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Tourism as an instrument for valuing, and disseminating natural, and cultural heritage


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Why is it important to know the geomorphodiversity, the geodiversity, the hydrological, and the biological diversity of the region we visit? This paper is a photographic summary of several scientific, and touristic expeditions carried out in recent years in different ecosystems in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The main objective is to show the importance of the relationship between knowledge about the environment, and its resources, with the scenic beauty of the landscape of natural environments, translated into a huge number of rivers, streams, and crystalline lakes connected by a series of cascades, and waterfalls, embedded in a network of mountains of exuberant geological formation, deserts, and forests rich in plant, and animal species.



  • Ploaia Agronomia, Ecologia e Meio Ambiente, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil
  • Ploaia Agronomia, Ecologia e Meio Ambiente, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil


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