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To assess the impact of micrometastases in sentinel and non-sentinel lymph nodes on long-term survival rates of patients treated for colorectal cancer (CRC). Data of 57 patients diagnosed with CRC and treated in the Department of Surgical Oncology in Gdansk in the years 2002–2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinico-histopathological data were analyzed using chi-square tests. The effect on long-time survival rates was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival probability estimates. Identification of the SLN was performed using the blue dye staining method. All regional lymph nodes were subject to standard histopathological examination. Additionally in 32(56.14%) patients whose nodes were found negative for metastases on standard staining further immunohistochemical analyses were performed. In the analyzed group SLNB was performed in 42(73.7%) patients with colon cancer and in 15(26.3%) with rectal cancer. Identification of the SLN was possible in 45(78.9%) patients. The sensitivity of SLNB was 33%. False negatives were found in 66%. SLNB is a feasible method in CRC patients. We presume that lack of micrometastases in the SLN and non-SLN cannot be regarded as a prognostic factor.
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