The effect of chitosan concentration on the properties of dermatological preparations prepared with 2% methylcellulose and 10% polyvinylpyrrolidone was studied. As the levels of chitosan, propylene glycol-1,2 and glycerol increased, the hardness, consistency and cohesiveness of the hydrophilic gels increased, while the dissipation capacity decreased. Gels based on methylcellulose and chitosan, compared to formulations containing polyvinylpyrrolidone, have a higher rate of loss of volatile compounds, higher pH values for 1,2-propylene glycol formulation and higher texture parameters. The tested hydrogels have good rheological properties, allowing extrusion from the tube and spreading on the skin.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of methylcellulose and carboxymethylcellulose on the rheological properties of hydrogels applied to skin on chitosan in the presence of the additives propylene glycol and glycerol. Rheological studies showed that the tested gels are non-newtonian systems, and have thixotropic properties. Substrates made of methylcellulose and chitosan are characterised by higher shear values than those obtained with carboxymethylcellulose. The addition of polymers had a positive influence on the dispersion of hydrogels, and the addition of excipients increased firmness, consistency and cohesiveness of the gels. Larger increases were observed with the addition of 10% of glycol propylene and glycerol contents for methylcellulose and of 20% of carboxymethylcellulose.
Nanotechnology is a field that is gaining more and more importance in the modern world. It uses a particle size of between a few dozen to a few hundred nanometers, or 10-9 meters. It is noted that the use of nanospheres (balls with a diameter of from several to several hundred nm) as carriers of drugs gives an opportunity for their controlled and sustained release. (1,2) Nanospheres as a potential drug carrier for sustained release may enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics. In order to examine the effects of antibiotics with nanospheres an attempt was made to deposit on them three drugs differing in chemical structure. These were chloramphenicol, gentamicin and ceftazidime. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of adsorption of the drug on the surface of nanospheres and to examine the process of desorption from the surface of silica nanoparticles. The results of the study indicate that in the case of chloramphenicol it is essentially a process of chemisorption, and for gentamicin and ceftazidime both physical and chemical adsorption, without there being any clearly defined relationship between this two processes. The purpose of the nanospheres as drug carriers is to obtain controlled and prolonged exposure to the drug. The amount of adsorbed substance depends primarily on its structure. Ceftazidime, as the compound with the highest number of double bonds, and a large number of groups to form hydrogen bonds (carbonyl groups, amino groups), adsorbed to the greatest extent.
During the pharmacological therapy of specific diseases, drugs are used which, with other preparations or foods, can create connections, in many cases changing or even blocking their action. On the other hand, the use of unsuitable polymers as excipients may result in drug-polymer incompatibilities. Interactions consisting mainly of the occurrence of the adsorption phenomenon and on the formation of complex bonds that reduce the effect of the drugs are of particular importance. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the active substance atorvastatin is incompatible with dietary supplements containing chitosan. The phenomenon of the adsorption of the drug was examined using a static model of a pharmaceutical gastrointestinal tract, in the concentration range generally ingested in a single dose. Measurement results of the amount of bound drug were used to determine the average percentage of adsorbed drug dose. The results of the study prove that the anticholinesterase drug is adsorbed on chitosan in the pH ranges used, and that the binding capacity depends on the chitosan variety, which indirectly affects the reaction of the environment. It was observed that the average size of sorption depending on the chitosan variety ranged from 38% to 86%. The fact that the lowest value of adsorption was at pH 6.4 can be explained by the chemical properties of chitosan, which shows a charge only at pH >6.7. Under such conditions, the phenomenon of electrostatic adsorption may occur in relation to the healing substances of weak acids. At a pH above 7.6, corresponding to the intestinal fluid-filled intestine, the mean sorption for the highest dose of chitosan was from 38–86%. The increase in the adsorbed amount of anticholinesterase drugs on the polymer along with the increase in pH from 7.6 to 8.0 can be explained by the chitosan swelling properties, which increase with an increase in the pH. As a result, the specific surface area of the polymer and its sorption capacity increase. Based on the above considerations, it can be concluded that there is an antagonistic interaction between the drug and the polymer studied, which involves the adsorption of a drug from this group on the polymer (chitosan) and a decrease in its bioavailability
Pharmacotherapy is the main treatment method for depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. As such, in many countries the potential service of pharmacist’s, especially for medicine review, active participation in improving patient compliance, and cooperation with mental health clinical pharmacists, within an interdisciplinary healthcare team, are considered significant elements of healthcare. This article uses available references to identify the potential role and describe the types of activities undertaken by pharmacists as one of the groups of specialists supporting the healthcare of psychiatric patients. The participation of pharmacists in screening tests for example towards depression, their role in education, and delivering comprehensive information about medication to patients and other healthcare workers, their role in the improvement of primary prevention and health promotion as well as the participation in actions connected with changing patient’s lifestyle have been described. Special attention was placed on the role of pharmacists in monitoring of pharmacotherapy with the goal to improve patient compliance on the use of antidepressants and participation in evaluation of laboratory test results and analysis of medication prescription in hospitals. Pharmacists should also consider/ take up pharmaceutical care of patients with psychiatric illnesses as an extended area of activity. The changing the attitude towards professional practice from a supplier of medicinal products to a specialist providing the best pharmacotherapy and safety for patients, will consequently increase the level of responsibility of pharmacies and pharmacists. This requires a change in perception of one's own role, an organizational and functional approach to exercising this area of pharmaceutical care. In addition, there is an urgent need to develop new standards, establish cooperation with other healthcare professions, and define strategies for the promotion/ marketing of pharmaceutical care. Restoration of the expected role of the pharmacy will be achieved only if pharmacists accept their social mandate to ensure safe and effective pharmacotherapy for individual patients, which was particularly presented in this paper for patients with mental health problems.
