The house near the crossing of Studencka Street and Garncarska Street, designed by Władysław Ekielski, was built over 100 years ago for Mr Wiktor Barabasz, director of the Conservatorium and founder of the Kraków Academic Choir, pianist and owner of the Grand and Upright Piano and Harmonium Storehouse. The two-storey building was made of brick and its three interior façades were given a finish with hydraulic lime. Due to the efforts of the owners’ cooperative, renovation of the façade started in 2011; it was partially financed from grants of the Social Committee for the Restoration of Kraków Historic Sites and Monuments. The renovation was designed by arch. Maria Fischinger. The conservation work was performed by AC Konserwacja, which possesses extensive experience in working with modern hydraulic lime. The material itself is produced in the Experimental Institute of Glass and Ceramics in Kraków, from domestic marl clay by means of calcination. It has properties that are very close to the historic version, especially resilience to atmospheric conditions and a warm, gold colour. The effect of the renovation, which was performed with great care and skill, is phenomenal.
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