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Myelin proteins composition was examined in material of 20 autoptic cases at ages from 20 to 97 years. The technique of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isotachophoresis was applied. In polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis a progressive increase starting at the age of 60 years of Wolfgram protein at the expense of Folch-Less proteolipid protein and DM-20 protein was observed. The myelin-associated protein started to increase in the 4th and 5th decade of life, returning therafter to values observed in younger cases. The isotachophoretic technique did not differentiate the changes observed in myelin protein in the course of aging.
The study was performed on cerebral tissue resected during temporal lobectomy in 16 patients whose long-standing cryptogenic epilepsy did not submit to anticonvulsive drugs. Cases presenting definite etiological factors such as CNS trauma, infection or neoplasm were excluded. Neuropathological investigations disclosed microangiomas and focal vascular malformations in the meninges and tissue in 7 patients. Neuronal heterotopias in the white matter and of the white matter in the cortex were observed in 3 cases, Main cortical changes were: neuronal loss,chronic neuronal degeneration, perineuronal satellitosis, and GFAP-positive submeningeal gliosis, especially at the bottom of sulci, perivascular gliosis and laminar or diffuse gliosis. the changes in the hippocamus were most enhanced in the end-plate and in the sector H3 of the pyramidal layer. Astrocytic gliosis in the white matter presented distinct GFAP and S-100 immunostaining; the latter involved in some cases a wider area than the GFAP reaction. The above named changes are analysed with regard to the presumed epileptogenic factors and to the postepileptic damage.
Neuropatologia Polska
vol. 30
issue 2
The aim of this study was to discuss the interaction between the maturation of the brain stem and its susceptibility to perinatal lesion. Many observations indicate that the last months of pregnancy and the perinatal period are the time of intensive maturation of these structures. Lesions of the brain stem were many times found after acute anoxia as well as after chronic asphyxia during this period. This indicates the importance of prevention of the pathology of pregnancy. Occurring in the last trimester of gestation it can induce damage of brain stem centers important for the fetus to survive the stress of birth and adaptation for individual life.
The aim of our study was to ascertain whether granular cell degeneration represents uniquely an artifiactual or a supravital event in patients with oat cell carcinoma. The material includes 52 cases of small cell lung cancer (SLC). formalin fixed and paraffin embedded representative cerebellar slides were stained routinely (HE, Kluver-Barrera), and some of them served as material for immunohistochemical study. The following antibodies were used? anti-ferritin, anti-GFAP, anti-IgG and anti-C3 complement fraction. Finally 5 cases out of our material could be diagnosed as paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD). on the basis of lack of metastases within the CNS and concomitant intensive loss of Purkinje and granule cells. Clinically the cerebellar syndrome was disclosed in 3 cases. In the granular layer prevalence of microglial cell reaction was noted. GFAP-labeled astroglia were not demonstrated in the same intensity. Antisera to the C3 complement fraction showed moderate staining of Purkinje cell cytoplasm and in 4 cases also in granule cell nuclei. The immunopathological changes presently observed and glial cell proliferation could be evidence for a nonartifactual origin of PCD.
This article, in fact inspired by another example of the graphic work by Veit Krenn, very briefly highlights the psychologic, symbolic value of the EEG as a technical procedure and offers a view on healing as the act of liberating patients from the boundaries that illness sets.
Some lectins were used to study the localization of sugar residues on the endothelial cell surface in the pia mater vessels of control (WKY) and hypertensive rats (SHR). The lectins tested recognized the follwing residues: beta-D-galactosyl (Ricinus communis agglutinin 120, RCA-1), alpha-L-fucosyl (Ulex europaeus agglutinin, UEA-1), N-acetylglucosaminyl and sialyl (Wheat germ agglutinin, WGA), N-glocyl-neuraminic acid (Limax flavus agglutinin, LFA) and N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyl (Helix pomatia agglutinin, HPA). Several differences were revealed in the presence of sugar receptors on the surface of endothelial cells between the control and the hypertensive rats. Our studies showed also differences in the localization of the tested glycoconjugates between pial capillaries, small,medium-size and large pial arteries. The histochemical evaluation of alkaline phosphatase revealed an increased activity of the enzyme in the pial vessels of SHRs as compared with control rats, with a similar localization of the enzyme activity. Some differences in the distribution of lectin binding sites and alkaline phosphatase activity could be associated with the different functions of particular segments of the pial vascular network.
