The authors would like to present a rare case of the middle ear cancer which has been developed in postoperative cave in 67 years old patient operated for cholesteatoma 50 years earlier. The patient was admitted to the ENT Department of Poznań University of Medical Sciences because of the ear suppuration and headache occurring for 3 months. CT and MR images suggested granulation tissue fi lling the postoperative spaces with bone destruction, infi ltration of the dura and temporal lobe abscess formation. Intraoperative fi ndings allowed excluding the preliminary diagnosis of intracranial complication in the course of chronic otitis media, revealing the tissue masses resembling neoplastic infi ltration. The histopathology examination confi rmed the fi nal diagnosis of squamous cell cancer. The patient was directed to radiotherapy. The authors report a case of middle ear squamous cell carcinoma and discuss its diagnostic aspect.
The authors would like to present a rare case of the middle ear cancer which has been developed in postoperative cave in 67 years old patient operated for cholesteatoma 50 years earlier. The patient was admitted to the ENT Department of Poznań University of Medical Sciences because of the ear suppuration and headache occurring for 3 months. CT and MR images suggested granulation tissue fi lling the postoperative spaces with bone destruction, infi ltration of the dura and temporal lobe abscess formation. Intraoperative fi ndings allowed excluding the preliminary diagnosis of intracranial complication in the course of chronic otitis media, revealing the tissue masses resembling neoplastic infi ltration. The histopathology examination confi rmed the fi nal diagnosis of squamous cell cancer. The patient was directed to radiotherapy. The authors report a case of middle ear squamous cell carcinoma and discuss its diagnostic aspect.
Introduction. In this work we wish to emphasize the importance of postoperative care of patients who underwent FESS in ENT Department Medical University in Poznań. We feel that too little attention is still being paid to this treatment as we mostly focus on surgery. Material and methods. Our observation are based on nine year experience in functional endoscopic sinus surgery. The analysis covers patients hospitalized in our Department from January 1998 to August 2007. The schedule of postoperative care has been presented. Results. 1463 FESS operation were carried out in our Department from January 1998 to August 2007. Similar postoperative procedures were used with each patient. Full recovery of mucous membrane depended on a few parameters such as: if the patient underwent FESS for the fi rst time, what kind of changes were observed: polips or chronic infection, as well as the method of surgery (“aggressive” versus “delicate”). Healing time ranged from 6 week to 3 month. Conclusions. The scheme of procedures employed comes useful in postoperative treatment after FESS.
Introduction. In this work we wish to emphasize the importance of postoperative care of patients who underwent FESS in ENT Department Medical University in Poznań. We feel that too little attention is still being paid to this treatment as we mostly focus on surgery. Material and methods. Our observation are based on nine year experience in functional endoscopic sinus surgery. The analysis covers patients hospitalized in our Department from January 1998 to August 2007. The schedule of postoperative care has been presented. Results. 1463 FESS operation were carried out in our Department from January 1998 to August 2007. Similar postoperative procedures were used with each patient. Full recovery of mucous membrane depended on a few parameters such as: if the patient underwent FESS for the fi rst time, what kind of changes were observed: polips or chronic infection, as well as the method of surgery (“aggressive” versus “delicate”). Healing time ranged from 6 week to 3 month. Conclusions. The scheme of procedures employed comes useful in postoperative treatment after FESS.
