The paper presents a comparison of calculation and measurement results of interior air temperature and humidity in the historical wooden church in Wiśniowa. WUFI®plus software was used for these calculations. A concurrence between calculated and measured parameters allows the presupposition that calculation accuracy is sufficient for the purposes of determining thermal comfort in buildings where the indoor climate is shaped passively. Statistical analysis of the trend changes seems to also be sufficient to assess dynamic impact.
Cellars of the main building of the University of Agriculture in Krakow are used as storage areas, laboratories and as classrooms. This article presents the results of many years of temperature measurements in one cellar room; internal and external air temperature as well as temperatures of the walls, the floor and adjacent ground were recorded. In the winter season, the examined room was intermittently heated. Using measured boundary conditions, transient, three-dimensional heat flow in the basement foundation interface was calculated. WUFI®Plus software was used for calculation. By means of statistical analysis, the calculated temperature distribution in assemblies and the ground was then compared with the measurement results. The analysis allowed for the determination of the accuracy of theoretical calculations of thermal conditions in the environment of the periodically heated cellar room.
Extensive experimental investigations have been carried out in the passive house in Boruszowice for several years. The building foundation interface consists of a 25 cm reinforced concrete slab situated on a 40 cm layer of Styrofoam. The analysis of experimental results as well as theoretical calculations made it possible to determine the thermal performance of the applied slab on grade with floor heating during the whole yea.
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