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Though marine science has been established much attention along the southeast coast of India in recent years, and fish (marine and estuaries) studies are still watch over by many researchers. The present research was carried out on marine and estuaries fish accessibility along the Velankanni coastal, Nagapattinam District to identify. A large collection of marine and estuaries fish was made along the coastal line of Velankanni, and totally 30 fish species belonging to 17 families and 11 orders of fishes were identified over a 3 months (March 2023 to May 2023) study period. Most of the species were commonly available in all the season along Velankanni coastal area. The present study revealed the occurrence of marine and estuaries fish species along the Velankanni coastal in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu in India.
The use of botanicals as an alternative to the chemical compounds is gaining tremendous momentum because of its multifarious advantages. In view of its increasing interest, an attempt was made in the present study to assess the larvicidal and ovicidal potential of important plant like P. graveolens against three mosquito species. The third instar larvae were exposed to different concentrations (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ppm) of methanol, diethyl ether, chloroform and ethyl acetate oil extracts of seed of P. graveolens plant. The mortality was recorded after 24 hrs exposure and LC50 and LC90 were determined. The ovicidal activity was determined against three mosquito species to different concentrations ranging from 70–350 ppm lower than the laboratory conditions. The present investigation revealed that the LC50 values methanol, diethyl ether, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of P. graveolens against An. stephensi larvae were 21.54, 24.21, 26.34 and 22.83 mg/L respectively. Ovicidal activity of methanol extract was assessed by assessing the egg hatchability. Highest concentrations 210, 280 and 350 ppm of extract exhibited 100% ovicidal activity. The results clearly show that larvicidal and ovicidal activity was dose reliant. The highest larvicidal and ovicidal activity against An. stephensi was obtained with methanol extract of P. graveolens.
Nephroprotective effects (NPE) of simple Potentilla reptans - aqueous leaf extract (Pr-ALE) leaves on Paracetamol induced kidney poisonousness in wistar rats. Adult male wistar rats (weight range (WR): 200-220g) were divided into 6 groups (n=6). Paracetamol (PA) and Silymarin (SY) stayed managed intraperitoneally arranged the 5th day to rats in all groups but the normal control. Furthermore, a significant nephroprotective (NP) of the aqueous leaf extract (ALE) and oral dose of PA and SY. Pr-ALE did not mortality or significant changes in the body weight. Progression of nephrotoxicity (NT) induced by PA in rats was interfered by Pr-ALE managed, and these effects were correspond to those managed with SY. This is the first record on NPE of Pr against PA-induced NT.
Mosquitocidal activity of Phyla nodiflora methanol leaf extract fractions (Pn-MLEFr) was controlled and using main components on malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi (An. stephensi). Pn-MLE were characterized utilizing tools containing TLC, CC, FTIR and GCMS, and it against 3rd instars larvae of An. stephensi, followed by pupicidal activity was determined to concentration of 1, 3, 5 ppm. In phytochemical, characterized by GCMS analysis was carried out to be eligible for the constituents of the MLE. Pn-MLE Fr-6 showed the highest LC50 and LC90 values of 25.80 and 68.45 ppm, respectively. Fr-6 was found to be most effective for this activity provided pupa stage at death and stage of non-mortality values were 22.85 (NDP), 76.1 (TDP), 1.2 (DP), 0.7 (DA), 78% (TM%) and 6.6 (NAE), 22 (AE%) at 1 ppm against An. stephensi. Moreover, 3 and 5 ppm were provided TM% and AE% values of 94.43% and 5.57%; 100% and no adults emerged. In GC-MS analyzes, a total of 21 compounds were identified in the Pn-MLE, the main component was Ergosta-5,22-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3á,22E)-. Further, the AgNPs synthesized using Fm-ALE showed enhanced anti-bacterial activity. The reports revealed the Ergosta-5,22-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3á,22E)- was the most one of the important a compound provides malarial vector control from Pn-MLEFr.
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