Zinc oxide (ZnO) was mechanically activated in air using a planetary ball mill using varying milling speeds and time. The obtained samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV-Vis diffusion reflectance spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity of the mechanically treated ZnO powders were investigated in the reaction of Malachite Green (MG) degradation in aqueous solution under UV-light irradiation. A decrease in the crystallite size (from 90 to 10 nm) accompanied by an increase of microstrains and lattice parameters were established applying different milling speeds. The agglomeration of the particles was observed by SEM analysis. The absorption spectra of the initial and mechanically activated ZnO samples show shifting of the band position from 360 to 330 nm, which can be related to decrease in the crystalline size. The ZnO powders activated at lower milling speeds (for shorter time intervals) exhibit highest photocatalytic activity. [...]
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