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Human Movement
vol. 9
issue 1
Purpose. The assessment of the state of health of population using positive indices is crucial for health promotion. The following study focuses on the levels of somatic growth and physical fitness of adult women living in small towns and on their dependence on physical activity. Basic procedures. The research sample consisted of two groups of women: one consisting of women taking part in health-related training and a control group. All in all, 421 subjects participated in the study aged 20-59 years, divided into age ‘decade’ cohorts. The procedures applied included measurements of the main somatic parameters and physical fitness tests. Main findings. More favorable somatic parameters and a higher level of physical fitness were noted in the training women than in women from the control group. Conclusions. Systematic physical activity of two 50-min training units per week is an essential stimulation of women in productive age.
Purpose. Human physical activity is an important component of health and it gains a special significance with age, influencing the quality of life of elderly people. The present study discusses the question of whether the level of physical activity is a sufficient stimulus to evoke positive changes in body composition and bone mineral density in women from the University of the Third Age. Basic procedures. The research was conducted on 90 women aged between 65 and 74, students of the U3A. The subjects were divided into two groups on the basis of the amount of their level of physical activity declared by them in questionnaires (1-2 times a week - low physical activity group; 3 and more times a week - high physical activity group). The following measurements were taken: body weight and body height (on the basis of which the BMI was calculated for each subject), body composition including percent fat and water content as well as the amount of body fat and water, with the aid of Futurex-5000 (NIR technique). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) of the proximal segment of the femoral bone (g/cm2) with the Lunar DPX-plus densitometer. Main findings. Mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were applied in the statistical analysis. The differences between the variables were analyzed with Student's t-test. Conclusions. The research results imply the necessity of conducting a systematic and thorough analysis of the lifestyle and quality of life of elderly people.
Study aim: the aim of the study was to observe the dynamics of changes in postural symmetry in infants during the first year of life, undergoing a therapy using the NDT-Bobath method. Material and methods: the study included a group of 60 term infants diagnosed with central coordination disorder. The course of psychomotor development in the children was compared with a control group of peers aged 3 and 12 months. Group I (study group) consisted of 40 infants who had been subjected to treatment using the NDT-Bobath method. Group II (control group) consisted of 20 infants who, by the decision of the parents, did not undergo the therapy. In group I, four studies were carried out at an interval of every 3 months ± 1 week. In group II, studies were carried out during the 3rd and 12th month. Results: symmetry in body position patterns and movement patterns were analysed. Three levels of a child’s body were subject to the assessment of symmetry. In each study disparities in movement patterns of the left and right side were assessed. Individual features were expressed using scores, according to the principle of the higher the score, the more intense asymmetry. Conclusions: 1. The observed changes in body postural asymmetry in infants during the first year of life are more favourable in the group of children undergoing rehabilitation. 2. The catch-up growth phenomenon among the infants from the control group proceeds more slowly and reaches beyond a child’s first year of life. This indicates the need to include appropriate methods of therapy.
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Physical activity of the adult population of Wroclaw

Aktywność fizyczna jest jednym z czynników wpływających na zdrowie i jakość życia. W pracy analizowano aktywność fizyczną dorosłej populacji Wrocławia: 299 kobiet i 206 mężczyzn w wieku 25-64 lat. Oceniano ją kwestionariuszem SDPAR. Wykazano, że odsetek kobiet i mężczyzn deklarujących aktywny tryb życia w czasie wolnym wynosi nieco powyżej 63%. Najwięcej osób podejmuje trening zdrowotny 2-3 razy w tygodniu. Najczęściej podawanymi przez respondentów przyczynami hipokinezji są brak wolnego czasu oraz zły stan zdrowia. Wśród osób nieaktywnych około 20% nie widzi potrzeby realizowania treningu zdrowotnego, co jest zjawiskiem niepokojącym.
Physical activity is one of the factors affecting health and the quality of life. This study analyzed physical activity of a sample of the adult population of Wroclaw: 299 women and 206 men aged 25-64 years. Physical activity was assessed by means of SDPAR questionnaire (Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall). Thefindings showed that 63% of the examined population declared physical activity in leisure time. Majority of the population practice physical activity 2-3 times a week. The most frequent causes of hypokinesia reported by the respondents were lack of free time and bad health condition. Among the inactive respondents, around 20% sees no need for physical activity, which is an alarming trend.
