Meckel diverticulum is the most common congenital abnormality of gastrointestinal track (2-4%), however complications occur rarely (4-16%). We describe a case of 63- years old female presenting simultaneously two serious complications of Meckel diverticulum. Operated patient was diagnosed with perforated tumor of Meckel diverticulum. Segmental resection of small bowel including tumor was performed. Pathology examination revealed gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in Meckel diverticulum. No significant malignancy risk factors were found (low mitotic count). Consequently, computed tomography periodic surveillance was implemented. We report the possibility of simultaneous presentation of two serious complications of Meckel diverticulum. Tumors of Meckel diverticulum may mimic other abdominal pathologies and thus, they should be considered in differential diagnosis of abdominal tumors.
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