Injuries are the leading cause of death before the age of 40 years, and the third most common incidence of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of the study was to determine the number and type of chest injuries, based on EMS (Emergency Medical Service) documentation in the district of Otwock, with particular emphasis on patient age and gender at the time of injury. Material and methods. Analysis considered data obtained from medical rescue teams of Otwock County in 2009 concerning chest injuries. Results. The study group comprised 166 cases of chest injuries. Chest injuries were more often diagnosed in male patients. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon (between 1 and 6pm), and in the summer and winter seasons. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from heights were the most common cause of chest injuries, while the largest number of cases involved superficial chest injuries. Conclusions. Chest injuries accounted for 12% of all medical rescue team interventions, due to injuries, most often connected with superficial contusions of the chest wall. Rib fractures are usually caused by blunt chest injuries, most often relating to the V-VIII ribs. Fractures of the I-III ribs are rare and are evidence of a significant injury. Due to the flexibility of the thoracic wall, fractures in children are less common, as compared to the adult population. Most chest injuries occur in the afternoon during increased patient activity.
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