Wzrost odsetka osób w ostatnich latach, które przekroczyły 60. rok życia spowodował zwiększone zainteresowanie środowisk naukowych problemami ludzi starszych. Najczęściej oceniana jest jakość życia, stan zdrowotny, styl życia i żywienie oraz warunki społeczno-bytowe. Autorzy wskazują, że pozytywne zachowania prozdrowotne osób starszych sprzyjają korzystniejszej jakości życia. Celem pracy jest ocena sprawności ruchowej kobiet-seniorek reprezentujących odmienne środowiska bytowe. Materiał i metody badań: badaniami objęto kobiety miejskie powyżej 60. roku życia, mieszkanki domów pomocy społecznej oraz ich rówieśniczki uczestniczące w leczeniu sanatoryjnym. Do oceny sprawności ruchowej wykorzystano test Fullertona. Test ten pozwala ocenić podstawową, codzienną sprawność ruchową i spełnia istotny warunek - zapewnia bezpieczeństwo badanej osoby w trakcie wykonywania zadania ruchowego. Badania wskazują, że warunki socjalno-bytowe różnicują sprawność ruchową badanych kobiet na korzyść nie mieszkających w domach pomocy społecznej.
The percentage of people 60 year-olds has been constantly increasing in recent decades, as a result of improvement of living conditions. This situation has generated a lot of research on the problems of the aging. Majority of the studies concerns the quality of life, health condition, lifestyle, nutrition and social or living standards. The authors have indicates that promotion of healthy lifestyle among the elderly helps improve their quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess fitness of a group of senior women representing various living environments. Material and method: the tests were conducted on a group of city dwelling women aged over 60 years, living in old age homes or receiving sanatorium treatment. Fitness was assessed by means of Fullerton test. This test allows evaluating the basic, everyday motor ability and fulfils one important condition - it ensures safety of the tested person while performing the task.
The present study examines the differences between levels of selected structural and functional features of boys 11-13 years in age from regions with varying levels of air pollution, including an industrial and rural region. The sample consisted of 213 boys from the industrial region and 98 from the rural region. Somatic, respiratory parameters and motor abilities were evaluated in both groups. The analysis of respiratory parameters revealed significantly better development of respiratory systems in boys from the rural region. Additionally, motor abilities were also better developed in boys from the rural region.
Purpose. balance disorders are considered a significant problem in the elderly as they are associated with an increased incidence of falls. In effect, they can lead to numerous injuries, disability, or even death. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between the risk of falling and various factors (morphology, socioeconomic status, physical fitness, and physical activity level) in adult and elderly women. Methods. The study population sample included 149 women aged 47-89 years living in the province of Lower Silesia, Poland. The women were divided into two age groups of younger (n =83,3cage = 59.09 years) and older (n = 66, xage = 70.77 years) participants. Measures included bMI, marital status, and physical activity, physical fitness, and education levels. Statistical analysis included a chi-squared (%2) test, cluster analysis, logistic regression, and correspondence analysis. Results. bMI and physical fitness were strongly correlated with falls: the higher the bMI (overweight or obese) and the lower physical fitness, the greater the risk of falling. The remaining variables showed a weak relationship with falling. Conclusions. The fall risk of women who are overweight or obese or with a low physical fitness level is approximately 2.5 times higher than those with normal and healthy levels of bMI and physical fitness. The presence of both risk factors increased the likelihood of falling.
