Introduction. The high requirements in terms of physical fitness of hockey players may be a factor predisposing to injuries. The purpose of the study was to determine the functional limitations of the locomotor system of children practicing ice hockey. Materials and met hods. 104 children took part in the study, including 16 girls and 88 boys, divided into two groups. The first group consisted of children practicing hockey (n=38). The second group consisted of children who do not practice hockey (n=66). The research tool was the FMS test consisting of seven movement activities graded on a 0 - 3 scale. The Mann - Whitney U test was used to evaluate the differences between particular groups, and the Wilcoxon’s test was used to evaluate the differences between the sides. The rela tionships between the variables were established based on the rho Spearmann correlation. The minimal statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Results. The boys practicing hockey obtained a significantly higher total result than the boys who are not hock ey players (p=0.008). The girls practicing hockey obtained a result close to their peers who do not play hockey. A significant positive correlation was observed between the age of the players and the result obtained in the FMS test in the group of hockey p layers (r=0.77; p<0.001), and between the training experience and the result of the test (r=0.49; p<0.01). Conclusion. The players obtained a significantly statistically higher result in the FMS test, which may indicate a higher level of functional fitness , resulting from a rational training and the acceleration of motor development.
Defekt fosforybozylotransferazy hipoksantynoguaninowej (HPRT) jest drugą co do częstości występowania po ksantynurii wrodzoną wadą metabolizmu puryn. Opisany w 1967 r. u pacjentów z dną moczanową i kamicą nerkową zespół Kelleya-Seegmillera wynika z częściowego niedoboru tego enzymu. Jego całkowity brak wywołuje ponadto ciężkie objawy neurobehawioralne i znany jest od 1964 r. jako zespół Lescha-Nyhana. Badania enzymatyczne i molekularne, pozwalające na dokładną diagnostykę tych wad, są w Polsce trudno dostępne, co wpływa na bardzo rzadkie ich rozpoznawanie. Przedstawiono przypadek 9-letniego chłopca z nawracającym ostrym uszkodzeniem nerek (4 epizody), u którego analiza obrazu klinicznego i proste testy laboratoryjne pozwoliły na wstępne rozpoznanie zespołu Kelleya-Seegmillera, potwierdzone badaniem aktywności HPRT.
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency is the second most common, after xanthinuria, inherited defect of purine metabolism. Described in 1967 in patients with gout and nephrolithiasis, the Kelley-Seegmiller syndrome is caused by HPRT partial deficiency. A complete lack of enzyme activity leads to additional severe neurobehavioral symptoms with self-mutilation creating clinical a picture known since 1964 as the Lesh-Nyhan syndrome. Enzymatic and molecular analyses useful for precise diagnosis are not routinely available in Poland, so the prevalence of HPRT defects is very low. Here we presented a case of a 9-year-old boy suffering from recurrent acute kidney injury (4 episodes) with diagnosis of the Kelley-Seegmiller syndrome based on the clinical picture and simple laboratory tests confirmed by evaluation of HPRT enzyme activity.
We studied the interaction of a double-spot laser beam with targets using the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) iodine laser working at 0.44 μm wavelength and intensity of about 1015 W/cm2. Shock breakout signals were recorder using time-resolved self-emission from target rear side of irradiated targets. We compared the behavior of pure Al targets and of targets with a foam layer on the laser side. Results have been simulated using hydrodynamic numerical codes.
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