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Investigating the Microbial Safety and Physiochemical Quality of Local vs. Foreign Tomato Pastes: A Study in Rivers State, Nigeria


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This study investigates the microbial and physicochemical quality of commonly used tomato paste, assessing 30 local and foreign tomato pastes across three distinct categories and 5 fresh tomato paste serving as a control. Microbial analysis revealed significant variations in total heterotrophic bacteria counts. Local brands (SL), (GL), and (TL) exhibited counts ranging from 2.6×103 to 8.2×103 CFU/g, while foreign brands (FF), (VF), and (DT) displayed counts from 3.0×102 to 7.25×103 CFU/g and fresh tomato pastes ranged from 1.8×104 to 2.8×106 CFU/g. Staphylococcus and coliform counts presented brand-specific disparities. Morphological and biochemical characterization identified thirteen bacterial genera and various fungal species, highlighting the diverse microbial communities present. The frequency of occurrence of bacteria isolates showed Staphylococcus spp. 32.0%; Bacillus spp. 20%; Escherichia coli 22 %; Klebsiella spp. 15 %; Proteus spp. 13 %; Pseudomonas spp. 8% Citrobacter 8.0%; Corynebacterium 5.0%; Enterobacter spp. 5.0%; Lactobacillus spp. 4.0%; Micrococcus spp. 3.0% and Salmonella spp. 4.28%.Fungal species had different occurrences, with: Yeast 22.8%; Aspergillus niger 16.9%; Mucor 10.1; Fusarium 16.9%; Pink Yeast 6.7%; Aspergillus flavus 2 %; Rhizopus stolonifera 11.8% Aspergillus fumigatus 1.0%. Penicillium 5.08% Trichoderma 1.69% Candida 10.0% and Saccharomyces 1.09%. Physicochemical analysis demonstrated variations in pH, ascorbic acid content, and moisture levels. Foreign tomato pastes exhibited higher pH values compared to local brands. Ascorbic acid content ranged from 17.59 to 27.80 mg/kg, and moisture content varied among fresh, local and foreign tomato paste. The study recommends conduct long-term studies to monitor trends in microbial safety and quality over time, which can inform future food safety policies and practices. Implementing these recommendations aims to enhance tomato paste quality, ensuring microbial safety and adherence to essential physicochemical quality.






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  • Department of Microbiology, University of Port Harcourt, PMB 5323, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • Department of Microbiology, University of Port Harcourt, PMB 5323, Rivers State, Nigeria


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