The increase in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) volume coupled with diminishing landfill space and rising environmental concerns has spurred a serious need for innovative waste management solutions. The conversion of waste to energy (WtE) technologies has emerged as a critical component of sustainable M.S.W strategies for waste management, which aid in two capacities; Waste reduction and Energy recovery. This study systematically explores some basic methods in Waste to Energy Technology; Incineration, Anaerobic digestion, Gasification, Pyrolysis, and Landfill. Each technology is analyzed based on the critical metrics that involve efficiency in energy recovery, capital, operating costs, environmental impacts, and contributions to circular economic principles. Through a comprehensive review of current literature and case studies, this evaluation identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each technology. Furthermore, it emphasizes integrating Waste-to-Energy solutions into a broader waste management framework that considers socioeconomic factors and technological advancement.
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