To assess the quality of life of patients with chronic end-stage renal failure under hemodialysis, and to determine its main generators in hemodialysis patients. This is a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study carried out at the regional hospital of Kénitra (Morocco) in the level of the hemodialysis unit during a period of 3 months with 70 hemodialysis patients diagnosed and treated for chronic renal failure. Data were collected using a questionnaire comprising the socio-demographic, clinical, and nutritional characteristics of Hemodialysis patients and a KDQOL scale (Kidney Disease Quality Of Life) that assesses the quality of life. The scores of the KDQOL-36 were used to assess family, social support, and social support from caregivers. The average age was 51.66± 15.96 years with 57.1% of patients who are female. The components of the quality of life studied show an alteration in the quality of life with a decrease in the scores of the “component of physical health” dimensions with a score of 27.64 ± 29.13,“Component of mental health” with a score of 37.81 ± 22.99, “effects of kidney disease on daily life” with a score of 48.41 ± 21.22 and “burdens of kidney disease” with a score of 28.47 ± 21.50. While the dimension “Symptoms / problems of kidney disease” remains close to normal with a score of 64.61 ± 17.98. Our results showed that certain dimensions of the quality of life correlate with age, sex, family situation, level of education, the presence of a transplant plan, the presence of comorbidities and the duration of hemodialysis. Our study also found a correlation between family social support and quality of life in its “Burdens of Kidney Disease”, “Effects of Kidney Disease on Daily Living”, and the overall quality of life score. On the other hand, there is no significant relationship with support from caregivers. The quality of life of hemodialysis patients is deteriorating. It is influenced by several parameters including family and caregiver social support. The involvement of the family and the health care team in the psychological support process is paramount.
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