Calretinin-containing (CR+) GABAergic neurons in the dorsal part of hippocampal formation (HF), including the subi-culum, Cornu Ammonis (CA1-4), and dentate gyrus (DG) were visualized with immunocytochemistry. General distribution of CR+ cells was similar in each studying group. Olfactory bulbectomy caused significant increase in CR+ density in stratum oriens of CA1 and stratum moleculare of suprapyramidal blade of DG (three times, p<0.05 and twice, p=0.05, respectively), and tendency to increase in majority of other sub-regions of HF. CR+ cells were generally resistant to administration of amitriptyline as an antidepressant following bulbectomy, although the tendency of increase in CR+ cell density can be observed in CA1. Our findings indicate CR+ neurons site-specific response to bulbectomy model of depression. This could involve the trisynaptic pathway and temporo-ammonic tract by controlling other interneurons terminating on different compartments of principal cells.
A case of cerebral ganglioglioma, a relatively rare and controversial tumor of the central nervous system, is reported. The histological patters of the tumor consisted of differentiated neuronal cells and glial elements displaying a various extent of cytologic abnormalities. Beside these two typical components for ganglioglioma, an abundance of collagen fibrils and numerous blood vessels were encountered. The long clinical course manifested by temporal preceding clinical diagnosis of brain tumor and peculiar histological appearance seem to be of considerable interest.
The ultrastructural localization of calcium deposits in the synapses of rat hippocampus after 10 min global cerebral ischemia was evaluated. Oxalate-pyroantimonate technique was applied. After 24 hours of postischemic recirculation enhancement of intracellular (pre- and postsynaptic parts) and extracellular (synaptic clefts) calcium deposits was found in great proportion of synapses in CA1 sector. Abundant Ca-precipitates appeared specially in synaptics clefts and in the postsynaptic parts near synaptic densities. Increased calcium deposits in some changed mitochondria were also observed, The results presented in this paper suggest synaptic modulation of calcium homeostasis, disturbed after ischemic incident. Presence of Ca-precipitates in synaptic clefts and postsynaptic parts seems to be a sensitive indicator of increased calcium influx from the extracellular to the intracellular compartments.
The article presents a brief description of American studies from the ‘60s and the ‘70s in the field of neuroscience which led towards substantial changes in behavioral methods which enabled to modify permanently patterns of brain activity. Furthermore, cultural and historical background of these findings is discussed. First recordings of the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity in humans in the 1920’s made it possible to observe changes in brain’s activity, especially those that occur during learning processes. Based on learning theories that underlie changes in behavioral patterns: Pavlovian conditioning, and Thorndike’s operant conditioning, American researchers have shown that brain’s electrical activity may be considered as behavior and according to the principles of conditioning, it may be modified. Sterman’s further research on rocket fuel and sensorimotor rhythm in cats led to a spectacular achievement which was soon transformed into a complementary technique of reducing the number of epileptic seizures in humans. The new therapeutic method was named neurofeedback (or EEG biofeedback) and nowadays it can be applied in treating ADHD, ADD, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, chronic pain but also in mind fitness trainings. There are some characteristics of the American mentality which could have contributed to the global distribution of neurofeedback. However, traditional origins of learning how to modify brain and body functions can be found in taoism, hinduism, sufism and christianity.
W artykule zaprezentowano krótki opis badań amerykańskich z lat sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych przeprowadzonych na gruncie neuronauki, które doprowadziły do zasadniczych zmian w technikach behawioralnych i umożliwiły trwałe modyfikowanie wzorca aktywności mózgu. Omówiono także kulturowe oraz historyczne tło tych odkryć. Uzyskanie pierwszego zapisu spontanicznej aktywności bioelektrycznej mózgu ludzkiego w latach dwudziestych XX wieku pozwoliło na dokładną obserwację zmian w jego pracy, szczególnie tych, które zachodzą podczas procesu uczenia się. W oparciu o podstawowe teorie uczenia się, stanowiące podłoże zmian wzorców behawioralnych: warunkowanie pawłowowskie oraz warunkowanie instrumentalne Thorndike’a, badacze amerykańscy udowodnili, że także aktywność bioelektryczna mózgu może być rozpatrywana jako zachowanie i, zgodnie z zasadami warunkowania, można ją modyfikować. Dalsze badania Stermana nad paliwem rakietowym i rytmem sensomotorycznym u kotów doprowadziły do spektakularnego osiągnięcia, które okazało się pomocne w redukcji ilości napadów padaczkowych u ludzi. Ta nowa metoda terapeutyczna została nazwana neurofeedback (lub EEG biofeedback) i obecnie znajduje również zastosowanie w leczeniu ADHD, ADD, zaburzeń nastroju, zaburzeń lękowych, bólu chronicznego, a także w treningach typu mind fitness. Prawdopodobnie istnieją takie cechy charakterystyczne dla amerykańskiej mentalności, które mogły przyczynić się do światowej dystrybucji metody neurofeedback. Tradycyjne korzenie uczenia się modyfikacji funkcji mózgu i ciała można zaś odnaleźć w taoizmie, hinduizmie, sufizmie oraz w chrześcijaństwie...
