A new generation of vaccines are being developed to induce immune responses that fight off infectious agents, or erradicate cancerous cells. The new vaccines are based on a plasmid vector, which in transfected mammalian cells cause constitutive high-level expression of the target antigen. Expression of the target antigen, in turn, can induce a full-range of immunologic responses, including cell-mediated killing, cell-mediated cytokine release and the production of antigen-specific antibodies. Through molecular techniques, these nucleic acid vaccines can enhanced to increase target antigen expression and faciliatate antigen presentation. Additionally, genetic adjuvants expressed simultaneously with the target antigens can induce the immune responses to disease-associated antigens. The ease with which these genetic vaccines can be generated and the potency of their ability to generate immune-mediated responses make them highly effective, which creates hope for developing effective treatment and prevention of various diseases, most notably cancer.
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