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The achievements of 19th-century Warsaw physicians and the first decades of the twentieth century who created the Polish otorhinolaryngology are presented briefly. The most famous of them are Teodor Heryng, Alfred Sokolowski and the surgeons Franciszek Jawdyński and Julian Kosiński. Other well-known doctors in Warsaw, whose merit were significant, are also analyzed.
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Choroby i urazy uszu podczas pierwszej wojny światowej

The problem of ears combat injuries during the First World War presented by three Polish otolaryngologists: Rafał Spira, Maurycy Hertz and Teofil Zalewski is analyzed widely. The injuries of the external ear, the tympanic membrane, the middle ear, the inner ear and the hearing organ and the balance organ are presented in detail. The diagnosis and treatment of these traumas in combat and hospital conditions are also analyzed. Intracranial complications following combat ear injuries were mentioned.
Zanalizowano szeroko problem urazów bojowych uszu w czasie pierwszej wojny światowej zaprezentowany przez trzech polskich otolaryngologów: Rafała Spirę, Maurycego Hertza i Teofila Zalewskiego. Szczegółowo zaprezentowano urazy ucha zewnętrznego, uszkodzenia błony bębenkowej, ucha środkowego, ucha wewnętrznego z objawami ze strony narządu słuchu i narządu równowagi. Zanalizowano także diagnostykę i terapię tych urazów w warunkach frontowych i szpitalnych. Wspominano o powikłaniach wewnątrzczaszkowych w następstwie bojowych urazów uszu.
At the beginning the causes of syphilis occurrence in the Hutsul region in the south-eastern Borderlands of the Second Republic of Poland were analyzed. The problem has been explored, especially the difficulties of outpatient and hospital treatment of this disease in this part of Poland. Diagnostic problems of syphilis in otorhinolaryngological disorders have been addressed.
Na wstępie zanalizowano przyczyny występowania kiły na Huculszczyźnie na kresach południowo-wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Szeroko zanalizowano problem a szczególnie trudności lecznictwa ambulatoryjnego i szpitalnego tej choroby w tej części Polski. Zrelacjonowano problemy diagnostyczne kiły w schorzeniach otorynolaryngologicznych.
The introduction presents the life, professional and scientific paths of dr. Kazimierz Szumowski (1901-1941), an otolaryngologist specialist at the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Jan Kazimierz University and the Social Insurance Hospital in Lvov, a participant in the fights in defense of Lvov, brutally murdered by the Soviets in 1941. His otorhinolaryngological achievements in otiatric radiology and studies on heat conduction in the mastoid process were thoroughly analyzed. The problem of removing foreign bodies from otorhinolaryngological organs and treating scleroma with chemical agents were among other things also analyzed.
Na wstępie przedstawiono drogi: życiową, zawodową i naukową doktora Kazimierza Szumowskiego (1901–1941), specjalisty otolaryngologa w Klinice Oto-laryngologii Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza oraz Szpitalu Ubezpieczalni Społecznej we Lwowie, uczestnika walk w obronie Lwowa, bestialsko zamordowanego przez sowietów w 1941 r. Zanalizowano dokładnie jego dokonania otorynolaryngologiczne w radiologii otiatrycznej oraz badania nad przewodnictwem ciepła w wyrostku sutkowym. Analizie poddano także m.in. problem usuwania ciał obcych z narządów otorynolaryngologicznych i leczenia twardzieli środkami chemicznymi.
A shortened biography of prof. Aleksander Władysław Radzimiński (1910-1972) – head of the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Medical Academy in Lodz is presented at the beginning. Thirteen unique unpublished documents have been analyzed. They concern professional and scientific activity of Professor Radzimiński in the last decades of the Second Republic of Poland, during the Nazi occupation and post-war period.
Na wstępie umieszczono skrócony życiorys prof. Aleksandra Władysława Radzimińskiego (1910-1972) – kierownika Kliniki Otolaryngologii Akademii Medycznej w Łodzi. Zanalizowano trzynaście unikatowych niepublikowanych dotychczas dokumentów. Dotyczą one działalności zawodowej i naukowej Profesora Radzimińskiego w ostatnich dekadach Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, okresie okupacji hitlerowskiej oraz okresie powojennym.
The aim of the following work is to evaluate faulty posture rate among kindergarten children. The following article describes the objective and the character of the promotional and prophylactic program conducted by the Wrocław City Council (Urząd Miasta Wrocławia) concerning the “Keep straight” (“Trzymaj się prosto”) campaign. The program includes youth between age of seven and seventeen in whom slight symptoms of faulty posture, concerning lower limbs and the spine, were revealed during examination. The only prophylactic activity assumed by the “Keep it straight” campaign are corrective exercises in gymnasium and swimming pool. The screening of the children and youth also allows introductional diagnostics and recognition of permanent faults and direction of the patients to specialist treatment in orthopedic and rehabilitation clinics. The screening was conducted on the verge of October and November 2007. A physical posture examination method was used to evaluate the faults that appeared. The children from five of Wrocław`s kindergartens were examined. The following work presents the symptomatology of the most frequent faults and highlights the necessity of conducting prophylactic activity at a very young age. The faulty posture is a serious diagnostic and therapeutic problem among young children and can be a source of severe health problems in their future. 373 children were examined. Faulty posture was revealed among 295 what represents 79,08% of the patients; 78 were described as healthy (20,92%). There were 160 boys (80,8%) and 135 girls (77,14%) in the group with faulty posture. There were 38 (19,2%) boys without faulty posture and 40 (22,86%) girls in the same group.
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