Wstęp: Optymalny zakres ruchomości w połączeniach układu ruchu przekłada się nie tylko na sprawne wykonywanie codziennych czynności, ale także na pełniejsze uczestnictwo osób starszych w życiu rodzinnym, społecznym i zawodowym. Celem pracy jest ocena ruchomości klatki piersiowej, kręgosłupa i dużych stawów kończyn u kobiet mieszkających w domach pomocy społecznej o odmiennych standardach. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto grupę 124 kobiet, mieszkanek domów pomocy społecznej, w wieku 60-89 lat. Badane mieszkanki zostały podzielone na dwie grupy wieku: 60-74 lata i 75-89 lat. Wśród domów pomocy społecznej wyróżniono dwa rodzaje: pierwszy - domy, w których poza podstawowym programem rehabilitacji proponowano kobietom dodatkowy program terapii zajęciowej. Domy te umownie w pracy nazwano dobrymi. Drugi rodzaj - domy, w których rehabilitacja jest prowadzona w stopniu podstawowym. Domy te umownie nazwano przeciętnymi. Zmierzono ruchomość kręgosłupa w odcinku szyjnym i lędźwiowym za pomocą cyfrowego pochyłomierza Saundersa oraz ruchomość klatki piersiowej. Pomiary ruchomości dużych stawów kończyn wykonano za pomocą goniometru. Wyniki: Mieszkanki domów o poszerzonym programie zajęć cechują się większą ruchomością klatki piersiowej, niż mieszkanki domów o przeciętnym standardzie. Ruchomość kręgosłupa badanych kobiet jest zróżnicowana. Zakres ruchomości dużych stawów jest większy u młodszych mieszkanek domów dobrych. Kobiety starsze z domów dobrych cechują się większą ruchomością stawów biodrowych. Wnioski: Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że program poszerzonych zajęć terapii zajęciowej i rehabilitacji winien obowiązywać we wszystkich tego typu placówkach. Spowoduje to nie tylko większą niezależność w czynnościach dnia codziennego, ale równocześnie poprawi jakość życia osób starszych.
Introduction. Growth of the children influence several environmental factors, including urban development level of the place of residence, parents” education and number of children in family. Many survey results reveal that body height is a sensitive measure of environmental interaction and physical growth in a period of progressive growth. The aim of the research was to determine if mother’s education and number of children in family are among the factors which modify the body height in ecologically endangered environment, urban and rural. Material and methods. 2599 boys and girls aged 7– 15 were examined. Children represented primary and secondary schools in Polkowice and rural region schools near Legnica and Głogów. Surveys were performed in the years 2007 and 2008. Every subject was examined for body height and data from questionnaire provided information on mother’s education and number of children in family. Results. Reportedly, it was noticed, that groups of boys and girls are different in body height which depend on level of urbanization of living environment and socio-economic standards. Conclusions. Collected results reveal that such factors as mother’s education and number of children in the family make differences in body height of young generation and they occur in both environments – urban and rural – with different intensity.
Wstęp. Na przebieg rozwoju fizycznego dzieci wpływa zespół czynników środowiskowych, w tym stopień urbanizacji miejsca zamieszkania, wykształcenie rodziców, dzietność rodzin. Z licznych badań wynika, że czułym miernikiem oddziaływań środowiskowych na rozwój fizyczny w okresie progresywnego rozwoju jest wysokość ciała. Celem pracy było ustalenie, czy wykształcenie matki i dzietność rodzin należą nadal do czynników modyfikujących wysokość ciała dzieci w środowisku ekologicznie zagrożonym, miejskim i wiejskim. Materiał i metody. Zbadano 2599 chłopców i dziewcząt w wieku od 7 do 15 lat. Dzieci uczęszczały do szkół podstawowych i gimnazjów w Polkowicach oraz wiejskich szkół okolic Legnicy i Głogowa. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w 2007 i 2008 roku. U każdej osoby przeprowadzono pomiary wysokości ciała, a za pomocą ankiety uzyskano dane dotyczące warunków socjalno-bytowych – wykształcenia matki i liczby dzieci w rodzinie. Wyniki. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że pomiędzy wydzielonymi grupami chłopców i dziewcząt występują różnice w wysokości ciała zależne od stopnia zurbanizowania środowiska bytowego, jak również w zależności od warunków społeczno- ekonomicznych. Wnioski. Zgromadzone wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że nadal takie czynniki jak wykształcenie matki i dzietność rodziny przyczyniają się do zróżnicowania wysokości ciała młodego pokolenia i że działają one w obu środowiskach – miejskim i wiejskim – z różnym nasileniem.
