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Polskie badania parazytologiczne w Antarktyce

vol. 54
issue 1
Systematic Polish parasitological investigations in the Antarctic have been conducted from 1977 on, since foundation of the H. Arctowski Station at the King George Island, South Shetlands. Earlier, I. Szpotańska and S. Markowski studied the materials obtained during German and British Antarctic expeditions and they described 15 new species of Cestoda occurring in birds and mammals. Parasitological materials were also collected during four expeditions of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in years: 1977, 1978/79, 1980/81, 1986/87; German Expedition ANT XIII/3 (1996) and VII Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition (2002). Part of the available material was sent by foreign scientists from various areas of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. Mainly, parasites were examined at the Institute of Parasitology PAS by K. Zdzitowiecki, L. Jarecka, A. Rocka and J. Dróżdż. In total, they described 46 new species of internal parasites occurring in the Antarctic vertebrates (16 species of Digenea, 18 of Cestoda, 3 of Nematoda and 9 of Acanthocephala).
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Helminty - mało znani mieszkańcy Antarktyki.

Polscy badacze prowadzą systematyczne badania parazytologiczne w Antarktyce od 1977 r., tj. od czasu, gdy powstała Stacja Naukowa PAN im. H. Arctowskiego na wyspie King George w archipelagu Szetlandów Południowych. Badaniami objęto przywry mono- i digeniczne, tasiemce, nicienie i kolcogłowy zebrane z antarktycznych ryb, ptaków i ssaków. W tym czasie opisano 55 nowych dla nauki gatunków pasożytniczych robaków: 27 gatunków przywr digenicznych z ryb kostnoszkieletowych; 16 gatunków tasiemców (w tym 12 gatunków z ryb, 3 gatunki z ptaków i jeden ze ssaków); 3 gatunki nicieni (2 z ryb kostnoszkieletowych i jeden z ptaków) oraz 9 gatunków kolcogłowów (2 z ryb kostnoszkieletowych, 3 z ptaków i 4 gatunki ze ssaków). Opisano także dwa gatunki przywr monogenicznych. U ryb kostnoszkieletowych, oprócz form dorosłych stwierdzono postacie larwalne robaków pasożytujących w stadium dorosłym u innych antarktycznych kręgowców.
Polish parasitological studies in Antarctica have been conducted from 1977 when H. Arctowski Station of Polish Academy of Sciences was founded. All groups of helminths - Digenea, Cestoda, Nematoda and Acanthocephala were examined. In total, 55 new species of helminths were described. Among them there were: 27 species of Digenea in bony fishes, 16 species of Cestoda (12 in fishes, 3 in birds, one in mammals), 3 species of Nematoda (2 in bony fishes, one in birds) and 9 species of Acanthocephala (2 in bony fishes, 3 in birds and 4 in mammals). Two new species of Monogenea (external parasites) were found as well. Antarctic bony fishes are known as final, intermediate and paratenic hosts of parasites. They play an important role in life cycles of helminths parasitizing other Antarctic vertebrates.
Giardia duodenalisis one of the six Giardia species and itis the most common, cosmopolitan flagellate that infects humans and many species of animals. This species exhibits considerable genetic diversity; to date, eight assemblages (A–H) have been defined. These assemblages differ in host specificity: assemblages A and B have been found in both humans and in many animal species. Mixed infections with Giardia (A and B) assemblages have been reported in humans and in animals. Many molecular techniques are effective and rapid for the detection of G. duodenalis and also for the determination of genetic variability of isolates in clinical and environmental samples. In this context, the aim of this study was to design new assemblage-specific primers for rapid detection and identification of G. duodenalis assemblages A and B and both of these assemblages simultaneously using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Fragments of glutamate dehydrogenase and triose phosphate isomerase were used as targets in the design of primers. In conclusion, the use of G. duodenalis assemblage-specific primers designed in this study allows quick identification of human infectious G. duodenalis assemblages A and B as well as mixed AB assemblages in a sample without further sequencing of the amplification products, which reduces the cost of study and the waiting time for the results.
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