous PA [LMVPA]), except that during childcare days Finnish children spent more time in light PA compared to Australian children. During childcare attendance hours children engaged in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) for an average of 48 minutes (SD = 24) covering 54% of their daily MVPA in Finland, and for 53 minutes (SD = 34) covering 64% of their daily MVPA in Australia. Variation in children’s hour-by-hour PA was more pronounced during childcare days than homecare days. Conclusions: Despite the variations based on cultural practices, no major differences were observed in children’s daily total PA between the countries. However, these findings provide a better understanding of 3-year-olds’ PA behavior patterns and will serve as valuable evidence for the development of PA promotion in preschool children in both Finland and in Australia.
Purpose. The study examined whether increased levels of habitual physical activity (HPA) in men over 60, expressed by the volume of energy expenditure in relation to PA, is significantly related to a higher self-assessment of functional fitness, selfdependency fitness and health. Methods. One hundred and sixty six men over 60 (60-88 years of age) living in Poznań (a large city in Poland) participated in the study. In order to measure actual HPA, a Caltrac accelerometer was used. The results were analysed according to weekly physical activity energy expenditure (PA-EE) values and PA-EE values per kilogram of body weight (PA-EE/kg). A questionnaire was used to estimate self-perceived functional fitness, self-sufficiency fitness and health. Results. The study noted higher values of PA-EE and PA-EE/kg in men who positively perceived their functional fitness, self-sufficiency fitness and health. Conclusions. Increasing the range of everyday activities is one of the potential directions for the development of health prophylaxis.
Ultramarathon races are rapidly gaining popularity in several countries, raising interest for the improvement of training programs. The aim of this study was to use a triaxial accelerometer to compare the three-dimensional centerof- mass accelerations of two groups of ultramarathon runners with distinct performances during different running speeds and distances. Ten runners who participated in the 12-h Taipei International Ultramarathon Race underwent laboratory treadmill testing one month later. They were divided into an elite group (EG; n = 5) and a sub-elite group (SG; n = 5). The triaxial center-of-mass acceleration recorded during a level-surface progressive intensity running protocol (3, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 km/h; 5 min each) was used for correlation analyses with running distance during the ultramarathon. The EG showed negative correlations between mediolateral (ML) acceleration (r = −0.83 to −0.93, p < 0.05), and between anterior-posterior (AP) acceleration and running distance (r = −0.8953 to −0.9653, p < 0.05), but not for vertical control of the center of mass. This study suggests that runners reduce stride length to minimize mediolateral sway and the effects of braking on the trunk; moreover, cadence must be increased to reduce braking effects and enhance impetus. Consequently, the competition level of ultramarathons can be elevated.
Purpose. The transmission of tibial accelerations through the musculoskeletal system may contribute to the aetiology of injuries. Therefore, determining the mechanisms that regulate impact accelerations may have potential clinical significance. This study aimed to determine the influence of lower extremity kinematics on the regulation of both time and frequency domain characteristics of tibial accelerations during running. Methods. Forty participants ran at 4.0 m · s-1 ± 5%. Three-dimensional joint kinematics from the hip, knee and ankle were measured using an eight-camera motion analysis system operating at 250 Hz. Regression analyses treating time and frequency domain tibial acceleration parameters as criterion variables were used to identify lower extremity parameters associated with the passive regulation of impact accelerations. Results. The overall regression model yielded an adj. R2 = 0.13, p 0.01. Knee flexion velocity at footstrike was identified as a significant regulator of tibial accelerations in the time domain. No kinematic variables were identified as significantly related to the frequency domain properties of the signal. Conclusions. The findings of the current investigation suggest that sagittal plane knee flexion velocity at footstrike can regulate the magnitude of impact loading linked to the development of chronic injuries.
In recent years research have shown a significant decrease in physical activity (PA) among young population. Increasingly carried out diagnosis of physical activity at different stages of our lives, with particular regard to children and adolescents indicates that with age, level of physical activity, especially in leisure time is reduced. The purpose of the research is to compare the selected parameters of physical activity during one day among students aged 6-8 years old. The study was conducted with use of the accelerometer ActiGraph WGT3X on group of 54 children (30 - school and 24 - kindergarten). Analysis shows that for such parameters as MET's, Vigorous, Total MVPA and Steps Counts one observed difference between the stay at school and sometimes school has statistical significance (p < 0,05). On the basis of the studies carried out it is shown that the school environment helps to increase physical activity among children in school and the fact is that these children are more active.
