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Bone fractures may depend on Vitamin D Receptor Gene (VDR), bone mineral density, bone turnover markers. Patients and methods. 161 patients were recruited and underwent: skeletal densitometry (DXA) method and bone turnover studies (Osteocalcin and Ntx).The study group was evaluated using restriction enzyme digestion at BsmI (rs1544410), FokI (rs2228570), ApaI (rs7975232) and TaqI (rs731236), polymorphic sites of the VDR gene. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess factor significance. The model included variables with sex- and age-standardized parameters, VDR genotypes, and bone metabolism marker levels. Results. Factors associated with fractures were: osteocalcin concentration and Z-score BMDt. Odds Ratio (OR) values equaled: 1.01 (95%Confidence Interval (95%CI) 1.00–1.02) for osteocalcin (p=0.006), and 0.66 (95%CI 0.42-1.03; p=0.07) for Z-score BMDt. In patients with reduced bone mass, factors related to fractures were: osteocalcin (0.04) and carriage of BsmI b (0.07) or ApaI a alleles (0.08). ORs were 1.01 (95%CI 1.00–1.02) for OC, 0.29 (95%CI 0.07–1.14) for BsmI, and 2.13 (95%CI 0.91–4.99) for ApaI polymorphic allele carriage. Conclusions. Carriage of BsmI b allele reduces, while carriage of ApaI a allele and heightened osteoclacin level increase the risk of fractures in study children with reduced bone mass. VDR polymorphism, bone mineral density and bone formation’s marker - osteocalcin maybe considered as risk factor for fracure in children from Lodz region.
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