Możliwości wykonywania dokładnych i precyzyjnych ruchów manualnych odgrywają decydującą rolę w codziennym funkcjonowaniu człowieka, decydując często o jego przydatności zawodowej. Celem pracy jest ocena poziomu motoryki precyzyjnej ręki starszych kobiet o zróżnicowanym poziomie aktywności ruchowej. Zbadano 153 słuchaczki Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku przy Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim (35 kobiet o wyższym poziomie aktywności i 118 seniorek o niższym poziomie aktywności ruchowej). W badaniach motoryki precyzyjnej ręki wykorzystano test MLS z panelu Wiedeńskiego Zestawu Testów. Wyniki wskazują, że poziom motoryki precyzyjnej ręki słuchaczek UTW we Wrocławiu jest dobry. Nie stwierdzono różnic między wynikami kobiet podejmujących regularną aktywność ruchową. Można przypuszczać, że czynności precyzyjne ręki wykorzystywane w życiu codziennym i wcześniejszej pracy zawodowej podlegają wolniejszym procesom inwolucyjnym niż ogólna sprawność fizyczna.
The ability to perform exact and precise manual movements plays a crucial role in each man's everyday life often deciding about his/her professional career. The aim of the work is the evaluation of precise motor skills of a hand in elderly women representing different levels of locomotor activity. The investigation comprised 153 students from the University of the Third Age in Wroclaw (35 elderly women with the higher level of activity and 118 elderly women with the lower level of motor activity). In the study on precise motor movements of a hand, the MLS test from the panel of the Vienna Test System was used. The results show that the level of precise motor movements of the hand is good. No differences were observed between the women undertaking regular physical activities. It is assumed that precise hand movements used in everyday life and in the previous profession are subject to slower involution processes than the general physical fitness.
Study aim: To assess the somatic and fitness status of adolescent boys from polluted industrial areas.Material and methods: A group of 313 boys aged 11 - 15 years from 5 villages located in the copper mine area in South-Western Poland were classified by the degree of lead and cadmium pollution (high - very high) and by parents' education (primary - secondary or higher). Somatic (body height and mass, BMI, body fat content) and functional (handgrip strength, standing broad jump, sit-and-reach, plate tapping, 1-kg medicinal ball throw, reaction time) were recorded. The data were standardised against age-specific means and standard deviations and subjected to two-way ANOVA.Results: Boys from more polluted area had significantly (p<0.01) higher BMI than those from the less polluted one but only when their parents had primary education. Explosive strength was significantly higher in the less polluted area (p<0.05) and when parents had higher than primary education (p<0.01). In case of reaction speed only the degree of environmental pollution had significant effect (p<0.05), no significant effects being noted for other variablesConclusions: The results pointed to the importance of parents' education in shaping health-directed behaviours, which may compensate for the negative impact of a degraded environment.
Purpose The aim of the present pilot study was to assess sex and age differences in sensory-motor coordination by examining eye-hand coordination in an elderly population. Methods. The sample consisted of 529 participants (158 men and 371 women) aged over 50 years from Poland. Participants performed the 2HAND test, with the results analyzed by two-way ANOVA. The three test parameters (total mean duration, total mean error duration, and coordination difficulty) of the test were treated as dependent variables while sex and age (separated into 5-year age groups) were the independent variables. Results. In each 5-year age group, differences between the analyzed parameters were higher in females. Significant age differences were found in the means of total mean duration and total mean error duration. Neither of the above parameters showed significant differences for sex. Conclusions. The values of all the parameters measuring eye-hand coordination showed a gradual deterioration with age. The pilot study warrants additional data collection, where large-scale quantitative research may help in the development of suitable prevention strategies to slow the impact of aging on eye-hand coordination abilities in the elderly.
Objective: To evaluate sex differences in functional performances of youth track and field athletes.Methods: Four tests of functional capacity were administered to 309 youth 11-15 years training for track and field at sport schools, 136 boys and 173 girls. Grip strength, standing long jump, 2 kg medicine ball throw and 20 m sprint were measured; height, weight and adiposity were also. Two age groups were compared, 11-13 and 14-15 years. ANCOVA was used to test sex differences by age group in the total sample (disciplines combined) and specific disciplines; age, height and weight were covariates.Results: For the total sample, males in both age groups performed better than females in the four tests but sex differences were greater among 14-15 year olds. Within disciplines, sex differences among sprinters and middle distance and distance runners were greater at 14-15 years. Results varied for general athletics; the magnitude of sex differences was similar for strength in both age groups, greater for the throw at 11-13 years and greater for the jump and sprint at 14-15 years.Conclusion: Although sex differences in performance were apparent among athletes 11-13 years, they were greater among athletes 14-15 years, reflecting to a large extent the male adolescent spurt in body size, muscle mass, strength and power. Sex differences were more established in sprinters and middle distance and distance runners, and more variable in participants in general athletics.