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid which is a major constituent of the brain, retina and skin in terms of structure. DHA can be produced from the metabolic synthesis of alpha linolenic acid (ALA) or gotten from breast milk, fatty fishes, or oil from algae. Studies have shown that DHA is an essential nutrient for normal functioning of the brain. It is the major omega-3 fatty acid present in brain tissues and is known to have effects on neurotransmitters, synaptic transmission, and signal transduction. Also, certain DHA metabolites are biologically active molecules that protect the tissues from oxidative injury and stress. DHA is also known to carry out important membrane neuronal functions such as Phospholipid synthesis, membrane fluidity, neuronal survival, regulation of gene expression and modulation of enzyme activity in the brain. Therefore, DHA needs to be taken at developmental stages of human life such as period of pregnancy, lactation and even childhood for proper development and functioning of the brain.
Whereas acute pain acts as a warning sign, neuropathic pain loses this protective attribute and develops a self–sustaining chronic course. Almost 33 % of the general population report chronic pain and at least 3,3 % neuropathic pain, in Germany ≤ 5 million people. The prevalence is higher in women and increases with age. Neuropathic pain is defined as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system either at peripheral or central level. Spontaneously occurring dysesthesias, particularly burning pain and repetitive stimulus–triggered neuralgias such as classical trigeminal neuralgia are typical clinical features. Neuropathic pain is frequently found in patients with radiculopathy, nerve compression syndrome and polyneuropathy. The complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is associated with abnormal sudomotor, vasomotor and trophic findings as well as psychosomatic symptoms. Frequent reasons for neuropathic pain of CNS origin are cerebral ischemia and traumatic injuries of the spinal cord with phantom pain. Clinical examination, including accurate sensory examination and Quantitative sensory testing (QST), is the basis of pain diagnosis and therapy. It is important to distinguish neuropathic pain from other chronic pain syndromes: Multimodal therapy differs from treatment of nociceptive pain (for example, in most cases of arthropathy), when the nervous system is intact. Drugs of choice are antidepressants and antiepileptics with analgesic properties.
By means of the radioimmunologic method changes of concentration of 6-keto prostaglandin F1alpha(PGF1alpha) - the stable metabolite of prostacyclin in the rat brain have been evaluated during 5-min clinical death and up to 2 hrs after resuscitation Ischemia did not produce significant changes of 6-keto-PGF1 in the and 7-fold control values. Later the concentration of 6-keto-PGF1alpha in the brain decreased reaching in 30 min a 3-fold the control level, and in 60 and 120 min after resuscitation control values. The reasons of unsuccessful therapy of ischemic stroke with prostacyclin are discussed.
The studies were performed by the authors' injection method on 30 human brains and 80 animal ones. The cerebral arteries were infected with synthetic coloured latex and then prepared in an operating microscope. It was found that the main source of arterial supply of both the human and animal hippocampus is the posterior cerebral artery. However, this artery has different origins in the arterial circle of the brain in man, cat, rabbit and sheep. Comparative investigations have also proved that the hippocampal vascular system in man and animals is very similar. It is formed by branches of the posterior cerebral artery and of the anterior choroidal artery, called the hippocampal arteries, and by numerous internal hippocampal arterioles arising from them at right angle. The regional distribution of these arterioles is impossible to describe because of their variable course in the hippocampal cortex and of the similar vascularization of different cortical areas of the hippocampus. The studies have also shown that the hippocampal arterial system is very well developed and makes collateral circulation possible. Extracerebral segments of the hippocampal arterioles in human senile brains and chefly in brains with atherosclerosis showed different deformations in the form of siphon-like structures, knot-loops and vascular glomeruli.
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that affects the neuromuscular junction and is characterized by muscle weakness. We present two clinical cases of patients with MG. The first case of the patient presents an uncharacteristic clinical picture in the form of dyspnoea with stridor. The second clinical case presents a severe form of MG, resistant to pharmacological cholinergic and immunosuppressive treatment, which resulted in a satisfactory improvement after eight plasmapheresis treatments and the conversion of pyridostigmine to the ambenonium.
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