The article presents the determinants shaping and the development of the sports movement of the Jewish people living in Łódź in the first post-war years. When the German troops left the city of Łódź in 1945, the Jewish people started to arrive in the city. The cultural autonomy present in the years 1945 – 1949 enabled the reactivation of socio-cultural life among the Jews, involving sport. The main factors that affected the development of Jewish sport after WW2 were the Jewish emigration and resettlement to the so called Regained Territories. Until 1949 there were four Jewish sports clubs in Łódź: “Makabi” Jewish Sports Club, the Jewish Chess Club, “Jedność” Jewish Sports Club, “Gwiazda” Jewish Workers Sports Club. Their activities aimed at biological recovery of the Jewish people. The clubs representing the highest sporting level participated in sports associations competitions. The most successful were the chess players from the Jewish Chess Club in Łódź and the table tennis players from “Gwiazda” Jewish Workers Sports Club. The change in the State’s policy towards the Jews and the Stalinisation of Polish sport led to the disappearance of the Jewish clubs. Part of the sportsmen emigrated, others joined the sport model imposed by the Communists. In Łódź the Jewish clubs merged in “Spójnia-Solidarność” Union Sports Club, which was subordinated to “Spójnia” Sports Association.
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