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Ewolucja strategii życiowych

vol. 58
issue 3-4
Classic methods of population genetics can be applied for traits not affecting generation length. However, important components of life histories, such as age and size at maturation, schedule of growth and reproduction in years following reproduction, or aging, usually change generation length. To study the evolution of such traits optimization methods are applied at present, and the results are sensitive to the fitness measure. There is common but false believe that the Malthusian parameter r (the solution of Euler-Lotka equation), measuring population growth rate, is a universal measure of fitness. This cannot be the case, because populations cannot grow without limits, as it was rightly pointed out by Darwin. Just the difference between the potential for growth and lack of growth in reality defines the strength of natural selection, able to produce all adaptations, including life history traits. Because most populations are on average around their equilibrium size in their evolutionary history, such values of life history traits should be selected for, for which r = 0 (net reproductive rate R = 1), whereas all other values lead to r < 0 (R < 1). In other words, the most fit strategy gives r = 0, and the population cannot be invaded by a mutant or migrant representing other strategies. In growing populations the increase of population density is a selective pressure toward early maturation at a small body size. In stable populations delayed maturation can evolve, and long period of growth may lead to large or even huge body size. Optimal age and size at maturity depends on mortality, and in seasonal environments mortality shapes also the schedule of resource allocation to growth and reproduction in the years following maturation. Mortality sources can be divided into external, i.e., independent of organism's state (predation, catastrophes) and internal, dependent on aging. Low external mortality selects for delayed maturation, large body size and slow aging.
vol. 66
issue 2
Ślimaki nagie Deroceras reticulatum, Arion vulgaris, A. rufus, A. distinctus i A. subfuscus oraz niektóre inne gatunki z rodzin Agriolimacidae, Arionidae i Milacidae, powodują poważne szkody w uprawach roślin rolniczych, ogrodniczych i sadowniczych. Znaczne straty ekonomiczne z powodu ich żerowania występują w uprawach rzepaku ozimego, pszenicy ozimej, ziemniaka, buraka, kapusty, sałaty oraz niektórych roślin strączkowych. Najbardziej narażone na uszkodzenia są ziarniaki zbóż oraz siewki rzepaku. W celu oceny stopnia zagrożenia roślin przez ślimaki, konieczne jest prowadzenie stałego monitoringu ich występowania. Podstawą podejmowania decyzji wykonania chemicznych zabiegów zwalczania jest ustalenie liczebności ślimaków i stopnia uszkodzenia roślin oraz przekroczenie progów szkodliwości. Wzrost szkód wyrządzanych przez ślimaki wymaga doskonalenia strategii ich ograniczania, zgodnie z zasadami integrowanej ochrony roślin. Strategia ta powinna opierać się na kompleksowym wdrażaniu wszystkich znanych i potencjalnych metod, profilaktycznych, agrotechnicznych, kulturowych, biologicznych i chemicznych. Duże znaczenie, obok stosowania granulowanych moluskocydów, będzie miało wykorzystanie, alternatywnych pokarmów, mniej wrażliwych odmian oraz czynników biologicznych, w tym nicienia Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita.
The slugs Deroceras reticulatum, Arion vulgaris, A. rufus, A. distinctus and A. subfuscus and certain other species of the Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae families bring serious damage to agricultural, horticultural and orchard crops. Their grazing produces significant economic losses in crops of winter rape, winter wheat, potatoes, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce and certain pulses. The most susceptible to damage are grain caryopses and rape seedlings. To evaluate the degree to which plants are at risk of slug damage, the occurrence of slugs needs to be continuously monitored. Decisions on chemical treatments are based on determination of the size of slug populations and the extent of plant damage that exceeds acceptable thresholds. Increasing levels of slug damage make it necessary to improve strategies for combating these pests, in accordance with the principles of integrated plant protection. Such a strategy should be based on application of the full range of known and potential methods: preventive, agritechnical, cultural, biological and chemical. Besides the application of granular molluscicides, most important techniques shall include the use of alternative foods, less susceptible plant cultivars and biological agents such as nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita.
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150 lat darwinowskiej teorii ewolucji - Słowo wstępne

vol. 58
issue 3-4
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150 years of Charles Darwin's theory - Preface

vol. 58
issue 3-4
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