Introduction: Upper respiratory tract infections are common childhood diseases. Children are more susceptible to middle ear infections because their Eustachian tube is short, straight and wide. As a consequence of these inflammatory changes while impaired patency of the Eustachian tube often arises conductive hearing. Objective: The aim of this study was to Assessment effectiveness of treatment Eustachian tube dysfunction using inhaler AMSA. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 30 patients. Same was in the control group. All patients reported conductive hearing loss. Test group was treated as an inhaler AMSA. The control group was treated pharmacologically. Patients were examined with the use of pure-tone audiometry, and impedance at baseline, after one week and four weeks. Results: Statistical analysis showed improvement in the studied parameters in patients treated with inhaler AMSA in a much shorter time than patients treated with pharmacotherapy.
Wstęp: Zapalenia górnych dróg oddechowych są częstymi chorobami wieku dziecięcego. Dzieci są bardziej podatne na zakażenia ucha środkowego, ponieważ ich trąbka słuchowa jest krótka, prosta i szeroka. W konsekwencji powyższych zmian zapalnych z jednoczesnym upośledzeniem drożności trąbki słuchowej bardzo często powstaje niedosłuch przewodzeni owy. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności leczenia dysfunkcji trąbek słuchowych za pomocą inhalatora AMSA Materiał i metoda: Grupę badaną stanowiło 30 pacjentów. Tyle samo było w grupie kontrolnej. U wszystkich badanych stwierdzono upośledzenie słuchu typu przewodeniowego. Grupa badana leczona była za pomocą inhalatora AMSA. Grupę kontrolną leczono farmakologicznie. Pacjentów zbadano z wykorzystaniem audiometrii tonalnej oraz impedancyjnej na początku terapii, po tygodniu oraz po czterech tygodniach. Wyniki: Analiza statystyczna wykazała poprawę badanych parametrów u chorych leczonych inhalatorem AMSA w znacznie krótszym czasie niż u osób leczonych farmakologiczne.
Introduction: Hyperfunctional dysfunction is one of the most common functional dysphonia, cha-racterized by voice insufficiency with excessive tightening of the muscles inside and outside the larynx during phonation. To make the treatment process more effective, new ways of rehabilitation are constantly being sought and developed. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of laryngotaping - an innovative method of taping around the larynx and neck muscles. Material and method: 10 patients with diagnosed hyperfunctional dysphonia participated in the study. Using the kinesiotaping principles, for 7 days, the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, ster-nocleidomastoid muscles as well as the thyroid cartilage were taped. Before and after the therapy, the patients completed the VHI voice self-evaluation questionnaire. The evaluation of the larynx according to the L. Mathienson scale was also assessed palpation. Results: Analyzing the results of the VHI questionnaire and evaluation of palpation evaluation of the larynx before and after the therapy, statistically significant differences were observed. The results on average decreased by half, which is the desired effect of therapy. Discussion: The results confirm the positive impact of kinesiotaping around the larynx. However, more research is needed on a larger group of patients to fully evaluate the therapeutic effect. Conclusions: 1. Laryngotaping is an effective way to normalize muscle tone, and thus to improve the quality of the voice. 2. The presented studies require continuation, however, positive reception of the introduced therapy by patients encourages further research on a larger group of patients.
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