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Social media is a Web 2.0 platform that allows to share content and information without the limitations of time and space. Social media networks have managed to become a part of today's lifestyle and are increasingly gaining importance when viewed from a state perspective. Sentiment analysis refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis and computational linguistics to identify and extract subjective information in source materials. In this study, we focus on social media mining and sentiment analysis for students of an open and distance education system. Anadolu University which has approximately two million students and more than two million graduates, is a well-known institution in Turkey, that offers higher education through contemporary distance education model. Firstly, we have fetched Tweets related to Anadolu University open and distance education system. To perform sentiment analysis, these tweets were analysed by statistical and data mining techniques. Finally, results were visualized.
The objective of this report is to propose a classification of endoscopic changes for chagasic megaesophagus based on macroscopic findings. Thirty patients with advanced megaesophagus surgically treated using the Doria Serra technique (1968)3 were enrolled in this quasi-randomized study. All participants were treated in the Surgical Department of Hospital de Base of the Medicine School in São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), Brazil from January 1995 to December 1999. The ages of the 17 male (56.6%) and 13 female (43.3%) patients ranged from 38 to 71 years. All participants were submitted to esophagogastroduodenal endoscopy with the following classification being proposed: mild, moderate and severe esophagitis. The current study demonstrates a correlation between the classifications of endoscopic changes and the degree of histological alterations of the esophageal mucosa in chagasic megaesophagus. Thus, this is a novel option for endoscopic evaluation of patients with this disease.
Inherent physical, chemical and morphological properties of soils in a place greatly determine the agronomic activities carried out in the place. Soils with high ECEC, high base saturation, low bulk density, high organic matter content, high silt clay ratio, etc. show high soil fertility. The toposequence in Eziama, Ikeduru which was formed from coastal plain sand was delineated into three physiographic units, summit middle slope and valley bottom. One profile pit was studied in each of the units. The profile pits were described with the procedure as recommended by Food and Agricultural Organization and soil samples from identifiable horizons were subjected to laboratory analyses. Coefficient of variation was used to measure the variation amongst selected properties. Selected soil properties were also correlated to measure the relationship existing between these properties. The data obtained showed that the color varied from dusky red (2.5 YR 3/2) to red (2.5 YR 5/8) and generally became brighter down the profiles. The texture ranged from sandy clay loam at the B horizons to sandy loam at the A horizons. The silt clay ratio ranged from 0.039 to 0.549, showing that more advanced weathering has taken place in the soils of the studied area. Organic carbon ranged from 1.2 to 13.6 g/kg and generally decreased down the pits. Total nitrogen was generally low and ranged from 0.34 to 1.1 g/kg. The ECEC of the area was also low, indicative of effects of leaching which is predominant in soils formed on coastal plain sands. The percentage base saturation ranged from 23.3 to 66.98%. The pH ranged from 5.37 to 4.82 (strongly acidic to very strongly acidic). The C:N ratio ranged from 3.4 to 16.59. The fertility status of the soils was generally low due to the low Ca:Mg ratio, low K:Mg ratio, high C:N ratio, low pH., the soils belong to the soil order Ultisols. The soil at the summit was classified as Inceptic hapludult, that of the middle slope as Typic hapludult and that of the valley bottom as Arenic paleudult.
Introduction: Current methods for classifying impairments in disability sports are based largely on experience and expert opinion, and are therefore of questionable validity. The International Paralympic Committee's Sports Science Committee aims to develop a new evidence based classification system based on the relative strength of association between impairment and activity limitation.Aim: The purpose of this exemplary pilot study is to illustrate the concept of relating consequences of impairment to sport-specific performance determinants in wheelchair sports. This pilot-study examined the impact of impaired trunk strength (impairment) on wheelchair acceleration from standstill (activity).Method: One able-bodied wheelchair basketball player (WB) and one wheelchair tennis player with complete T4 SCI (WT) performed a generic (non-sport-specific) and sport-specific force generation test in varying conditions regarding trunk and pelvic support.Results: The results show that including the abdominal muscles in the generic force generation muscular chain leads to a 41.41% loss of generic force generation in WB compared to 80.59% in WT. As well, including the abdominal muscles during wheelchair propulsion force generation results in a 0% loss of acceleration capacity in WB compared to 42.2% in WT.Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that the impact of pelvic and trunk strength (impairment) on one of the main determinants in wheelchair sports performance (activity) can be measured and quantified. Such knowledge will have implications for rehabilitation and classification in grass roots and elite-level sport.
This review includes over two hundred heterotetranuclear platinum clusters. The clusters are of the compositions Pt3M, Pt3M2, PtM3, Pt′2MM′, PtM2M′ and PtMM′M”. There are twenty five different M atoms (transition and non-transition) as a partner(s) of platinum. The four metal atoms are found in a tetrahedral, planar-rhombohedral, butterfly, spited-triangular, cubane, eight - and oligo-membered rings and a unique structures. There is wide variety of the ligands from uni to- undecadentate, with the most common P and C donor sites. The shortest Pt-M (transition) versus Pt-M (non-transition) bond distances are 2.4833(8)Å (M=Pd) vs. 2.4365(5)Å (Ge). Several relationships between the various structural parameters were found and are discussed. [...]
