In this paper we study the current-induced spin polarization in a two-dimensional electron gas, known also as the Edelstein effect. Compared to previous treatments, we consider both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction as well as the spin-orbit interaction from impurity scattering. In evaluating the Kubo formula for the spin polarization response to an applied electric field, we explicitly take into account the side-jump and skew-scattering effects. We show that the inclusion of side-jump and skew-scattering modifies the expression of the current-induced spin polarization.
We provide a heuristic derivation of the "Inverse Edelstein Effect" (IEE), in which a non-equilibrium spin accumulation in the plane of a two-dimensional (interfacial) electron gas drives an electric current perpendicular to its own direction. The drift-diffusion equations that govern the effect are derived and applied to the interpretation of recent experiments. A brief analysis based on the Kubo formula shows that the result is valid also outside the diffusive regime, i.e. when spin and momentum relaxation become comparable.
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