Introduction: Fair Play behaviours are moral and social behaviours that can be acquire from students throughout PE class. The main aim of this study was to translate and validate into Albanian language the questionnaire that measures and evaluate pro-social and antisocial behaviours in PE class. Material and methods: The process of validity was based in three steps: 1) Translation and Back Translation - the questionnaire was translated from experts of the field who were proficient in English language, and the process of back translation was done from experts of Albanian and English language. 2) Factor Analysis - 597 middle school students from Tirana, Albania, were involved, from which a simple size of 280 students (mean age=13.22±1.22 yr) was used to perform the EFA, and reliability, reporting the CA coefficient. For the CFA a sample size of 317 students (mean age=14.32±7.3 yr) was used. 3) Test-Retest Validity- the questionnaire was submitted to the same students as EFA in two times with an interval of 3 weeks between them. Results: Regarding Factor Analysis the KMO> than 0.5 and Bartlett's Test < 0.01 (KMO-0.820, χ2=1153.330; p=0.000), have indicated that the EFA could be performed. EFA has revealed that there were four factors, two for pro-social and two for antisocial. The CA coefficient for the four factors was: respect conventions (α=0.683), respect towards teammates (α=0.616), cheating (α=0.765) and gamesmanship (α=0.742). The CFA has indicated a good model fit (χ2=196.68, df=84, p=0.000, RMSEA = 0.065, SRMR = 0.056 and CFI=0.92). Regarding test-retest validity there were no significant differences between test and retest measures, when test (M=44.26±5.13) and retest (M=44.09±5.76) conditions; t(279)=0.52 (p=0.600). Conclusions: According to the results of our study, the questionnaire has shown reliability on measuring pro-social and antisocial behaviours in PE class. Therefore, the questionnaire can be used as an effective tool to help Albanian PE teachers and sports educators to understand the social and educational values dealing with sport in Albanian schools.
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