Available evidence suggests that interest and participation, especially in vigorous physical activity, declines with age during adolescence. This negative attitude toward vigorous physical activity is especially prevalent among female adolescents. This study investigates how increasing intensity levels of aerobic dance, a popular physical education choice of female students, influence the attitude of female high school students toward the activity.A total of 313 female high school students from eight schools (age 16.32±1.74; weight-kg 53.73±7.58; height-cm 164.37±5.61; BMI-kg/m2 19.87±2.55) participated in the study. Student intensity levels during the aerobic dance lesson were monitored using heart rate monitors, accelerometers and pedometers, and the influence of intensity level on attitude toward aerobic dance was measured by use of a standardized questionnaire. The results clearly show that increasing intensity levels did not diminish the positive attitude of female students toward aerobic dance.
This study aimed to quantify the intra-and inter-instrument reliability of the Actiwatch 4 accelerometer (AW4) in a mechanical setting. Twenty seven AW4 were attached to an isokinetic dynamometer and subjected to angular acceleration for 30 min at 50 deg/sec representing moderate intensity (MPA condition) and 200 deg/sec representing vigorous intensity (VPA condition), with a repeat trial conducted. Reliability was assessed using coefficient of variation (CV), absolute percent error (APE), and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Mean AW4 activity counts displayed acceptable reliability according to CV in both conditions (ConMPA: CVintra = 4.6%, APEintra = 6.6%, CVinter = 6.4%, APEinter = 5.2%; ConVPA: CVintra = 3.9%, APEintra = 5.6%, CVinter = 5.9%, APEinter = 4.7%). When counts were re-categorised into minutes of MPA and VPA, lower CV values were observed (ConMPA: CVintra = 3.2%, APEintra = 4.5%, CVinter = 4.3%, APEinter = 3.2%; ConVPA: CVintra = 0.0%, APEintra = 0.0%, CVinter = 0.0%, APEinter = 0.0%). When activity counts were re-categorised as minutes of MVPA, excellent reliability was observed (CVintra, APEintra, CVinter, and APEinter = 0.0%) in both conditions. Mean AW4 activity counts exhibit reliability statistics comparable to other accelerometers. Reliability is improved when activity counts are re-categorised as time spent in MPA and VPA, with greatest reliability obtained when counts are recategorised as time spent in MVPA. As MVPA is the subcomponent of physical activity most associated with health benefits it would appear that the AW4 is reliable for measuring time spent in this health enhancing intensity category, at least from testing in a mechanical laboratory setting.
Akcelerometria jest stosunkowo młodą, ale obiecującą metodą w dziedzinie badań nad chodem. Bazuje ona na zastosowaniu czujników mierzących przyspieszenie liniowe występujące w danym punkcie materialnym. Celem tego artykułu jest przegląd literatury pod kątem zastosowania tej techniki w ocenie lokomocji człowieka, zalet i wad oraz rzetelności pomiaru. Przeglądnięto prace różnych autorów i porównano ich wyniki. Badania dotyczyły wykrywania faz chodu, obliczania parametrów takich jak prędkość czy długość kroków, oceny równowagi oraz monitorowania aktywności fizycznej. W celu sprawdzenia poprawności zarejestrowanych danych, porównywano je z odczytami systemu VICON, platform dynamometrycznych oraz specjalnych elektronicznych ścieżek. Analiza literatury dostarczyła następujących wniosków. Zaletami akcelerometrii jest niski koszt urządzeń, ich niewielkie rozmiary oraz masa, a także brak ograniczenia pomiaru do wnętrza laboratorium. Wady to przede wszystkim konieczność stosowania kabli, co utrudnia długotrwały monitoring aktywności fizycznej. Metoda jest rzetelna, o ile eksperyment jest prawidłowo zaplanowany i przeprowadzony. Najważniejsze warunki to właściwe umiejscowienie czujników, zapewniające dobre przyleganie do ciała mocowanie, jak najdokładniejsze skoordynowanie osi anatomicznej z osią pomiaru oraz uŜycie właściwego algorytmu przetwarzania danych. Autorzy większości prac uznają akcelerometrię jako wiarygodną i przydatną metodę do oceny parametrów chodu. Obecnie akcelerometry znajdują zastosowanie głównie przy badaniu wzorca chodu i oceny dysfunkcji, jako czujniki FES u pacjentów z opadającą stopą oraz podczas oceny równowagi oraz monitorowania aktywności fizycznej.