Objective. To evaluate the growth, maturity and functional characteristics of female sport school participants 11 - 15 years of age. Material and methods. The sample included 200 girls aged from 10.55 to 15.42 years. The majority (173) trained in track and field. Height, weight, three skinfolds and % Fat (NIR) were measured. Grip strength, standing long jump, 2 kg medicine ball throw and 20 m sprint were tested. Athletes were compared by menarcheal status and track and field discipline with MANCOVA. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, height, weight and adiposity to the four functional indicators in two age groups, 11 - 13 years and 14 - 15 years. Results. Median age at menarche was 12.99 ± 1.11 years. None of the functional tests differed between pre- and post-menarcheal athletes 13 years, while only grip strength differed between late and early maturing athletes 14 - 15 years. Height, weight and % Fat, but no performance items differed among track and field athletes by discipline. Team and individual sport athletes were heavier, fatter and stronger than track and field athletes but the latter performed better in the sprint and jump. Height, weight and adiposity accounted for significant portions of variation in the four functional indicators in each age group. Conclusions. Trends in body size of female athletes attending sport schools were generally consistent with observations for female athletes in several sports. Percentages of variance explained in functional indicators were greater in athletes 11 - 13 than 14 - 15 years of age.
An important aspect of a senior's life is to be able to function independently in his or her own and family surroundings as long as possible, actively participate in social life without economic barriers. Numerous studies show that the quality of life and the biological condition of the elderly alongside nutrition are clearly dominant and have a positive effect on their functional physical fitness. In order to promote physical activity and physiological prevention among the elderly, a physiotherapeutic program was organized under the "Summer Sanatorium of Prevention of the spine pain syndrome", which was attended regularly by a group of senior citizens from the Karkonosze University of the Third Age in Jelenia Góra. The aim of the study was to compare the level of functional physical activity before and after treatment among the participants. The study was conducted among 20 women aged 60-75 years, before and after 6 weeks of treatment, which included: gymnastics for prevention of back pain syndromes, relaxation training, full spine massage, TENS electrotherapy and ultrasound in the lumbar and cervical spine. Research included; assessment of functional physical fitness by the Functional Senior Fitness Tests: „stretching behind" and "slope forward", ranges of motion within the selected joints of the spine, upper and lower limbs. The selected form of physiotherapeutic treatment improves the results obtained after test with the Functional Senior Fitness Test and influences the range of motion in the selected joints, which demonstrates that physical fitness is improved. Physical activity in the form of general-purpose gymnastics favors higher levels of functional fitness of elderly women, physical therapy and massage improves mood and makes older people more willing to participate in physio preventing programs. The conducted research proves that the developed program was optimal and showed a positive effect on the daily functional fitness of the examined persons.
Purpose. To evaluate the growth and functional characteristics of male athletes 11-15 years of age. Basic procedures. The sample included 190 boys, 10.5-15.4 years, undergoing training of sport schools for track and field (136) and other sports (54). Height, weight, three skinfolds and % Fat (NIR) were measured. Grip strength, standing long jump, 2 kg medicine ball throw and 20 m sprint were tested. Track and field athletes were compared by discipline and to athletes in other sports using MANCOVA (multivariate analysis of covariance). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, body size and adiposity to the four functional indicators in two age groups, those 11-13 years and 14-15 years. Main findings. All variables except the standing long jump and 20 m sprint differed significantly by track and field discipline. Only height and ball throw differed among athletes in other sports. Track and field athletes had a significantly lower BMI and % Fat and performed better in the jump and sprint than athletes in other sports. Variance explained in each of the functional indicators was greater in younger than in older athletes. The sum of skinfolds and % Fat exerted a negative influence on all functional indicators. Conclusions. Trends in body size of male athletes attending sport schools were consistent with observations for youth male athletes in several sports. Height, weight and adiposity accounted for significant portions of variation in the four functional indicators in each age group, but the explained variance was higher in younger athletes.
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