Study aim: To evaluate the relationships between circulating adiponectin and FFA, and other biochemical variables (glycerol, glucose and insulin) in young, healthy non-obese men and women.Material and methods: A group of 53 male and 54 female students participated in the study. The following compounds were determined in plasma: free fatty acids (FFA), glucose and glycerol (colorimetrically), and insulin and adiponectin (by immunoassay). Insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was calculated from fasting insulin and glucose concentrations.Results: Mean plasma glucose was slightly lower (p<0.01), and plasma insulin and HOMA-IR markedly higher (p<0.01 - 0.001) in female than in male subjects. Percent body fat was positively correlated with plasma FFA in both groups (p<0.01), but with plasma glycerol (p<0.001) in female students only. Plasma adiponectin was negatively correlated with percent body fat (p<0.02), plasma glycerol (p<0.001) and FFA (p<0.05) in female subjects only.Conclusions: Gender-related differences in body fat may affect the relationship between adiponectin and indices of lipid metabolism.
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