Accelerometry is a relatively new but promising method of gait examination. It is based on the usage of sensors which measure linear acceleration at a certain material point. The purpose of this article is to review the literature on the subject from the point of view of applying this technique in assessing human gait, its advantages and shortcomings and the reliability of measurement. Papers by various authors have been reviewed and their results compared. Research concerned detection of the phases and events of gait, calculation of gait parameters such as speed and step length, balance evaluation and the monitoring of physical activity. In order to verify the correctness of the collected data, it was compared with the readings of the VICON system, force platforms and special electronic walkways. An analysis of the literature resulted in the following conclusions: the advantages of accelerometry is the low cost of devices, their small size and mass and measurement which is not limited to the laboratory. The disadvantage is first of all the necessity to use cables, which makes it harder to conduct the long-term monitoring of physical activity. The method is reliable if the experiment is properly planned and carried out. The most important conditions are the proper location of sensors, tight binding to the body, the most accurate alignment of the anatomical axis with the measurement axis and the usage of a proper algorithm for data processing. The authors of the majority of papers consider accelerometry to be a reliable and useful method of analyzing the parameters of gait. At present, accelerometers are used mainly for examining the model of gait and assessing dysfunctions, as sensors in FES assisted walking in patients with dropped foot and during physical activity monitoring.
Wstęp: Uszkodzenia ACL – obok uszkodzeń więzadeł pobocznych, łąkotek stawu kolanowego – należą do jednych z najczęstszych obrażeń stawu kolanowego, wymagających bardzo często rekonstrukcji chirurgicznej. Przywrócenie prawidłowego wzorca chodu staje się głównym celem leczenia. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu przebytej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego (ACL) na wybrane parametry chodu w ocenie akcelerometrycznej. Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięły udział 34 osoby w wieku 18-54 lat. Do pierwszej grupy włączono 20 osób po przebytej rekonstrukcji ACL w wieku 19-54 lat ( =29 lat). Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 14 zdrowych osób bez uszkodzeń narządu ruchu w wieku 18-45 lat ( =25,36 lat). Przeprowadzono analizę chodu we własnym oraz szybkim tempie przy użyciu CQMotion Elektronik System typu MEMS. Wyniki: W pierwszej grupie, u 75% osób w czasie chodu wolnego, a u 95% podczas chodu szybkiego, wykazano różnicę przekraczającą 5% między kończyną zdrową a poddaną rekonstrukcji ACL. Szybkość chodu miała wpływ na wartość przyspieszenia zaobserwowaną w wartościach RMS w obu grupach. Wartość RMS była różna w zależności o tempa chodu. Wnioski: Akcelerometryczna analiza chodu pokazała, iż nie odnotowano dużych różnic w porównywanych wartościach przyspieszenia pomiędzy kończynami, natomiast tempo chodu miało wpływ na wybrane parametry chodu.
ACL injuries – next to damage to the collateral ligaments, menisci of the knee – are the most common injuries of the knee joint and very often require surgical treatment. The main aim of the treatment is to restore normal gait pattern. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of reconstructed ACL on selected gait parameters by using an accelerometer system. The study involved 34 people aged 18-54 who were divided in two groups. The first group consisted of 20 people after ACL reconstruction, aged 19-54 years old (mean 29). The second group consisted of 14 healthy people between the age of 18-45 (mean 25.36). Gait analysis in normal and fast rate was performed using the CQMotion Electronik System, MEMS type. Differences in the results were observed in the first group. In 75% of people during normal walking and in 95% during fast walking, a 5% difference between the healthy limb and the limb after ACL reconstruction was observed. The gait rate had influence on acceleration value which was observed in RMS values in both of the groups. The RMS value was different, depending on the gait rate. Accelerometric gait analysis shows that the differences in comparing rate values between limbs are not so great, however, the gait pace has influence on some gait parameters. parameters.
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