The present study deals with the application of two major multivariate statistical approaches - Cluster Analysis (CA) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as an option for assessment of clinical data from diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. One hundred clinical cases of patients are considered as object of the statistical classification and modeling, each one of them characterized by 34 various clinical parameters. The goal of the study was to find patterns of similarity, both between the patients and the clinical tests. Each group of similarity is interpreted revealing at least five clusters of correlated parameters or five latent factors, which determine the data structure. Relevant explanation of the clustering is found based on the pattern of similarity like glucose level, anthropometric data, enzyme level, liver function, kidney function etc. It is assumed that this classification could be of help in optimizing the performance of clinical test for this type of patients and for designing a pattern for the role of the different groups of test in determining the metabolic syndrome of the patients.
This review article includes over three hundred and sixty heterotrinuclear platinum complexes of the composition Pt2M (205 examples), PtM2 (132 examples) and PtMM (24 examples). The heterometals include the non-transition and transition metals. Three metal atoms form a wide variability of frameworks: M3 triangular, dicapped M3 triangular, V shaped M3, M3 linear, five-, six- and seven- metallocycles and unique structures of which triangular and linear are the most common. This has led to a rich chemistry of platinum not only from variability of metals, but also from their framework and stereochemistry. The shortest Pt-M (non-transition) and Pt-M (transition) bonds are 2.315(1) Å for Pt-Ga and 2.4896(9) Å for Pt-Co. The shortest Pt-Pt bond distance is 2.581(1) Å. Two complexes exist in two isomeric forms and several others contain crystallographically independent molecules. All are typical examples of distortion isomerism. Correlations between structural parameters, heterometal and ligand donor atoms are developed and discussed. [...]
Open Medicine
vol. 9
issue 4
Until Atlanta Classification (AC) made in 1992, there was not any classification of acute pancreatitis (AP). Last twenty years AC let us compare results and papers. But the increasing understanding of the pathophysiology of AP, improvements in diagnostic methods and the development of minimally invasive tools for radiological, endoscopic and surgical management of local complications, several authors have called for the AC to be reviewed. Last months, two new classifications of AP have been published. We made a historical review of AC, the two new classifications and a comparison between them.
Cel badań: Próba weryfikacji przydatności skal Ferrari, House i MACS do oceny efektów usprawniania funkcji manualnych u dzieci z hemiparezą spastyczną mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego (MPDz). Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 8 dzieci (5 chłopców i 3 dziewczynki) w wieku od 2 do 13 lat (średnia wieku 6) z rozpoznaną hemiparezą MPDz. Oceny skalami Ferrari, House i MACS dokonywano w czasie, gdy pacjenci przebywali na 3 tygodniowym turnusie rehabilitacyjnym. Ponowna ocena miała miejsce na kolejnym z turnusów. Każdy pacjent uczestniczył w turnusach rehabilitacyjnych co najmniej 2 razy w roku. Badanych kwalifikowano do określonego poziomu funkcjonalnego według skal Ferrari, House i MACS na podstawie obserwacji ich spontanicznej aktywności w czasie zabawy oraz podczas posługiwania się różnymi przedmiotami. Wyniki: U 7 na 8 badanych doszło do poprawy funkcji kończyny górnej niedowładnej. Pięciu pacjentów ocenionych zostało według skali Ferrari na najwyższym poziomie funkcjonalności kończyny górnej, również najwyższą możliwą ocenę otrzymali w skali House i MACS. Wnioski: Wyniki badań potwierdziły, że stosowanie skal Ferrari, House i MACS umożliwia sprawdzenie efektów terapii, ocenę funkcjonalności kończyn górnych u dzieci i młodzieży z mózgowym porażeniem, a także daje możliwość planowania dalszego leczenia. Stosowanie skali MACS (Manual Ability Classiffication System) zapewnia kompleksową i szczegółową analizę stanu funkcjonalnego dzieci z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym, umożliwiając ocenę jednego z ważniejszych aspektów zawartych w Międzynarodowej Klasyfikacji Funkcjonowania Niepełnosprawności i Zdrowia (ICF), czyli aspektu funkcji.
Purpose: An attempt to verify the usefulness of the Ferrari, House, and MACS scales used to check the effects of improving manual functions of children with hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy (HCP).Material and methods: Eight children (5 boys and 3 girls) aged between 2 and 13 (mean age 6 years) diagnosed with HCP were examined. The assessment of the Ferrari, House, and MACS scales was performed while patients were on a rehabilitation of 3 weeks. Reevaluation took place at another camp. Each patient participated in rehabilitation camps at least twice a year. All children were classified to the specified level of functional according to the Ferrari, House, and MACS scales, on the grounds of observation of spontaneous activity while playing and the using different objects.Results: In 7 out of 8 tested children with HCP, there was an improvement of the paretic upper limb function. Five patients assessed according to the Ferrari scale at the highest level of functionality of the upper limb, also received the highest possible rating on the House and MACS scales.Conclusions: The results confirmed that the use of Ferrari, House, and MACS scales, allows us to check the effects of therapy, an assessment of upper limb functionality of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, and also gives opportunity to plan further treatment. Use of the MACS scale (Manual Ability Classification System) provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the functional status of children with cerebral palsy, enabling an assessment of one of the most important aspects contained in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), i.e., the aspect of functions.
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