Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many scientific papers have described the medical aspects and treatment of the virus infection and its symptoms. There are also many studies on how pandemics of this magnitude affect psychological wellbeing. Despite the spread of COVID-19, it has remained a rather abstract threat for many people in Poland. They have often expressed disbelief and negative attitudes toward social restrictions. The study aimed to investigate changes in attitudes to the COVID-19 threat in young people and the psychological repercussions of social isolation. The present study examined the changes in young people's attitudes, ones not directly affected by COVID19, over a period of a month. It comprised 41 individuals aged 21 to 60. The partic- ipants were asked to fill out a specially designed Internet questionnaire. This consisted of 5 open questions concerning their attitudes, values, feelings, reactions, and vision of the future. They were also encouraged to give their own remarks. At first, 46.6% of participants reported a feeling of discomfort, while 48.4% treated the situation as an opportunity to temporarily slow down the pace of life. However, negative moods and deterioration of mental state arose over time, and 58.7% of respondents reported discomfort in the second study. It shows that counter-arguing against information that causes discomfort and fear does not work for long. Moreover, the majority of them believed that the epidemic would result in the deterioration of their psychological wellbeing. The study revealed that psychological restlessness was almost imperceptible at first, and many participants reported a feeling of relief. Nevertheless, deterioration of mental state arose gradually, often leading to a lack of motivation, feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and, consequently, aggressive behaviors. The neuropsychological and biological aspects of long-term stress are also discussed.
The research focuses on the questions of if nurses working in various health care facilities present different abilities for emotional adaptation to the work environment, if they differ in feeling job related burnout, and what stress coping strategies they tend to employ. The Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence (INTE), Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ), and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) were administered. The study comprised 104 nurses from various health care facilities located within 7 voivodships (Polish provincial administrative divisions). This included three groups of different types of work: general care, specialized medical care, and units providing care for patients at a high risk of dying. A statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Statistic 24. A regression analysis of the interface between emotional intelligence and stress-coping strategies showed that a high degree of emotional intelligence fostered a strategy of task-avoidance coping, and diminished the tendency to concentrate on emotions during stressful situations, it also minimized the propensity of the individual to reduce stress by distracting themselves with other activities. However, the mediation analysis revealed that the impact of emotional intelligence decreased after the role of occupational burnout was taken into consideration. This finding suggests that it is rather the occupational burnout that limits the possibility to apply effective stress coping strategies and that stress management does not reduce the risk of burnout. The study indicated the significant role of emotional intelligence: as a higher level of this form of intelligence corresponded with a lower feeling of burnout in all its dimensions. The mediation analysis revealed that it is the occurrence of burnout that plays the most significant role in adjustment to the work environment. This finding suggests that the prevention of burnout is the most effective factor enabling productive work, and the maintenance of psychological wellbeing despite the many job stressors which may occur in the workplace. It creates the need to clarify its links with depression in order to concentrate on a really effective treatment.
Background: Procrastination means delaying action, which creates serious problems both in academic, work, and clinical settings since it leads to reduced performance levels, and gives rise to psychological distress resulting in lower levels of health and well-being. Therefore, it is imperative to acquire a better know ledge of its reasons and relationships with psychological factors. Yet, the nature of those rela tionships remains am biguous. One of reasons is that many fac tors considered as causes of procrastination work as mediators, modify ing the relationships of procrastination with other factors. Hence, the present study aimed at delineating the factors, which might have a mediating effect upon the interface of procrastination with personality features. Material/Methods: Undergraduate students (n=62) participated in the study. The participation was voluntary and anonymous. A self-constructed Questionnaire of Predictors of Procrastination (QPP), a Polish version of the NEO-FFI test, and a Polish adaptation of the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) were administered, and there was no time limit. Results: Positive significant correlations between neurotism and general, decisive, and behavioral procrastination were found. There was also a significant interaction of neuroticism with the fear of failure, evaluation anxiety, low motivation and a lack of persistence as well as a lack of time management. In addition, the tendency to succumb to temptations and distractibility proved to be significantly related with procrastination, which suggests a lack of self-control. Conclusions: The current study confirmed observations that a neurotic personality does not determine procrastination but both those variables do interact. This study also shows that anxiety plays a significant role in starting actions and/or in accomplishing it. This is not only a fear of final evaluation, but the fear following the belief of impossibility to properly deal with a given action. Moreover, a capability of controlling emotions is closely connected with self-control enabling the planning, and organizing of an action, which is one of the main problems of procrastinators.
