Introduction. Bacterial infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue are not rare, but they are connected with diagnostic and therapeutic diffi culties. Aim. A case of almost simultaneous facial phlegmon in course of eyelids erysipelas in two members of one family is described. Material, methods, results. Differential diagnostics, clinical course and applied effective treatment are presented. Conclusions: Pathogen identifi cation and application of large doses of targeted antibiotics are crucial in therapy.
Introduction. Bacterial infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue are not rare, but they are connected with diagnostic and therapeutic diffi culties. Aim. A case of almost simultaneous facial phlegmon in course of eyelids erysipelas in two members of one family is described. Material, methods, results. Differential diagnostics, clinical course and applied effective treatment are presented. Conclusions: Pathogen identifi cation and application of large doses of targeted antibiotics are crucial in therapy.
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