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Cotton, a globally significant cash crop, demands optimized cultivation practices to ensure sustainable yields and superior fiber quality. This study underscores the critical role of canopy management and planting density in achieving these objectives. By strategically manipulating canopy architecture through techniques such as pruning and chemical topping, growers can significantly enhance light penetration and nutrient distribution within the cotton plant. These practices contribute to improved boll development, increased boll number, and enhanced boll weight, ultimately boosting overall yield. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of planting density in optimizing light interception and microclimate conditions within the canopy. Higher planting densities generally lead to increased light interception, which positively impacts photosynthesis and subsequent yield. However, it is crucial to find the optimal balance as excessive density can negatively impact boll weight and fiber quality. The complex interplay between canopy management and planting density is evident in their influence on various physiological parameters. Canopy temperature, water-use efficiency, and nitrogen uptake are significantly affected by these factors. By carefully managing canopy structure and plant spacing, growers can create favorable microclimatic conditions for cotton growth and development. In nut shells, highlights the need for a holistic approach to cotton cultivation, emphasizing the integration of canopy management and planting density strategies. By optimizing these factors, farmers can improve resource utilization, enhance yield, and maintain fiber quality, thereby contributing to the sustainability and profitability of cotton production.
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