Głównym sposobem leczenia w przypadku chorób takich jak depresja, choroba afektywna dwubiegunowa i schizofrenia jest farmakoterapia, dlatego też możliwość usługi świadczonej przez farmaceutę w szczególności poprzez wykonywanie przeglądów lekowych, aktywny udział w poprawie przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych oraz współpracy wyspecjalizowanych farmaceutów (ang. psychiatric pharmacist, mental health clinical pharmacist) w ramach interdyscyplinarnego zespołu opieki nad chorym hospitalizowanym, są wykazywane w wielu krajach jako istotne elementy opieki zdrowotnej. W prezentowanym artykule na podstawie dostępnego piśmiennictwa zidentyfikowano potencjalną rolę i opisano rodzaje działań podejmowanych przez farmaceutów jako jednej z grup specjalistów działających na rzecz zdrowia w opiece nad pacjentami z problemami zdrowia psychicznego. Opisano udział farmaceutów w badaniach przesiewowych np. w kierunku depresji, ich rolę w edukacji i dostarczaniu kompleksowych informacji na temat leków pacjentom i innym pracownikom ochrony zdrowia, ich rolę we wzmocnieniu profilaktyki pierwotnej i promocji zdrowia oraz udział w podejmowanych działaniach związanych ze zmianą stylu życia pacjenta. Zwrócono uwagę na miejsce farmaceutów w usługach monitorowania farmakoterapii w celu poprawy przestrzegania zaleceń dotyczących stosowania leków przeciwdepresyjnych oraz na ich udział w ocenie wyników badań laboratoryjnych i analizie przepisywania leków w szpitalach.
The present work involves the development of a dental gel composition obtained on the basis of clotrimazole incorporated into chitosan in order to improve drug solubility. Solid dispersions were prepared by using two methods: grinding and kneading. The solid dispersion varied the ratio of chitosan to drug to increase the volume of the drug; the ratios were 5:5, 3:7, 2:8, 1:9. The mixtures were subjected to the dissolution rate of clotrimazole. The presence of chitosan improved the drug solubility; a better solubility from the solid dispersion prepared by the grinding method was obtained from the ratio of drug to polymer of 1+9. The rate of dissolution of clotrimazole was improved 17 times compared to the pure drug. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (both infrared and X-ray diffraction) revealed no new chemical structure of the tested connections and concluded that there was no interaction between the drug and the polymer in the test diffractions. Solid dispersions with the best parameters were used to prepare hydrogels, and the pharmaceutical availability of clotrimazole was analysed. The best properties were characterized by a hydrogel that was composed of the ratio of the amount of drug to polymer 5:5. The study demonstrated the availability of a pharmaceutical drug release at a therapeutic concentration in the first hour of the study. The use of the appropriate balance between clotrimazole and chitosan and the development of the hydrogel composition may affect the improvement of the drug solubility and may create the possibility of obtaining sustained or controlled release of the drug substance.
Introduction: Nicotine is a widely known alkaloid synthesized from tobacco plants, being a main constituent of tobacco smoke and cigarettes. Nicotine has also gained eminence as the therapeutic option in managing smoking cessation and even other health conditions. However, the therapeutic potential of nicotine in other diseases has yet to be completely assessed. This information void stems from an inherent aversion from researchers in assessing nicotine’s risk-benefit, due to its toxicities. We present information on the current body of evidence relating to non-traditional therapeutic applications of nicotine to fill this literature void. The purpose of this work is to present current literature on the therapeutic uses of nicotine in treating various diseases. Methods: Electronic search in PubMed for relevant research relating to the therapeutic potential of nicotine in various diseases. Results/conclusions: Nicotine has gained therapeutic significance as an active compound of the nicotine replacement therapy. Research show nicotine may have other therapeutic applications in some diseases. We discussed application of nicotine in diminished prevalence of Parkinson’s disease, decreasing symptoms of the Tourette’s syndrome, psychiatric diseases like chizophrenia, depression and management of pain. We also reviewed nicotine dosing, type of formulations, and compliance which are crucial factors in the therapeutic applications of nicotine.
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