Research objective. This study aimed at analysing the changes in the level of somatic indicators, the secretion profile of selected adipokines, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism indices and calcidiol concentration after a 12-week-long nordic walking (NW) exercise in middle-aged women. Research material and methods. The study included 13 women aged 45.5±4.2 years who participated in a 12-week-long NW exercise, 3 times a week, 90 minutes each. Each of the women had individually determined workout intensity zones which were monitored based on the heart rate. Prior to the exercise programme and after it, somatic traits were assessed and blood was sampled in order to make biochemical analyses. Results. In the examined women, a decrease in mean body weight by 2.5 kg and a reduction in fat mass (FM), on average by 3.8 kg (i.e. 4.6%), coupled with an increase in lean body mass (LBM) by 1.3 kg, were observed after 36 workout units. A significant decrease in TC, LDL-C and TG concentrations and no changes in HDL-C concentration occurred after the exercise, which contributed to lowered atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) and atherosclerosis risk index (ARI). Conclusions. Individualised and regular physical activity in the form of NW had a protective effect on the body, resulting in improved body composition, adiponectin secretion profile, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and calcidiol concentration in middle-aged women.
Wprowadzenie: Lipodystrofia jest problemem o dużym nasileniu u współczesnych kobiet. Do tej pory nie opracowano w pełni skutecznych metod terapeutycznych całkowicie niwelujących tego typu zmiany. Mało poznaną i jak do tej pory nie badaną metodą w profilaktyce i niwelowaniu objawów lipodystrofii może być masaż wibracyjny. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności wibroterapii na zmiany lipodystroficzne. Materiał i metoda: W badaniach uczestniczyło 10 wolontariuszek ze zmianami cellulitowymi w wieku 21-23 lata o określonej aktywności fizycznej mierzonej międzynarodowym kwestionariuszem IPAQ. U wszystkich osób włączonych do badania dokonano oceny żywienia na podstawie 5-dniowej analizy żywienia, wykonano pomiar obwodów talii, bioder i ud, oszacowano skład ciała za pomocą bioimpedancji oraz wykonano zdjęcia z dermatoskopu. Zastosowano 4 tygodniową wibroterapię oscylacyjno-cykloidalną z zastosowaniem Rehabilitacyjnego Aparatu Masującego Vitberg+ (Nowy Sącz). Badania wykonano 2-krotnie, przed i po zastosowanej 4 tygodniowej wibroterapii. Wyniki: Po 4 tygodniowej serii zabiegów wibracyjnych zaobserwowano średnie zmniejszenie obwodów ud (Δ1,55 cm, p=0,002 dla uda prawego, Δ1,50 cm, p=0,000 dla lewego), bioder (Δ1,25 cm, p=0,006) oraz talii (Δ2,30cm, p=0,002). Zaproponowana seria zabiegowa wywołała redukcję masy tkanki tłuszczowej całego ciała (Δ0,42 kg, p=0,009) bez wpływu na zawartość wody w organizmie, a analiza wyników obrazowania dermatoskopowego ujawniła poprawę ukrwienia skóry. Wniosek: Wibroterapia oscylacyjno-cykloidalna może być skutecznym narzędziem niwelowania zmian lipodystroficznych.
Introduction: Lipodystrophy is a common problem for modern women. So far, no fully effective therapeutic methods have been developed to eliminate this type of change. Vibration massage is a method that has not yet been studied in the prevention and elimination of lipodystrophy symptoms. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of vibrotherapy on the reduction in lipodystrophic changes. Material and method: 10 volunteers with cellulite changes at the age of 21-23 with physical activity levels described by the international IPAQ questionnaire participated in the study. All women included in the study were evaluated on the basis of 5-day nutrition analysis. Before and after 4 weeks of vibrotherapy, waist, hip and thigh circumferences were measured, and body composition was assessed using bioimpedance and dermatoscope photos were taken. Oscillating cycloidal vibration was generated by the Vitberg+ Rehabilitation Device (Nowy Sącz). Results: After the 4-week series of vibrations, the following average reduction in thigh circumference was observed (Δ1.55 cm, p = 0.002 for right thigh, Δ1.50 cm, p = 0.000 for left), hips (Δ1.25 cm, p = 0.006) and waist (Δ2.30 cm, p = 0.002). The proposed treatment series caused a reduction in body fat mass (Δ0.42 kg, p = 0.009) without affecting the body’s water content, and the analysis of dermatoscopic imaging results revealed improvement in skin perfusion. Conclusion: Oscillating-cycloidal vibration therapy can be an effective tool to alleviate lipodystrophic changes
Freediving is a sport in which athletes aim to achieve the longest or the deepest breath-hold dive. Divers are at risk of gradually increasing hypoxia and hypercapnia due to a long time spent underwater and additionally of increasing hyperoxia while depth diving. Exceeding the limits of hypoxia endurance leads to loss of consciousness or even to death whithout immediate first aid. Often enhanced world records indicate the ability to shape specific to the discipline adaptive mechanisms of cardio-pulmonary system which are individually conditioned. During stay underwater heartbeats decelerating called bradycardia, increase in blood pressure, peripheral blood vessels narrowing and blood centralization in freediver's organism. These mechanisms enhance blood oxygen management as well as transporting it first of all to essential for survival organs, i.e. brain and heart. These mechanisms are supported by spleen and adrenal glands hormonal reactions.
The aim of the study was to assess changes in endurance performance in young runners (females and males) during two training seasons. It involved 19 male and 16 female athletes aged 15-17 specializing in track-and-field middle and long distances runs. The following parameters were measured three times during the training season: maximal oxygen uptake, running economy, and the level of the second ventilatory threshold. Training volume and intensity during each season were analyzed within an 8-week period prior to the exercise tests. The volume and intensity of training at various stages of preparation in both seasons were similar. During the first year of observation, significant improvements in relative volume of maximal oxygen uptake were reported both in female and male athletes. During the second training season, it was found that running economy improved both in women and men, with no changes in maximal oxygen uptake. The same (in terms of volume and intensity) endurance training carried out with young runners during two consecutive training seasons can result in different training effects.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Finnish sauna bathing on a white blood cell profile, cortisol levels and selected physiological indices in athletes and non-athletes. The study evaluated 9 trained middle-distance runners and 9 male non-athletes. The subjects from both groups participated in 15-minute sauna sessions until their core temperature rose by 1.2°C (mean temperature in the sauna room was 96° ± 2°C; relative humidity was 15 ± 3%) with a 2 minute cool down with water at a temperature of 19-20°C. Body mass was measured before and after the session and blood samples were taken for tests. Rectal temperature was monitored at five-minute intervals during the whole session. Serum total protein, haematological indices and cortisol levels were determined. Sauna bathing caused higher body mass loss and plasma volume in the athletes compared to the group of non-athletes. After the sauna session, an increased number of white blood cells, lymphocyte, neutrophil and basophil counts was reported in the white blood cell profile. Higher increments in leukocyte and monocyte after the sauna bathing session were recorded in the group of athletes compared to untrained subjects. The obtained results indicated that sauna bathing stimulated the immune system to a higher degree in the group of athletes compared to the untrained subjects.
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