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Social networks are effective and easy-to-use means of communication in the modern age technology. They remarkably influence the young users’ behavior being so entranced in such a virtual world which would easily develop into addiction. In this study we aim to measure the impact of addiction to Facebook on perception and working memory comparing two groups of young people, and how to protect scouting young people against this attachment or addiction. The study was carried out in the national center of scouting of Morocco at Ibn Tofail University on 53 master students with an average age of 24.45 years and 50 young scout leaders of Hassania Marocain scouting, who have an average age of 24.06. The educational level of these young people is between the 1st year of higher studies and the master degree. Digital test of complex Rey-Osterrieth figure and a Facebook addiction test questionnaire were used. The comparison of the means of attachment to Facebook between the two studied groups using T-test showed significant result (t = -2.510; P = .014 <0.05) with scout leaders demonstrated higher average of attachment to Facebook than that detected by master students. The results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between the hours consumed per day on Facebook and the perception and working memory. The perception of young Scout leaders is better than that of master students. We concluded that attachment to social networks influences working memory and perception, while the Scout method would serve as a new remedy for this scourge.
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