Niniejsza praca stanowi próbę określenia, czy cechy osobowości oddziałują moderująco na związek między prokrastynacją i jej predyktorami. Uczestnikami badań było 47 osób (w tym 74,5% kobiet, 25,5% mężczyzn)– studentów Wydziałów Pedagogiki i Psychologii (N= 27) oraz Ekonomicznego (N= 20) UMCS w Lublinie. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 20,28 lat (min. = 19, max. = 24). Płeć ani wiek nie różnicowały badanych. Prezentowane badania potwierdziły opisywane w literaturze naukowej założenia o związku między takimi cechami osobowości, jak neurotyczność, ekstrawersja i sumienność z prokrastynacją w jej poszczególnych aspektach. Ponadto istotnymi predyktorami prokrastynacji okazały się lęk przed porażką, niska motywacja i wytrwałość, brak umiejętności zorganizowania i preferowanie życia towarzyskiego. Związek tych zmiennych z prokrastynacją był dodatni, co oznacza, że im wyższy wskaźnik tych zmiennych, tym większa była też skłonność do odkładania spraw na później. Wysoki wskaźnik neurotyczności dawał efekt moderujący związek niskiej motywacji oraz braku zorganizowania z prokrastynacją decyzyjną. Z kolei na powiązania lęku przed porażką i krytyką z prokrastynacją behawioralną moderująco oddziaływała silnie wyrażona sumienność.
The present paper argues that the development of a new methodology in studying the brain has resulted in a change of our views on the way it works, has seen the emergence of new ideas, and a considerable modification of traditionally accepted theories. The most significant are neuroplasticity, negative activity network (NAT), the nature of aphasic disorders, and the approach to the localization of brain functions. New brain imaging techniques have confirmed also the ability to change the neuronal circuits by mental force. Moreover, new techniques have brought about a rise in new methods for both the diagnosis and rehabilitation of individuals with various brain disorders. Most valuable in this respect has proved to be neurofeedback. We have concentrated on the most important contributions of Prof. Pąchalska in the implementation and development of these new ideas on brain functioning. We also emphasize the fact that her theoretical considerations are firmly based upon her extensive (forty years) work with brain damaged patients.
The aim of the present study was to specify the nature of the relationships between work and marital satisfaction in the women. In addition it aimed at revealing as to whether demographic variables, such as age, position, length of service, marriage duration, and the number of children have an impact upon the work and marital satisfaction in working women. The present study included 120 married, working women, and analyses the relationship between job satisfaction and marital satisfaction, taking into consideration emotional and cognitive factors. The participants were mostly office workers, of whom 20 (8%) occupied management positions. The Descriptions Inventory, Job Affect Scale, Questionnaire of Well-matched Marriage, and a scale of work-job interactions were administered. Significant positive correlations across almost all variables of job and marital satisfaction were observed. This means that the increase of marital satisfaction corresponds with the increase in job satisfaction, although the work/family conflict resulted in experiencing negative emotions at work. Moreover, the level of job satisfaction was higher than the level of family satisfaction. It was also found that the age and time spent at work proved to have a negative impact upon job satisfaction. Work-family facilitation proved to be crucial since its exclusion made the interface between all factors of family satisfaction and work insignificant. At the same time, the managerial women suffered from work/family conflict to a greater degree than did office workers. The study revealed also that the needs of older workers should be taken into account to maintain their work/life balance.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased feelings of insecurity and anxiety for the health of oneself and those of one’s loved ones, as well as for the future, which has led to an increased level of stress. This has resulted in a tendency to use alcohol and drugs. Studies show that such behaviors are triggered both by external and internal factors. Therefore, the study has looked for interrelations between personality traits, mental state, and learning mode (online versus hybrid) and the frequency of stimulants and tranquilizers consumption in the last 6-12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved 113 university students aged 19-34. Due to pandemic-related limitations, 51.3% of students took online courses, while 48.7% were involved in hybrid learning. The participants were all asked to complete an online questionnaire that included 17 questions regarding mental health, drug and alcohol use. Additionally, the TIPI questionnaire was used to assess personality traits. The study found that online learning as well as feelings of loneliness and emptiness resulted in increased use of alcohol, antidepressants and sleeping pills. On the other hand, personality traits such as extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability helped to limit the use of this type of stimulants. Online learners more often reported deterioration in their mental state, related to difficulties in adapting to pandemic-related conditions. This group was also more likely to use sedatives, sleeping pills, and antidepressants, with a significant difference in means, compared to hybrid students. In contrast, hybrid learners frequently reported a sense of the loss of meaning as well as worrying about the fate of loved ones, thinking back to a situation no longer under their control, and difficulties in making decisions. At the same time, most respondents of this group reported a positive vision of their future and a high sense of responsibility.
The aim of this study was to examine the neurophysiological correlates of cognitive dysfunctions in a patient with the minimally verbal variant of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD + MV), who after reaching adulthood showed progressive deterioration of his cognitive skills. The patient was a 25-year-old male, diagnosed with ASD. He never developed spoken language, and communicated only by gesturing or writing on a computer. Our findings confirmed comorbidity of ASD and epilepsy, accompanied by dysfunction of cognitive control. We also found that spontaneous EEG and event-related potentials (ERPs) in a cued GO/NOGO task can be used to assess functional brain changes concomitant with ASD.
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