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Open Physics
vol. 1
issue 2
The energy spectra of traps in NaCl crystals have been studied in detail by the method of thermoluminescence. Crystals of NaCl were undoped but treated thermally in different ways. The activation energies of traps form a single oscillator series, E n=ℏωTL(n+1/2), ℏωTL=903 cm-1. Contrary to other previously studied crystals with complex lattices, the corresponding line ℏωRam=ℏωTL was not found in Raman spectra of NaCl. It is assumed that the oscillator rule is governed by the polaron nature of traps. The trap activation energy is determined by the vibration level from which the transition of the charge carrier to the excited luminescence centre is made possible and depends on the distance between these centres.
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