Wstęp: Rak krtani jest w Polsce najczęściej występującym nowotworem złośliwym regionu głowy i szyi. Rozpoznaje się go przede wszystkim u mężczyzn pomiędzy 50.–70. rokiem życia. Badania wieloośrodkowe, których celem było przedstawienie obrazu epidemiologicznego i klinicznego raka krtani, prowadzone były od 1980 roku. Obecne, koordynowane przez Klinikę Otolaryngologii WUM, mają za główny cel przedstawienie ewolucji procesu diagnostycznego i terapeutycznego. Materiał i metody: Analizie retrospektywnej poddano dane dotyczące chorych diagnozowanych i leczonych z powodu raka krtani w latach 2001–2010 w 12 ośrodkach. Na platformie bazy Microsoft Access 2003 (SP 2) stworzono program do gromadzenia danych, które następnie poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Zgromadzono dane dotyczące 4124 chorych, w tym 3682 mężczyzn (89,3%) i 442 kobiet (10,7%). Najliczniejszą grupę stanowili chorzy pomiędzy 50. a 60. rokiem życia – 41,5% oraz między 60. a 70. rokiem życia – 29,6%. Aż 81,3% pacjentów było nałogowymi palaczami papierosów. U 1634 chorych stwierdzono I i II stopień zaawansowania nowotworu, przy czym u 5 chorych był to rak in situ. U 2490 chorych zdiagnozowano III i IV stopień zaawansowania nowotworu. Najczęstszym umiejscowieniem raka były: głośnia, trzy piętra krtani oraz nadgłośnia i głośnia. Największą grupę stanowili pacjenci z rakiem krtani T3 – 1367 (33%). Węzły chłonne (cecha N) obecne były u 1216 chorych (29,5%). Największą grupę stanowiły węzły określane jako N2b i N2c, czyli powyżej 6 cm, oraz mnogie. Zdiagnozowano je u 533 chorych (13%). Węzły te występowały z rakami krtani określanymi jako T3 i T4a, a więc były to nowotwory zaawansowane miejscowo i regionalnie. Rodzaj zastosowanego leczenia bardzo różnił się w zależności od stopnia zaawansowania nowotworu. Sama chirurgia dotyczyła 73,7% pacjentów z nowotworem w stopniu I lub II, oraz jedynie 28,6% pacjentów z nowotworem w stopniu III lub IV. Nowotwory w zaawansowanych stadiach znacznie częściej były leczone terapią łączoną: chirurgią i radioterapią. Wyniki leczenia – mierzone przeżyciem całkowitym – wynosiły odpowiednio: w grupie chorych z zawansowaniem raka w I i II stopniu – 64%, w grupie chorych z zaawansowaniem raka w stopniu III i IV – 61%. Wnioski: Skuteczność rozpoznawania raka krtani w Polsce jest duża, jednak skróceniu powinien ulec czas upływający od wystąpienia u pacjenta objawów do uzyskania diagnozy. Natomiast skuteczność leczenia chirurgicznego jest zdecydowanie niezadowalająca. Stworzenie stałej platformy do prowadzenia (i monitorowania) przebiegu diagnostyki i leczenia raka krtani, pozwoli na zweryfikowanie postępowania i osiągnięcie lepszych wyników. Jest to zadanie dla środowiska otorynolaryngologów.
Introduction: The laryngeal cancer is the most frequently diagnose malignancy in head and neck region. The highest morbidity is within male patients in the age range between 50 and 70 years. The multicenter study, coordinated by Oto-laryngology Department of Medical University of Warsaw, was designed to investigate the epidemiology of laryngeal cancer in Poland from 1980 and to analyze the evolution of diagnostic and therapeutical procedures over the years.Material and methods: There was performed retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients with laryn-geal cancer hospitalized and treated in 12 otolaryngology centers in Poland from 2001 to 2010. The Microsoft Access 2003 (SP 2) platform was used to collect the data and subsequent statistical analysis.Results: There were collected data from 4124 patients, 3682 men (89,3%) and 442 women (10,7%). The largest group consisted of patients in the age range between 50 and 60 years (41,5%) and the second large group was of those be-tween 60 and 70 years (29,6%). The history of heavy cigarettes smoking was obtained from 81,3% of patients. Re-garding the staging of laryngeal cancer, there were 1634 patients with cancer stage of I or II, including 5 patients with carcinoma in situ and 2490 patients with III or IV stage. The most frequent localization of the cancer was the glottis, followed with invasion of all three laryngeal levels and tumors occupying both the epiglottis and glottis. The major-ity of patients – 1367 (33%) – has the T3 tumor advancement. The lymph nodes metastases (N) were present in 1216 (29,5%) patients and among them the N2b and N2c advancement ( lymph node larger than 6 cm, multiple) was de-tected in 533 of patients (13%). The lymph nodes involvement occurred in majority within advanced tumors of T3 or T4a. Considering the treatment options they varied depending on the staging of laryngeal cancer. The sole surgical procedures were performed in 73,7% of patients with cancer stage of I or II and in only 28.6% of patients with the stage of III or IV. The advanced tumors were in majority treated with the combined therapy: surgery and radiotherapy. The overall survival in patients with cancer stage of I and II was 64% and 61% for those with stage III and IV.Conclusions: The rate of laryngeal cancer detection is quite high in Poland, however the period from the onset of symptoms until diagnosis should be reduced. The effectiveness of surgical treatment is definitely unsatisfactory. The project to create a multicenter permanent base for monitoring the course of diagnosis and treatment in patients with laryngeal cancer surely will verify the procedures and enable to achieve better results. Continuation of this project is a task for all otorhinolaryngologists.KEYWORDS:laryngeal carcinoma, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, multicenter study
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