To investigate the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic splenectomy and portaazygous devascularization, we studied laparoscopic splenectomy and porto-azygos devascularization patients within the peri-operative period. Clinical data and curative effect are detailed alongside statistical analysis. The laparoscopic splenectomy and porto-azygos devascularization operation time was 2.56 + 0.62 hours. The intraoperative bleeding and anal exhaust time was 149.5 + 32.7ml 3.47 + 1.32 days, and the hospitalization time was 5.05 + 1.22 days. When the spleen volume was greater than or equal to 1.5 liters, the rate of open abdominal surgery increased significantly. After 1, 2, 3, and 4 years of follow-up, cumulative recurrence bleeding rates were 0, 5.20%, 9.98%, and 15.83%, respectively. Laparoscopic splenectomy and pericardial devascularization is safe, effective, and feasible, and it can be confirmed by enhanced spiral computed tomography (CT). Whether spleen volume greater than 1.5L is suited to laparoscopic surgery requires further research.
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